Here I go again.....but this time for good

So I lost 140lbs in 2011 by cut back on sugar and heavy weight lifting 5 days a week. Then I got pregnant, got lazy, ate crap gained weight.... Got prego again. .. Gained more ...I entirely done...I have a brood of 5 kids. I work my *kitten* off at my job sometimes 60hrs a week. I am determined to get 100lbs off and keep it gone. I used to be able to bench 210 with reps... Now I back down to the bar...


  • EatPrayLove37
    EatPrayLove37 Posts: 4 Member
    I think what will help you is having that previous success behind you. You KNOW you can do it, and you have that urge to bench 210 again, so go do it! Sure, everything is different now, but start by lifting the kids, you'll get there in no time ;-)
  • robdowns1300
    robdowns1300 Posts: 152 Member
    I lost weight & am bring my bench numbers back up at age 56. You've got this!