Doing it on your own with no support.



  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm doing it alone. I wouldn't call it "suffering in silence". I actually really like it this way. I go about it however the hell I want, lose when I want, maintain when I want, gain when I want... No expectations from others or pressure to perform. I've always declined food when I didn't feel like having it and accepted it when I wanted it, nothing changed there. I still accept/decline food if I want/don't want it.

    My family knows I'm dieting, but they don't meddle. They act as if nothing's changed. They don't tiptoe around me in fear of "sabotaging" me, they cook as usual or order in and ask if I would like to join. Sometimes I do sometimes I don't. No reaction either way. They don't judge my choices either. They just leave me to my own ways.

    In the beginning I did get a few comments, but I'm stubborn and it takes a whole lot more than that to upset me, so they got bored and stopped, especially after seeing me get thinner doing my own thing.

    Nothing beats freedom! I'm loving it!
  • MaryLuvsTheLamb
    MaryLuvsTheLamb Posts: 98 Member
    I, personally, prefer not to discuss it with others. I have absolutely no patience with people offering their two cents on what I should or shouldn't eat or do differently. They mean well, but I have a plan that works for me and I'm sticking to it. They seem to think that my only goal is to lose weight, but my goal is also to become healthy and make a lifetime commitment to making better choices. I feel that it's best to do it for ourselves and not others.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Got precisely zero support from family, but did get significant resistance in the form of "You're losing weight too fast" at a pound or less a week loss and "you're too skinny" at 30% bodyfat.

    Keep your eye on the goal, because in the end you can only lose weight and get fit for yourself.
  • Leila2289
    Leila2289 Posts: 23 Member
    My Mom and Dad know I want to make a change but this is my first day logging in years. I don't want to tell my friends because I don't want to look stupid if I fail. I have lost and gained many times
  • cinnabondelights
    cinnabondelights Posts: 121 Member
    edited July 2016
    I've had no support from anyone whatsoever during my weight loss journey, not even my husband was supportive and still isn't to this day (he doesn't really care as he doesn't see it as his problem, lol). It doesn't bother me at all though because I feel like I'm strong enough and have the conviction to do it all on my own instead of having that need of reassurance or confirmation from someone else to tell me "I'm doing a good job".
  • LosinginJersey
    LosinginJersey Posts: 21 Member
    I actually am doing it with my husband ... But I do tell my close friends at work that I am counting my calories. I feel it keeps me accountable when others around me know ... But once I put my mind to something there is no breaking me!
  • sarahbrownprice
    sarahbrownprice Posts: 9 Member
    I have on and off been trying to lose weight for last eight years, I go super strong then something happens out of my control then I go right back to terrible habits for the next six months and gain everything back and then some. I usually don't mention anything to anybody unless I am directly asked. I have a super tight knit group of family and friend not to mention I work for family and am around them daily. People only really tend to notice I am trying again when they see me not drinking soda/booze as much and they notice I am not constantly posting pictures of me baking crazy desserts a few times a week. Not it is pretty much just once a week for my whole family's weekly Sunday dinner. I do honestly have the most crazy supportive group of people in my life that will cheer me on no matter if things are going good or bad so I do count myself extremely lucky. Who knows, maybe this will be the time I make it to my goal.