Thoughts - Cheat Meal / Day - Yay or Nay?

Hey y'all,

I'm sure we've all heard it that a cheat meal, or cheat day from your new way of life, is "Okay" because you "can't limit yourself" or "that's not realistic". I want to know what YOU think. Is this something that is part of all lifestyle changes, that some of your old still sneaks in. Now i'm not talking eating a large pizza and a bowl of pasta and calling it your "little cheat meal", but I mean those foods you wouldn't normally eat during the week like 2 slices of pizza, or maybe some pancakes with that syrup. Yay, or nay?

Also, i've heard it's cheat meal, or cheat day. Which is it?

Finally, do you log that food for your "cheat meal/day" or just leave it for that time.



  • riceiscarb
    riceiscarb Posts: 16 Member
    I do cheat meal once a week (saturdays). you can call it whatever you want, to make you feel better, but it is what it is in my opinion. I need it to keep me sane, and since i'm in this for the long haul, sanity is a good thing.
    and YES i do log my cheat meal, i suggest you do too, so you can calculate your metrics + as a reminder.

    thats my 2 c :smile:
  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    Nay and unnecessary. Personally, I think it's an unhealthy way to view food. I see what you're saying, but a better view is IIFYM.
    If you really want something, bank your calories. MFP is awesome in that you can very easily calculate the math in order to figure out how to fit in high calorie foods whenever you need to.
    I would never not log something. On Valentine's Day this year, I ate a lot over my TDEE, and I logged everything as usual. You can pretend and lie to yourself and your diary, but your body won't be fooled. In other words, just because you didn't log it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
    Also, it's nice to see for yourself what people mean when they say that one bad day, or even a bad week, won't ruin everything. Indeed, as long as you stay on track in the long run, you'll achieve success.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    I don't do them because I fit what I want in my calories. Tonight I wanted a breakfast burrito. I pre logged the ingredients so I could make sure it would fit, I weighed out everything as well. Instead of having 2-3 burritos like I would have done in the past, I just had 1. It satisfies what I was wanting and I am not over for my calories for the day.

    I also buy those mini magnum ice cream bars. They are smaller and less calories for when I want something sweet. If I am wanting a treat after dinner (maybe 1-2 times per week) I will make sure I leave enough calories for it.

    It took some time to get used to eating the smaller portions and not over doing it, but I still lose weight and get what I want.
  • phrunch
    phrunch Posts: 115 Member
    The little cheat meals you're talking about you could absolutely fit into your calories by eating leaner the rest of the day. Hell, worst case just pump up to maintenance level calories for the day and go on with your life.

  • jo_nz
    jo_nz Posts: 548 Member
    I don't do "cheats" but I have been known to ignore my typical calorie goal for a special event. For a recent birthday celebration I had small-ish portions of what was on offer including pizza, cake and ice cream! I logged it all. And actually because there was no snacking in between and I had a small breakfast, it wasn't so bad - slightly over my weight-loss calories but under maintenance for me.

    I do think including my favorites into my general diet is key to keeping myself on track.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    No cheat meals or days while I'm "on" my diet ... they defeat the purpose!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    Now i'm not talking eating a large pizza and a bowl of pasta and calling it your "little cheat meal", but I mean those foods you wouldn't normally eat during the week like 2 slices of pizza, or maybe some pancakes with that syrup. Yay, or nay?

    Well, actually, I incorporate whole pizzas and things into my diet. That's the beauty of exercising! I have more calories to work with. :grin:

    So yes, even when I'm "on" my diet, I eat a whole pizza about once a month ... and I am still well within my calorie limit. :):)

  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,024 Member
    I eat Pizza pretty regularly too. I don't eat pancakes a lot, but when I do they will have butter and syrup.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I've eaten pancakes and two slices of pizza both within the last week. I don't call either meal a cheat. They are just meals that fit within my weekly calories.
  • Luckychic_93
    Luckychic_93 Posts: 15 Member
    I have one "cheat day" once a week for two weeks and then two "cheat days" for two weeks and repeat. But on these "cheat days" I don't just go all out. I eat 1,000 calories every day but on the "cheat day" I eat 1,200 calories it's not really cheating per say it's just taking my body out of the calorie deficit for one day. Been doing this for six weeks and I've lost 12 lbs
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I have one "cheat day" once a week for two weeks and then two "cheat days" for two weeks and repeat. But on these "cheat days" I don't just go all out. I eat 1,000 calories every day but on the "cheat day" I eat 1,200 calories it's not really cheating per say it's just taking my body out of the calorie deficit for one day. Been doing this for six weeks and I've lost 12 lbs

    1200 is almost definitely still a calorie deficit for you. Why are you eating so little?
  • mayoosh_primrose
    mayoosh_primrose Posts: 131 Member
    Nay, if I decide to abandon a certain type of food, it's for good.
    Easier for me this way :smile:
  • leanjogreen18
    leanjogreen18 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I cycle my calories so I have one day a week where I eat at maintenance maybe what you would call a "controlled cheat day". I also don't deny myself anything. If I want it I make sure it can fit into my calorie count for the day.
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Always log.
    (though I didn't log while I was on vacation last week; two weddings and a lot of picnic food. I tried to make good choices but knew the weddings were once in a lifetime events. I managed to maintain!)

    I will happily eat at maintenance or a bit above for special occasions.

    Also: what pizza are you eating that you can't make two slices work? I will regularly do that on a "non cheat" day. Same with pancakes. Count them and log them and take them into consideration when planning the rest of the day. I can have pancakes with maple syrup for breakfast and still come in under maintenance. If you're thinking that eating stuff like that is a "cheat" and it means you might as well toss out the logging for the rest of the day? You're not thinking in the longer term and how to move this into the future.
  • idabest777
    idabest777 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't really consider them cheat days, but on the weekends I normally end up consuming at maintenance or slightly over with alcohol and the hungover junk food cravings. There was one month where I decided not to drink for its entirety and so didn't really have those splurging weekends. I think I lost 1 or 1.5 extra pounds that month but I'd much rather party it up on the weekends.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    I don't schedule cheat days/meals, but on holidays or special occasions, I'm going to have that cake or meal out. I try to log it as best I can, but I'm not going to miss out on special times with family/friends. Skinny people go out to eat sometimes, too. So I lose a little less that week. Oh well. This is a lifetime commitment.
  • Vickie96
    Vickie96 Posts: 17 Member
    I actually struggle with the concept of "cheating" as it's the high calorie foods that are considered to be a "cheat". Before if I "cheated" then I would just eat everything else that I wanted as it was sort of an all or nothing mindset, but now if I want something then I work it into my calories although I don't have a specific day or whatever I just have it as I want it. However if I do have a splurge and way over calories then just move on and get straight back to normal.