My rant about the MFP community.



  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136

    Its fact that over the long term that followers of the Atkins plan have a higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases among other problems. .

    Stop right there, i want to address your claims one at at time. Please cite a source for this claim because to my knowledge, and I've read quite a bit on the subject, it is completely untrue.

    May I intervene for just a moment? While i appreciate the support ( kind of ) , you're both doing one of the first things that bothered me about this site.... arguing your opinion without consideration of other peoples diets. When I said my mother made me sandwiches every day for lunch she knew it was because we burned it off through out the day. We very rarely ate heavy carbs at dinner (rice, bread etc..) because we weren't able to burn it off in our sleep. Instead we ate a lot of "carb substitutes" like spaghetti squash ( a personal favorite now) .

    If you want to get into the VERY basics of carbohydrate consumption you need to look at the cellular respiration formula :C6H12O6 is the primary molecule involved. Why do you think "carb loading" used to be such a fad, you felt full fast because the body hardly had to make any conversions of the glucose molecule. This same reasoning is why vegetables and protein will make you feel full LONGER. Your body has a much longer conversion process and thus takes longer to digest these delicious foods. It is a little more complex then that but like I said for now just the basics.

    From the looks of it BOTH of you have found a weight loss method that is working perfectly for YOU and i encourage both of you to continue with it, because again it works for YOU. I didn't mean to imply either "You should eat tonnes of carbohydrates because its the only way to lose weight" but I also didn't mean to imply "cutting out carbohydrates completely is unhealthy or an awful way to lose weight." I'm not the type of person who likes extremes and I've found that has worked best for ME. I like a little more balance (because i adore bread....european thing i guess?), but I do occasionally do low carb weeks to change up my eating schedule and it usually is the week i lose most.

    But I found this website about low carb eating ( i haven't read through all of it) but it does seem fairly reliable/ accurate... so if you really want to end the debate right now just have a little read in your spare time!

    You are the one who spouted off on low carb diets, and now you are calling ME out? You did EXACTLY what you are accusing other people of: "arguing your opinion without consideration of other peoples diets." For goodness sake is everyone on drugs here?

    I have no problem debating or discussing any kind of diet plan, but when people make proclamations or state facts which I know to be untrue I'm going to say something. If that reduces your enjoyment of this site, well I'm sorry, but that's how its going to be.
  • beernutz
    beernutz Posts: 136

    Its fact that over the long term that followers of the Atkins plan have a higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases among other problems. .

    Stop right there, i want to address your claims one at at time. Please cite a source for this claim because to my knowledge, and I've read quite a bit on the subject, it is completely untrue.

    May I intervene for just a moment? While i appreciate the support ( kind of ) , you're both doing one of the first things that bothered me about this site.... arguing your opinion without consideration of other peoples diets. When I said my mother made me sandwiches every day for lunch she knew it was because we burned it off through out the day. We very rarely ate heavy carbs at dinner (rice, bread etc..) because we weren't able to burn it off in our sleep. Instead we ate a lot of "carb substitutes" like spaghetti squash ( a personal favorite now) .

    If you want to get into the VERY basics of carbohydrate consumption you need to look at the cellular respiration formula :C6H12O6 is the primary molecule involved. Why do you think "carb loading" used to be such a fad, you felt full fast because the body hardly had to make any conversions of the glucose molecule. This same reasoning is why vegetables and protein will make you feel full LONGER. Your body has a much longer conversion process and thus takes longer to digest these delicious foods. It is a little more complex then that but like I said for now just the basics.

    From the looks of it BOTH of you have found a weight loss method that is working perfectly for YOU and i encourage both of you to continue with it, because again it works for YOU. I didn't mean to imply either "You should eat tonnes of carbohydrates because its the only way to lose weight" but I also didn't mean to imply "cutting out carbohydrates completely is unhealthy or an awful way to lose weight." I'm not the type of person who likes extremes and I've found that has worked best for ME. I like a little more balance (because i adore bread....european thing i guess?), but I do occasionally do low carb weeks to change up my eating schedule and it usually is the week i lose most.

    But I found this website about low carb eating ( i haven't read through all of it) but it does seem fairly reliable/ accurate... so if you really want to end the debate right now just have a little read in your spare time!

    ...... i probably should have posted the link, oops :)

    How exactly am I arguing my opinion without consideration of other people's diets? Go back and read my very first post, in fact read everything I've posted in this thread. NOWHERE do I attack or otherwise denigrate anyone else's diet. I don't even suggest that everyone should do a low carb diet. What I am responding to are unfounded statements about these diets. That is it. No more, no less.

    That's an interesting and informative read and I agree with most of it, but it is hardly the last word on the issue. The source of the numbers in his table at the bottom aren't provided. That concerns me. And while it isn't mandatory that people acknowledge their work, this document appears to be anonymous, or at the least the author isn't listed on this page.
  • mynameisnutz
    mynameisnutz Posts: 123
    Its fact that over the long term that followers of the Atkins plan have a higher incidence of cardiovascular diseases among other problems. .

    I am still waiting for you to back up this statement of "fact" with anything remotely resembling actual fact. I'm guessing you won't return to this thread, because you can not back it up.

    I, on the other hand, can show you a two year study that shows that in addition to winning the weight loss battle, a low carb diet in fact beat out the Mediterranean diet and a low fat diet in terms of improving lipid profile.