Motivation Help

I'm in college and I'm trying very hard to eat healthy and stay on track. However I work at a restaurant where food is a constant temptation. I'll eat well all day until o get to work and completely ruin it. Any advice?


  • Trish1c
    Trish1c Posts: 549 Member
    Walk to work. Take the longest walking route to class. Always take the stairs. Buy those wrap-able weights & put them on your ankles for increased calorie burn.

    Play games with yourself. See if you can go one hour at work without eating. Then build on that success. Go two hours. You can do it.

    When you are tempted, drink a glass of water before you eat anything.

    Memorize & repeat mantras like a minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.

    Download a gross picture of a pound of body fat. Keep it in your apron. Without letting any customers see it, look at it before you eat whatever it is.

    Think about the calories & the equivalent amount of exercise you have to do to burn that. For example, I had a good work out for me yesterday & burned 381 calories but for lunch I had 1 roasted chicken breast at 391 calories. I sat there staring at the chicken breast thinking about how small it seemed & how quickly I would eat it compared to the work out I just did. It was eye opening.
  • angelwowings23
    angelwowings23 Posts: 128 Member
    I have always seemed to hold employment in places that revolve around food. Whether they manufacture it or the people who are employed there just seem to bring crap in all the time, or's always around. And we're not talking carrots and dip. I'm talking donuts, bagels, brownies, chips, etc. Anyhow...the honest-to-goodness truth is that you need to just say "no". I guzzle water, I drink teas, I sip on coffee and BCAA's. I also plan out what foods I'm going to eat throughout the day and I stick to that. After a while of just not partaking, it becomes second nature. People at my office have stopped even asking if I want in on a lunch order and have stopped telling me about the monthly bday recognition (complete with cake and garbage snacks). On the rare occasion someone offers me a donut (or whatever is brought in), they follow that up with "...even though you don't eat this stuff". Feels good to know that I'm above the at-work temptations...and even more so that people recognize it. Stay strong.
  • abitofbliss
    abitofbliss Posts: 198 Member
    Log your food before you eat it.
  • choldread
    choldread Posts: 6 Member
    Logging has worked for me. It reminds me where I am and if I can. I also have my profile set at an activity level below what I am to make up for the occasional whoops.