DiamondDolls Week 3!

DiamondDolls Posts: 32
I apologize for the late update (4th of July shenanigans!), so I'll make this quick.

Winners of the Biggest Loser of their respective teams are...

BethanieK of the Green Team, with 3.2 lbs lost!
Mzmonica of the Orange Team, with 6.4, that was the biggest of all the teams this week!
And Harrar10 brought in the biggest loss for the Purple Team with 3 lbs!

This week has been a lot of trying to find replacements for folks, since unfortunately some people have had to leave due to responsibilities outside of MFP, which is completely understandable.

We're almost a full team again, but keep in mind, we beat DITR shy of a full team, you guys are doing great! Keep up the good work, and remember the QOTD go here!

So, which team won the weigh-in?

Orange Team pulled the win this time, with 10.4 lbs!
Purple was close with a 9.9 lbs lost, and Green scored 8.8!

Have a lovely week, ladies, work hard!


  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Yeah Orange team!
  • Go Orange Team...Let's do it again this week! I'm ready to pull a big number again! =)
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Great job Ladies!

    WooHoo Orange Team!! We rock! Way to go mzmonica on a 6.4 pound loss!!:flowerforyou:

    Lets do it all over again this week girls!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Sorry ladies - posted question in the wrong thread!
  • QOTD for Monday July 4th

    Since it was the 4th of July here in the states, my question is "what is your favorite summertime holiday tradition?"

    mine, crazy as it seems has become walking the July 4th parade with our high school marching band. my husband and I are part of the "water crew" that keeps the kids hydrated through the parade. It's lots of fun and a great opportunity to spend time as a family (and sneak in some exercise too!). My daughter is now a senior, so this was our last one too!

    This is not our QOTD, but if you guys are down for answering 2 questions today go for it. We had no one assigned for July 4th, photorific has QOTD today.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Sorry ladies - got in a hurry and posted in the wrong thread!
  • partonsara
    partonsara Posts: 79 Member
    Nice work ladies! And go orange team :) I unfortunately did not lose weight but I didn't gain any either! However I had a huge NSV yesterday, I bought a size 8! In just 11 months I have gone from a size 16 to an 8 - crazy!!! Have a great day!
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    BethanieK of the Green Team, with 3.2 lbs lost!
    Mzmonica of the Orange Team, with 6.4, that was the biggest of all the teams this week!
    And Harrar10 brought in the biggest loss for the Purple Team with 3 lbs!

    Good job, Harrar10 - congrats on your loss!! And, Mzmonica - holy cow - 6.4!!! That's astounding! But above all - WTG, BethanieK!!!!!! Go, Green!!!! :drinker:
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Wow!! Amazing job ladies!! A big congrats to our biggest losers and the orange team!!
    Watch out next week, purple team are gonna come back strong!!! :happy:
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?
    For me - the one meal I always have items for in my house is Chicken Caesar Salad. I pre-cook chicken breast tenderloins at the beginning of the week for use throughout, and always have romaine and Caesar Dressing.

    And, the one thing that I cannot bring into the house is bread. Not sandwich bread - I can easily ignore that - but fresh bakery bread... French baguettes, and especially good sourdough. I've got -0- self control when it comes to those.
  • What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?

    I have 2 favorite quick meals lately. Both of them come from the Insanity meal guide. One is their Protein Pizza (whole wheat sandwich thin, tomato sauce, grilled chicken, and mozzarella, with steamed broccoli on the side). The other is the Pasta and Feta Bowl (whole wheat pasta, feta, mixed veggies, and grilled chicken).

    The one thing I can't allow in the house anymore would have to be ice cream. I used to put down a half gallon in 2 days by myself! :sick: :embarassed:
    I will occasionally buy some sherbet though.
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?

    I try to keep walnuts and peanuts around.
    As for the second part...
    There are no cakes, cupcakes or doughnuts allowed in the house!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    QOTD for Monday July 4th

    Since it was the 4th of July here in the states, my question is "what is your favorite summertime holiday tradition?"


    I really don't have one. I hate summer and try to stay inside most of the time. I might go to my parents pool more often. If I had the money I would go somewhere cooler for the 4th!
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    CONGRATS to Orange team - and shout to my girls on the purple team! We'll get 'em next week! Didn't lose or gain last week and ready to knock it out of the park again this week.

    My favorite summertime tradition is visiting with family on the lake. Either the Finger Lakes or Random Lake in Wisconsin. I love the relaxation and patriotism in the small towns near the lakes. At the end of my mini-vacations to these peaceful pieces of paradise, I never want to leave! Had a great 4th this year with my aunt and uncle on the Finger Lakes. Going for another weekend getaway in a few weeks! Can't wait to swim, kayak and ski in the lake again.
  • Harrar10
    Harrar10 Posts: 116
    First offf!! Way to go everyone!!!! We beat DITR AGAIN!!! WOOO WHOOO>>!!!!
    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    I'd have to say salad! every week I take 2 heads of lettuce and chop them up and separate them into containers of 1 cup in each. I eat them for lunch and dinner. It usually makes about 12 salads which will last me about 6 days.
  • MeganLord
    MeganLord Posts: 28 Member
    QOTD for Monday July 4th

    Since it was the 4th of July here in the states, my question is "what is your favorite summertime holiday tradition?"

    A tradition I have been doing with family as young as prob a year old till I was 20 has been going to the lake and camping out on 4th of July weekend and boating/jet skiing.. I def miss it! :(

    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Almost anything that is Mexican or Chinese in the lean cuisine frozen foods :)

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?
    Nothing.. my husband can eat what he wants and not gain a thing.. but I just try to limit or not consume any of the things he gets that are unhealthy! :)
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?

    Food kept on hand: I don't really have anything that can distract me from eating out...but I do try to keep salad stuff in the house to help control my portions...fill up on salad before the yummy stuff theory :-)

    Foods not aloud in the house: Zomg I am a cookie/cake/pastry fiend!!! I have ZERO self control with stuff like that...portion or otherwise!! "what do you mean a sleeve of thin mint is more than one serving?!?!?" Ya...its THAT bad... :blushing:
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?

    One food I always have on hand now is the egg whites in a carton. I can make a scramble in the morning really quick before heading out. It will keep me full for a while, and it is super low in calories! I'm not a lettuce snob (like someone I know ;) ) So I just grab the prepackaged salads by Fresh Express. Their strawberry salad and pear salad are amazing, it's like dessert!

    There can be absolutely no cake or doughnuts in the house, I would surely overindulge.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    QOTD - A 2-parter for July 5:

    What's the one food (or meal) you keep on hand at all times for a quick, easy and healthy meal during those times when you'd normally be tempted to eat out?

    Conversely, what's the one food that is no longer allowed in your house, because it elicits overindulgence?

    It's not really a meal, but several small things I always keep on hand. Oatmeal, greek yogurt and fruit are my go-to's. Anything sweet and chocolaty is banned. We buy it only when it is a planned treat. A hundred pounds ago I would sit down and eat an ENTIRE bag of Peanut M&M's, the huge family sized bag!!!
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