Over 100lbs to loose need some friends to help keep me motivated and understand the struggle

Hi everyone I'm about to be 27 and I have a bit over 100lbs to loose, 125lbs to reach my ultimate goal. I have been overweight just about my whole life, but it wasn't until after I had my son when my weight skyrocketed. I have always "tried" to loose weight but would get discouraged and quit before anything could really change. I finally made the choice to get healthy and loose weight after I watched my grandma suffer from every complication that comes with not taking care of yourself and pass away before she could even turn 72. I put my foot down and a talk with my husband and have been at it for about 3 weeks I've lost 15lbs and still have a very strong motivation to continue. I have a wonderful support at home and with my family but would love to make new friends and have support from people who truly know what it is to loose this much. Everyone is welcome to add me.


  • vgab90
    vgab90 Posts: 16 Member
    adding you. Ive got at least 100 more pounds to loose and would love more support as well
  • kaylamiddick
    kaylamiddick Posts: 6 Member
    Adding you!! :) absolutely love your motivation and positivity :) nothing but positive vibes and understanding!
  • wendydoodle
    wendydoodle Posts: 17 Member
    Don't know how to add people but you can add me. I have 100 plus pounds to lose and need all the help I can get
  • annaweezer229
    annaweezer229 Posts: 40 Member
    Adding you! I also have 100 lbs to lose. I am 11 weeks in and have lost 27 so far. We can do this! ☺
  • KRocka1981
    KRocka1981 Posts: 59 Member
    I recently started a group here on MFP for those with 100+ lbs to lose! I will send you a friend request and if you are interest in the group, let me know! :)
  • kylieantoinette
    kylieantoinette Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join the group. That would be great, the best way for me to stay on track is to have as much support I can get.
  • MaybeLed
    MaybeLed Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone I'm about to be 27 and I have a bit over 100lbs to loose, 125lbs to reach my ultimate goal. I have been overweight just about my whole life, ....... I have always "tried" to loose weight but would get discouraged and quit before anything could really change. ...... I've lost 15lbs and still have a very strong motivation to continue. I have a wonderful support at home and with my family but would love to make new friends and have support from people who truly know what it is to loose this much. Everyone is welcome to add me.

    This is very similar to me I had 121lb to lose and now down to 104.3 to go. I'd not really class myself as a yo-yo dieter as I'd never invested in it for long enough to make a change. My OH is on board (and is doing brilliantly) but other people in the same position would be great, and sorry to hear about your grandma.
  • rsbalogh
    rsbalogh Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I have 80+ pounds to lose. I could lose 100 but think I will be happy at 80. I am 48 and have been carrying this weight around for very long and am struggling to lose it and keep it off. I previously lost 20 pounds but after an injury it has all come back and I can't seem to stay on plan. Having a group that I can support and be supported by would be wonderful. Knowing others are working on the same goal gives strength.

    Please add me to your group.
  • KRocka1981
    KRocka1981 Posts: 59 Member
    rsbalogh wrote: »
    Hi, I have 80+ pounds to lose. I could lose 100 but think I will be happy at 80. I am 48 and have been carrying this weight around for very long and am struggling to lose it and keep it off. I previously lost 20 pounds but after an injury it has all come back and I can't seem to stay on plan. Having a group that I can support and be supported by would be wonderful. Knowing others are working on the same goal gives strength.

    Please add me to your group.

    I added you!
  • KRocka1981
    KRocka1981 Posts: 59 Member
    I would love to join the group. That would be great, the best way for me to stay on track is to have as much support I can get.

    I added you!
  • TXCruiseGal
    TXCruiseGal Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all - just stumbled upon this thread. I too have close to 100 to lose. Let's just say 100 would be ideal, but I would be happy with 80. This is not my first rodeo with weight loss. I do well, then fall so far off the wagon it takes off without me! The good news for me this time around, my husband has been on board with "eating healthier" so that should make it much easier for me. Would love to meet and communicate with folks going through the same journey! Add me!
  • amsterz615
    amsterz615 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there! I have an ultimate goal of 125lbs to lose, already down 60! :smile: I have logged for 488 days - whether good, bad or otherwise, and don't intend on stopping. I'm always looking for extra support - I've added you!

    If anyone else wants to be friends, the more the merrier! :smile:
  • Piperx222
    Piperx222 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I had just over 100 to lose when I started, I'm almost 70 down now (happy dance!).

    I'm always looking for more people to help motivate and stay motivated myself. I'll send you a friend request. Anyone else is welcome too! ☺
  • Porscha8787
    Porscha8787 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! I'm also looking to drop 100lbs...I'm abpit one month in and 13lbs down...I'll add you, let's support and motivate each other!
  • fairymine
    fairymine Posts: 6 Member
    Add me? I gave a long way to go.
  • hpaselio
    hpaselio Posts: 1 Member
    I also started with 100lbs to lose I am now 60 but still have more to go. Would love to be added and support each other.
  • dawnkimber3
    dawnkimber3 Posts: 12 Member
    I've got a long way to go also. Feel free to add me!
  • charlottecaton81
    charlottecaton81 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I've got 100 to lose too....just starting, would really appreciate the support and friend!! I can't even work out how to request friends on here!!
  • haleymarie841
    haleymarie841 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there! I'm always happy to provide support and the occasional kick in the *kitten* when necessary :) add me and we can support each other through our journeys
    TULANIA Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm happy to support I need the motivation and support just as well I need to lose 70lb