25 calorie snack

Hi guys,

I need some help. Im hungry, not having tea for another hour at least and have 25 calories to use..... any ideas please???


  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    Some sort of vegetable...tomatoes and cucumbers are two things I've eaten recently that were some low low amount of calories. I can't think of anything else though!
  • perceptualobfuscator
    perceptualobfuscator Posts: 159 Member
    I always go for carrots. Delicious and fun to eat. Plus, lots of Vitamin A. Yum.
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    one hand full of low fat popcorn
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Raw vegetables are about the only thing you can eat any quantity of and still be that low. Maybe some carrots or bell pepper? Radishes?
  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    its prob to late to buy anything, but for the future, i always keep those sugar free jello snack packs in my fridge, 10 cals each. they are more expensive then if you make it, but the convinence of having it when you neeed a fast snack is great! i always have those. i also keep the snack sized carrots, they are 35, but sill perfect when im hngry and have almost no cals left. sugar free popsicles, 3 pieces of sugar free candy, one rice cake,
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Carrots for me too when calorie allowance is low! :) Enjoy your snack.
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    lol, I just had del monte diced peaches in water, no sugar added. Calories=25.
  • wait2lost
    wait2lost Posts: 2
    Celery, Rich in Vitamin C & potential for reducing high blood pressure
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    i like apricots. not very filling but a small apricot is enough to hold you over until you next meal and 17cal. a bigger one a little more.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    Spinach and cherry tomatos are pretty awesome.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    celery is very low in cals, but not always good alone, I like hummus on it lol
  • B3h1ndgr33neyez
    B3h1ndgr33neyez Posts: 21 Member
    1/4 cup of cheerios is 25 cals :D But that probably won't be filling =P So yeah, any veggies are good to go! Carrots, broccoli--mm mm!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    the 10 calorie jello cups are AWESOME!!!! I eat one almost everyday at work with my lunch :) Definitely recommend stocking up on those babies. Strawberry is my favorite.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    small carrot - 15-20 calories
    cucumber - 2 calories a slice
    sugar free jelly - 9 calories a pot
    celery - 2 calories a stick
    1 jellybaby - 15 calories
    5 cherries - about 25 calories
    1 small clementine - about 27 calories
    1 rich tea finger biscuit - about 20 calories
    1 small ice lolly - 18 - 40 calories (you could leave some)
    a handful of berries
    1 slice of wafer thin ham - 13 calories
    1 slice of cold chicken/turkey - 20-25 calories.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    bump for future reference :)
  • yoshikosc
    yoshikosc Posts: 5 Member
    Jell-o is the best, no fat AND no carbs. I make the packets instead of buy the cups.

    You should add 2 strawberries for a grand total of 26 calories !
  • bms34b
    bms34b Posts: 401 Member
    -air popped popcorn (3cups = 90cals, so 1cup is about what you'd have left)
    -as much cucumber as you can handle; squeeze lime juice over slice and salt and pepper them. SO delicious.
    -as everyone has said, any veggies. i'd suggest spinach.
    -about 12 tictacs
  • emmaline8
    emmaline8 Posts: 70 Member
    Some amount of fresh strawberries. I'm not sure exactly how much is 25 calories, but you could google that.
  • RosieGB33nz
    RosieGB33nz Posts: 142
    I used Eclipse mints cinnamon flavour, helps with my sweet tooth. 2g per serve (3 mints) is about 8 calories so i had a few servings and they were delicious. I eat fruit and veg all the time, its nice to have a change. i use to have jelly everyday. I use weight watchers strawberry or lime, 9 calories per serve (125g) but jelly cups would be awesome!! Don't think we have them in NZ so may have to make my own.... How hard can it be?