Why oh why do I sabotage myself?



  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    displaced1 wrote: »
    I also don't bring trigger foods in the house. But I do plan an endulgent treat daily. I make a mug cake or plan chocolate or ice cream into my calories. If I feel like I'm depriving myself I have cycles of binging on treats. And sometimes I don't need the treat. Since I know it's available daily I have an easier time saying no.

    I did that also for a while. I made sure that I had a low glycemic snack every day and planned it in. Now I hardly want or miss it. I guess our tastes can change over time. Sweet things make me not feel well when I eat them. It is great for a few minutes, but then I feel yucky. So thankfully I do have a negative deterrent on my side.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have periods of time when I am so focused and manage really well. But once I fall off the wagon that's it! It's so hard to get back on! Every day I tell myself today is the day and I start off with the best intentions only to ruin it by the end of the day. Why can't I stop myself from reaching for the crisps/chocolate/ice cream? I know I would never stop having them completely and I like to have a little of what I fancy every day but I can't stop at a little bit lately :/ why??? I'm getting married next September and have around 80 pounds to lose. It's not going to happen at this rate :/

    I see most missed this part of the post...

    OP I have chips and chocolate too every night.

    I portion it out and leave it at that.

    How do I do it? I just do...if it's just lately look inward and see why...perhaps it's TOM? are you stressed over something else?

    Maybe if you allow for it in your day you might find it easier to stick to it that way.

    What is your deficit at this time? Might be too large?
  • eileensofianmushinfine
    eileensofianmushinfine Posts: 303 Member
    I have periods of time when I am so focused and manage really well. But once I fall off the wagon that's it! It's so hard to get back on! Every day I tell myself today is the day and I start off with the best intentions only to ruin it by the end of the day. Why can't I stop myself from reaching for the crisps/chocolate/ice cream? I know I would never stop having them completely and I like to have a little of what I fancy every day but I can't stop at a little bit lately :/ why??? I'm getting married next September and have around 80 pounds to lose. It's not going to happen at this rate :/

    the key to my success is to eliminate any "trigger" foods in my home. Therefore, you will not find cookies, candy, chips, etc....I do keep frozen yogurt, but when I have it I do weigh it out on the scale first. If it's not in the house, you can't eat it....

    BAFCH Posts: 23 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    displaced1 wrote: »
    I also don't bring trigger foods in the house. But I do plan an endulgent treat daily. I make a mug cake or plan chocolate or ice cream into my calories. If I feel like I'm depriving myself I have cycles of binging on treats. And sometimes I don't need the treat. Since I know it's available daily I have an easier time saying no.

    I did that also for a while. I made sure that I had a low glycemic snack every day and planned it in. Now I hardly want or miss it. I guess our tastes can change over time. Sweet things make me not feel well when I eat them. It is great for a few minutes, but then I feel yucky. So thankfully I do have a negative deterrent on my side.

    The same for me, too. I feel sick after eating chocolate now and I don't crave it at all. I've had a jar of Nutella in the kitchen for about a month and I haven't once touched it... If that was me 6 months ago, I'd have demolished the jar within a few days.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    BAFCH wrote: »
    DebSozo wrote: »
    displaced1 wrote: »
    I also don't bring trigger foods in the house. But I do plan an endulgent treat daily. I make a mug cake or plan chocolate or ice cream into my calories. If I feel like I'm depriving myself I have cycles of binging on treats. And sometimes I don't need the treat. Since I know it's available daily I have an easier time saying no.

    I did that also for a while. I made sure that I had a low glycemic snack every day and planned it in. Now I hardly want or miss it. I guess our tastes can change over time. Sweet things make me not feel well when I eat them. It is great for a few minutes, but then I feel yucky. So thankfully I do have a negative deterrent on my side.

    The same for me, too. I feel sick after eating chocolate now and I don't crave it at all. I've had a jar of Nutella in the kitchen for about a month and I haven't once touched it... If that was me 6 months ago, I'd have demolished the jar within a few days.

    That is so funny. :D I have 1/2 jar of Nutella in the fridge for the same reason. I ate too much and felt blechy and haven't touched it since. I should just toss it.
  • RCStrangeacres
    RCStrangeacres Posts: 3 Member
    Newbie troubles. Such great advice and comments to my post, but now, how do I reply directly to the thread?
  • Raptor2763
    Raptor2763 Posts: 387 Member
    This is not unlike setting a thermostat. Once comfortable at a certain temperature, we're reluctant to change the thermostat. Losing weight, however, is at least as much about changing lifestyles (thermostats) as anything else. It's natural (and frustrating) when the self-sabotage sets in. HOWEVER, the trick is to get back on the horse once you've been thrown.
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    Newbie troubles. Such great advice and comments to my post, but now, how do I reply directly to the thread?

    Just push the quote button on the bottom left of the person's post.
  • nancy1465
    nancy1465 Posts: 25 Member
    First off...congratulations on getting married...so exciting! We have all been in the same place as you which is why we are all together here. I am a Monday dieter and seem to give up mid week for years! A few over weight people I know got strokes recently and I also saw some pics of me which turned my head around. My daughter is getting married next year and I want to look good in her pics. So this is my first time on MFP . I find if I log on every day and read all my food labels and up my water intake, I am being successful this time round. I do indulge in a few treats and YES it is hard to just stop at a few. I have been here 5 weeks now and yesterday was probably one of the first days I felt full and wasnt hungry. So it took my stomach that long to finally start shrinking. All the best with your weight loss. You will get there! smile:
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    BAFCH wrote: »
    I'm exactly the same as you and know how you feel. It's a horrible feeling! I know that I can eat anything I like as long as in within my calorie goal, but it just doesn't work for me. I've tried this and I can't seem to stop myself and convince myself 'just one more' but it never is just one more and I end up inhaling the whole packet of whatever it is. It isn't healthy for me to keep this up, and like you I have very good spells and then not so good spells.

    I have now decided that I will not eat anything that I know I will want more and more of, ie; biscuits, chips, potatoes etc. It's a constant downward spiral that I'm sick of now and need to take control of! It's the only way it will work for me!

    Good luck with it, I'm going to follow this post to see if there are any tips I can get! :)

    This is more common than you think. The good news is that after a very short time these things become less appealing. Some people even stop liking them all together...for instance tea with sugar tastes gross to me now even though I used to drink it all day long every day.
  • Dsjava
    Dsjava Posts: 8 Member
    DebSozo wrote: »
    Newbie troubles. Such great advice and comments to my post, but now, how do I reply directly to the thread?

    Just push the quote button on the bottom left of the person's post.

    Thanks for asking this question. I just joined yesterday and this is a helpful tip.
  • Dsjava
    Dsjava Posts: 8 Member
    nancy1465 wrote: »
    First off...congratulations on getting married...so exciting! We have all been in the same place as you which is why we are all together here. I am a Monday dieter and seem to give up mid week for years! A few over weight people I know got strokes recently and I also saw some pics of me which turned my head around. My daughter is getting married next year and I want to look good in her pics. So this is my first time on MFP . I find if I log on every day and read all my food labels and up my water intake, I am being successful this time round. I do indulge in a few treats and YES it is hard to just stop at a few. I have been here 5 weeks now and yesterday was probably one of the first days I felt full and wasnt hungry. So it took my stomach that long to finally start shrinking. All the best with your weight loss. You will get there! smile:

    Just started yesterday -- and one of the reasons is as you state -- I saw photos of myself and couldn't believe the disparity between what I "thought" I looked like in my head (40 pounds ago...) and today's reality. But I feel encouraged to just take it one pound at a time. Having a special event as a goal is a great idea! Best of luck!
    BAFCH Posts: 23 Member

    This is more common than you think. The good news is that after a very short time these things become less appealing. Some people even stop liking them all together...for instance tea with sugar tastes gross to me now even though I used to drink it all day long every day.

    Yep, I know. I can't even eat a chocolate bar without feeling sick now. I'm just hoping to get to the same place with potatoes/chips/crisps.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I have periods of time when I am so focused and manage really well. But once I fall off the wagon that's it! It's so hard to get back on! Every day I tell myself today is the day and I start off with the best intentions only to ruin it by the end of the day. Why can't I stop myself from reaching for the crisps/chocolate/ice cream? I know I would never stop having them completely and I like to have a little of what I fancy every day but I can't stop at a little bit lately :/ why??? I'm getting married next September and have around 80 pounds to lose. It's not going to happen at this rate :/

    My engagement brought me (back) to MFP as well - it was the thought of wedding photos that did it for me.

    I've found macros and timing help me quite a bit - if I eat more protein and less carbs, I want less carbs. If I save treats for after dinner, I don't overindulge.

    I've learned what foods I can moderate. Those I can't, I do not have in the house.

    Getting sufficient sleep and exercise helps eliminate cravings for me as well.

    Finally, I use the cognitive behavioral techniques that helped me stop abusing alcohol, mainly the Addictive Voice Recognition. The voice that says "You deserve..." does not have my best interests at heart.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    How largo of a deficit do you give yourself? For me, if I have too large of a deficit, I end up in a binge and just maintain. I lose weight slower with a small deficit but I feel more satisfied and I don't end up in a binge.

    @Tashlovesfood this is a really good point - an over-aggressive deficit leads to binges for many people.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Maybe stop putting a judgement or deadline on your weight. Don't call yourself a fat bride if you don't drop 80 lbs. You are the person your partner wants to marry right now. You are a happy bride, a blushing bride, an energetic bride, a radiant bride- why associate officially joining your life with your partner's life with negativity? A wedding is one day. Lose weight to be your healthiest and enjoy the rest of your life to the fullest because you deserve that.
    Get rid of the emotional baggage of food being good or bad. Eat mostly nutritient dense foods because it is treating your body right to meet your nutritional needs which keeps you healthier.
    There is no cart to fall off of. Every single day you start fresh with your food and activity choices. In the bigger picture if you stick to your calorie deficit most days you will lose weight. If you stick to your calorie deficit every single day your progress will be faster.

    I find pre-logging my whole day helps me to stick to my goals better.

    Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding!
  • wenkell22
    wenkell22 Posts: 25 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    Maybe stop putting a judgement or deadline on your weight. Don't call yourself a fat bride if you don't drop 80 lbs. You are the person your partner wants to marry right now. You are a happy bride, a blushing bride, an energetic bride, a radiant bride- why associate officially joining your life with your partner's life with negativity? A wedding is one day. Lose weight to be your healthiest and enjoy the rest of your life to the fullest because you deserve that.
    Get rid of the emotional baggage of food being good or bad. Eat mostly nutritient dense foods because it is treating your body right to meet your nutritional needs which keeps you healthier.
    There is no cart to fall off of. Every single day you start fresh with your food and activity choices. In the bigger picture if you stick to your calorie deficit most days you will lose weight. If you stick to your calorie deficit every single day your progress will be faster.

    I find pre-logging my whole day helps me to stick to my goals better.

    Congratulations on your engagement and upcoming wedding!

    This is fabulous advice for everyone…not just the bride to be! I feel all inspired now! :-)
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone. Not gonna lie I'm still struggling. It's like part of me doesn't want me to succeed. You've all given me some fab advice and yes, maybe I should stop putting a number or putting myself down. I need to turn a page and start fresh
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Most of the time, I can eat my sweets/desserts/chips/chocolate as 1 serving and be fine. I still have times where I just want it all NOW PLS. What helps me is "I can have more tomorrow" and even pre-logging to include it. I log my daily snacks every morning - diet pop, gum, and chocolate coffee beans. I make sure I have a dessert or sweet every day to keep my hind brain calmed down.

    I learned through my own mistakes and listening to people on MFP that my diet/day wasn't in the toilet because I ate the whole bag of chips/cookies/candy bar. It was one day/week and I can turn it around. You're a good person. You're not "bad" or "naughty" for eating those chips or cookies or what have you. Being engaged and dealing with the wedding prep is quite stressful and yeah, some days you're going to eat stuff that's "bad", but make sure those kinds of days are few and the "on target" days are more.
  • Tashlovesfood
    Tashlovesfood Posts: 51 Member