How important is daily calorie intake?

Hey guys ...
Based on the calculations I should be eating no less than 1200 cals daily ... however I started eating clean 4 weeks ago and I can't seem to hit this number ... I'm also burning 500-900 cals daily 5/6 days a week with biking, running, lifting...
My issue is that I'm not really seeing the scale move... :( ... my body does look smaller and I also fitting into smaller sizes but the scale won't budge ... if anything it looks like I'm gaining weight....
Is anyone having similar issues? If so what have you done and what had helped? ...
Thanks so much! :)


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Do you weigh your food? The most common error people make in the beginning is not weighing their food. It means you're eating more than you think you are.
  • VeryMinci
    VeryMinci Posts: 9 Member
    Everything is getting measured/weighed and prepared by me ... also no salt, dairy, rice, pasta, breads in my diet .... it's driving me crazy ....
  • mayoosh_primrose
    mayoosh_primrose Posts: 131 Member
    Your body has probably gone into starvation mode because of the reduced calorie intake, which then makes weight loss very difficult.
    This is "the body's natural response to long-term calorie restriction. It involves a reduction in the amount of calories your body burns, which can slow down weight loss."
    So try to increase your calorie intake to 1200 or so and see what happens :smile: good luck!
  • upromisejcd
    upromisejcd Posts: 2 Member
    edited July 2016
    You are loosing fat and gaining muscle. Don't distress. Focus on how you feel and look, rather than the movement of the scale.
  • upromisejcd
    upromisejcd Posts: 2 Member
    Don't distress.
  • mayoosh_primrose
    mayoosh_primrose Posts: 131 Member
    Bob314159 wrote: »

    The idea that "not eating enough" causes the body to stop losing weight because it goes into "starvation mode" is a popular myth among dieters.

    New information for me :hushed: so no starvation mode but slightly slower rate of weight loss. Still, if she's not eating enough calories, she might not be getting all essentials vitamins and minerals, so it wouldn't be good for health.
    Thanks for pointing out my error :smiley:

  • VeryMinci
    VeryMinci Posts: 9 Member
    So what am I doing wrong then? I'm eating very healthy lean protein (chicken breast and tilapia) lots of fresh veggies and fruit only for breakfast... also working out a lot...
  • aimos87
    aimos87 Posts: 55 Member
    Maybe you are not eating enough? If you are burning 500-900 calories 5/6 days a week and not eating min 1200 cals maybe your not providing your body enough energy to burn? Bulk up your meals a bit with good fats maybe so your consuming more cals? Like avocado etc
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,038 Member
    VeryMinci wrote: »
    Everything is getting measured/weighed and prepared by me ... also no salt, dairy, rice, pasta, breads in my diet .... it's driving me crazy ....

    Why no dairy, rice, pasta and bread?

    My life wouldn't be worth living without those things.

  • LokiGrrl
    LokiGrrl Posts: 156 Member
    Your body needs salt. Make sure you're getting enough, especially if you're exercising or if it's hot where you are, because you lose it with sweating. If your salt gets too low, your potassium will get out of whack, and your magnesium, and then it's all just kind of a cluster. I say this because all my life people kept telling me to eat less salt, eat less salt, and I tried, but I felt so awful if I didn't eat it and I wanted it all the time... and it turned out that the reason I ate (and still eat) so much salt is because I have a disorder that makes me lose sodium like nobody's business, and if I don't get 4-5 grams a day everything goes wonky. Electrolyte derangement is not fun.

    It's fine if you don't want to eat a lot of added salt, but do make sure you're getting it and the other minerals in your food/beverages. Also remember that salt isn't 100% sodium, so 1 gram of salt =/= 1 gram sodium. USDA has the actual numbers, I can't remember them right now.

    I don't really understand the whole "clean eating" thing but you know, do what works, but make sure you're getting all the micronutrients as well as the macros. I thought I was fairly well educated about nutrition, but about a month ago I found out how wrong I was, LOL.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    VeryMinci wrote: »
    So what am I doing wrong then? I'm eating very healthy lean protein (chicken breast and tilapia) lots of fresh veggies and fruit only for breakfast... also working out a lot...

    You say you measure but do you use a digital scale for everything in g, ml, oz? Don't use cups
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    You're eating more than you think.