Lunchtime at the office

My lunch usually consists of a sandwich, a banana and some grapes.

I recently switched the bread for pitta bread but I'm looking to add a bit of variety as it's getting a bit boring.

This has always been the case before I started using MFP but my answer to add some variety back then was to go and get junk food (McD's/KFC/etc) which isn't an option now.

Just wondered what other people take to work for their lunch?


  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    I generally stop off at the shop on the way and get a '£3 meal deal' = a bottle of water, a pack of fruit and either a healthy options sandwich or salad which is around 250 calories in total.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I usually have salad, ham and egg, or cottage cheese. Today I had cous cous and salad. If you arent a salad fan, what about savoury rice? You can put lots of veg in and the rice is as filling as a sandwich. I have also discovered sushi, which isnt too may cals either.

    Hope that helps!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    Butternut Squash and Lentil Casserole, made it the other night and saved a portion for today!
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    Make your own soups maybe? Endless options and really healthy and tasty. I like homemade pea soup with loads of herbs (plus add ham for your meat quota).
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I like to grill up a bunch of skinless chicken breasts or tenders in the beginning of the week, then make a big salad, or if you're not a salad fan, just skip the lettuce part. I cut up the chicken, add black beans, part skim mozzerella cheese, crunchy fiesta strips, olives and either salsa or low fat greek dressing...yummy!
    Also hummus (esp Tribe roasted red pepper) on tortilla chips or crackers is good.
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I usually have a salad, Chicken breast, Fresh fruit, Gogurt, and a light string chesse! And lots of water!!
  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    Lentil soup for me today. 186 calories for the can and it's quite filling.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    stock up on cans of good soup and alternate between soup, salad and leftovers. thats what i do. i try to not have sandwiches at all anymore because they have so many calories in them and i never feel satisfied afterwards.

    there is soo much to chose from for lunch. be adventurous :o)
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    I work at a hospital that has REALLY good food. They have a great salad bar, and also vegetarian options... AND, they are cheap. I buy homemade oatmeal every morning, there, for 60 cents.


  • AndyParkes
    AndyParkes Posts: 35
    Thanks all

    Some good suggestions there.

    My wife usually suggests soup but it rarely fills me up which is why I generally avoid it as I end up eating something else with it.

    Chicken is a good idea though as it's something I really enjoy so could use that and add stuff to it

    thanks again :happy:
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    I usually make a salad (One of the following):

    -Quinoa with sundried tomato paste mixted through- with olives, roasted butternut & Aubergine (Eggplant) cubes.
    - Wholewheat pasta shapes with reduced fat pesto with tomato, cucumber, red onion & rocket (Arugula)
    - Wholewheat cous cous with harissa/ chilli paste & bell peppers, onions, feta & olives.
    - Tuna, cold baby potato chunks, black olives, green beans, lettuce leaves, cucumber (Add a hardbolied egg if you have the cals and you have a nicoise).
    - Marinated chicken tikka pieces (Either shop bought or home made) with cucmber, tomatoes, onions, lettuce & yoghurt & mint dressing. (Easy dressing- fat free plain yoghurt + tsp mint sauce).

    or cold leftover from the night before (Pasta, stir fry, lentil daal)

    or pitta strips with low cal dip (Salsa, tzatziki) and veggies (Bell peppers, cucmber sticks, carrot or celery sticks).

    Or a big fruit bowl.

    Plus I keep a well stocked stash of healthy low cal snacks: Cup a soups, melba toasts, rice cakes, breakfast bars.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Banana at about 10am, chicken salad sandwich and an apple at midday, tin of tuna at about 2.30pm. Maybe 25g of nuts with lunch if I've had a particularly intensive workout that morning.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    You can always use veggie soup as a 'filler' - have it with something else that you would normally have a bigger portion of. just cut down whatever you would normally eat, and make sure you eat a big bowl of the soup first. That way you'll fill up on the veggies, and have a little of what you're craving. Careful on the soup though - a lot of packaged ones are really high in sodium.

    My Gran's veggie soup:

    packet soup mix (usually lentils and other dried things... it's just called 'soup mix' at the supermarket)
    1 parsnip
    1 carrot
    1 onion
    1 celery stick
    1/2 pack of barley (100g or so)
    1 turnip
    1 lamb shank
    4 litres of water

    chop up the veggies really fine, put everything into a pot and simmer for four hours. leave to cool, scrape all the fat off the top (from the shank). bring back to boil, simmer and scrape twice more. then take out the shank and shred the meat. there isn't much fat in this as you've scraped most of it off each time it cools. you add more water if needed as you cook. it does take a weekend to make, but is the most delicious soup EVER.
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    Today I had a tomato and 3 bean soup for 250 cals (tasted like chilli), with a slice of granary bread at 98 cals with sweet chilli rice crackers 102 cals

    Pretty filling! I have a pear and a banana for snacks
  • AndyParkes
    AndyParkes Posts: 35
    Banana at about 10am, chicken salad sandwich and an apple at midday, tin of tuna at about 2.30pm. Maybe 25g of nuts with lunch if I've had a particularly intensive workout that morning.

    Cheers Zo :wink:

    That sounds pretty practical for me on a day where i haven't had time to prepare anything - I'll need to swap the nuts out for something though as I really don't like nuts at all
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    I try to make my lunch the evening before - quick salads (chopping up vegetables in advance helps too), low carb wraps (just a Flatout with a Gardenburger and a slice of cheese sometimes), and for days when I have nothing prepared, I'll take a frozen meal (Amy's is what I like the best and trust)..

    I work at a university so I have to ward off all of the pretty decent food options :ohwell:
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    hi today i made a salad which had the following in it:
    letice,sugar snap peas,sweetcorn, pine nuts, fetta cheese, carrott and then a cooked a fillet of pepered salmon and has a small amount of sweet chili sauce.
    it was very nice, low in calories and filling :)
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Today I had 4oz taco meat (20 oz 99% lean turkey, 16 oz 93% lean beef makes 9 4oz portions) seasoned with taco seasoning, 1/4 cup refried beans, 2 tbsp salsa, 1/2 cup spinach, a pinch (about 1/8 cup) 2% cheddar cheese all heated up and mixed together (I call it taco junk) with 2 soft corn tortillas for 369 calories.
  • realdisco
    realdisco Posts: 9
    I've found it VERY helpful to make up batches of real food variety and take leftovers for the week:

    - extra lean ground beef with tomatoe sauce and lots of vegetables and spices cooked together.
    - chicken breast/thighs cooked with tomatoes, basil, and a splash of white wine.
    - pork tenderloin (usually come as a pair anyway), marinated or dry rubbed, roasted.
    - roasted yams or sweet potatoes for a side.
    - roasted peppers and onions, roasted up with olive oil and seasonings.

    These are pretty simple to make too!
  • dorida
    dorida Posts: 2
    Scrambled eggs are easy to do if you have a microwave at work. 1 minute for 1 egg ( 80 calories), add a slice of processed

    cheese ( 60 calories) on a nice slice of rye bread ( 100 calories), and you're good to go.
