Can I really do this?



  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    You can do already proved it by coming to this site and posting what you did.
  • Bobbievin
    Bobbievin Posts: 1
    Jeez, what was the NO comment in response to? No, she can't do it? No, you've never been in her shoes. She's looking for help and you say this? Why?
  • nenia
    nenia Posts: 12
    i'm new to MFP but love the support i have received so far. It helps to see that others are struggling with some of the same situations and I'm not alone in this. I'm happy you have chosen a healthy way to start a change that is sensible to every day life. :smile:
  • jparsons27
    jparsons27 Posts: 61
    Thanks so much for sharing this! It helps to know that there are others out there struggling the same way I have/am. This is the first time I've ever posted on any site and already just having people's support... people whom I don't know has been really, really neat.

    Please feel free to friend me if you'd like. I am new to this too but not new to trying to lose some weight. One of my goals is to continue to learn to be healthy... no extreme dieting. I know I'll never be a size 2 and don't even want to be but to feel comfortable in clothes and pictures again would be amazing.

    Good luck! We can do this :)
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    I am 42 years old, female, and i've had 7 kids. I've been overweight and sedentary for 15 years. Had lots of thyroid problems, gained 70 pounds, got depressed and didn't want to do anything.

    Had my thyroid removed for cancer two years ago, got all that treatment sorted out, and finally got my meds (and my moods!) stablilized. Decided late last year that i had to make a change for the better. Changed up my eating habits in December.

    In February, i started going to the gym, working out a couple of times a week with a trainer. After 6 weeks, i moved to a different trainer and increased my sessions to 3 a week. Right now, i'm working out 5 days a week with him, 1 hour sessions 3x and 2 hour sessions 2x.

    I have lost 40 pounds. It feels fabulous. On the days i don't hit the gym, i feel like i should. I've got more energy, a better outlook on life, i'm off my hypertension meds, and i FEEL AWESOME!

    Honey, if I can do it, you can too. Good luck on your journey, it's soooo worth it!

    Wow, thats awesome!
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    We all come on here to do one thing..and not just diet. We all want support and to change the way we live our lives and we all are doing what is best for us. Negative comments such as the one posted here is a true indication that this is not for everyone. IF we feel we can do it, and we use the support we get from this site, then yes we will all reach our goals. If we let one negative person affect our own goals, we give in too easy. Yes, negative feedback can also a motivator. So take her NO as motivation to prove to yourself you can do it, and show yourself you do not give in that easy. The key here is YOU!!! Not anyone else.

    Good Luck on your steps, it is a long road ahead!
  • Teeladog
    Teeladog Posts: 157 Member
    To the person that replied "No"...

    I looked at your diary. No wonder this is not working for you! Taco Bell, Dunkin Donuts, Red Lobster...this is not going to get your where you want to do. Any one of those is fine on occasion but you hit fast food restaurants EVERY DAY.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    if someone is questioning themselves then they are going to struggle like i have..i realized yesterday i havent believed that id be able to do this for 130 perfect days of filling in everything i do and only 30% of the time going over. If my saying "no" really stops this person and slows them down then anything could of...if it motivates them then they may be on the right track

    If going over 30% of the time isn't working for you, then try going over zero % of the time..
  • vpochman1
    vpochman1 Posts: 23
    Welcome! And like all the others have said, YOU CAN DO THIS. I have found so many great encouraging people on this site that motivate me like you wouldn't beleive! Good luck in your journey!
  • newday4me
    newday4me Posts: 10
    Thanks so much for caring enough to respond. Yesterday was a great day. You are much appreciated!:smile:
  • ladyerin79
    ladyerin79 Posts: 97 Member
    I can not express how much that "NO" pissed me off. What a jerk!!

    You CAN do this, and you already have taken a huge step by coming here. Everyone I've met has been completely awesome and supportive (aside from the NO Jerk, LOL). I would love to help you and have you as a friend.

    *big hugs and lots of support*
  • newday4me
    newday4me Posts: 10
    Wow, you folks are awesome! Thank you so, so much for the encouraging words. I don't think the person wh said, "No," meant harm. I would imagine that staying on for 130 days and seeing no progress would be very frustrating. Perhaps your comments to me will help her/him as well. I am very thankful to have found such a supportive group of people to begin this journey with. The advice and honesty was so touching and heart felt. All I continue to think is, WOW! I begin with baby steps, one small step at a time. But I will be honest, it felt SO GOOD to click that box yesterday and see "newday4me has completed her food diary and was under her calories for the day" (or whatever it says). The feeling of going to bed without guilt, without thinking, "I'll start tomorrow," is beautiful. So again, thank you. I hope to add many of you as friends in the coming few days. Blessings to you all.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    500 calories a day? What the hell kind of fresh madness is that?? :S

    Hell yeah, you can do this! And you can do it more healthily and with more long term success than anyone on a faddy craze diet!
  • goddess2B
    goddess2B Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for your post! I plateaued at 28 lb. and am SO frustrated! Realized I'm now gaining a little, so I'm back to counting and counting!

    What is the calorie cycling thing you're talking about?