My worst diet enemy!! need help!



  • angelwowings23
    angelwowings23 Posts: 128 Member
    In my opinion, the battle against sugar is a pointless effort. It's in almost everything. Natural sugars, added sugars... So many things are loaded with sugar and you wouldn't even know it. The key to successful weight loss and an overall healthy lifestyle is moderation. Allow yourself a treat from time-to-time. There's temptation all around us and the only way to avoid binging or just eventually falling entirely off the healthy lifestyle bandwagon is to treat yourself from time-to-time.
  • ericacarter12
    ericacarter12 Posts: 24 Member
    you guys are so wonderful, my birthday is the 25th. Do you think I should just let myself have what usually would have then and then start cutting back on sweets? I have been running that question around in my head. Did the tiny ice creams do enough for you RachelElser? Also, has anyone heard of the yummy life smoothies? They have fruit, oats, chia seeds, and optional honey, pb2, cinnamon. If so, what do you think of them?
  • B4Rachael
    B4Rachael Posts: 155 Member
    I would say to stay away from things you know you can't control yourself around. If I want something sweet or baked I will go for my least favorite, something I know I will enjoy but won't eat myself sick over.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    How do you guys keep yourself from that one pint of ice cream or that candy bar at the check out?

    I'd rather spend my money on something else. I'd rather put it toward new shoes, jewellery, a trip somewhere. :)

  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    Can you go a day without sugar? If so, go one day. Then repeat two or three more times. The cravings will disappear.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I quit processed sugar 5 months ago because I crave it like a drug! I started doing the "Trim Healthy Mama" plan and havent looked back! No sugar, no unsprouted flours... It was hard at first but I feel amazing now!