30 day challenge to stop eating fast food

20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
I want to stop eating fast food and drinking soda so I am committing to a 30 day challenge to stop eating this junk. Would anyone be interested in joining me?


  • AlMonkey
    AlMonkey Posts: 258 Member
    yes! i have recently reevaluated my financial budget and fitness budget and fast food restaurants don't fit into either anymore. Right now i am eating fast food usually once daily - subway tim hortons or mcdonalds are my regular haunts!
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    edited July 2016
    @AlMonkey Hey I'm Kim and glad someone finally responded lol I really can't afford it either so it's a win win to stop it. I started Sunday the 17 th with no fast food or soda. If you are interested maybe we can keep each other accountable by checking in with each other to see how it's going.
  • amybnash
    amybnash Posts: 10 Member
    I would like to join too! Fast food is addictive. I need to be held accountable.
  • Nads36
    Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
    I need to join! Sounds like a fab challenge!
  • kellibee2000
    kellibee2000 Posts: 87 Member
    Love to join! Need to lose weight & a once or twice a day fast food is not going to cut it. I'm a dollar menu junkie who needs this challenge! When do we start? :D
  • travelbug002
    travelbug002 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm interested. I don't eat a huge amount of fast food (we have none in my town) but I drink far too much soda.
  • amybnash
    amybnash Posts: 10 Member
    Today I was on the road for my job and almost stopped by Wendy's when I remembered this challenge. I find that drive thrust have become so second nature I don't even realize I'm doing it until I feel the guilt after! I took a different route home to not be tempted and came home to eat a banana which filled me up. I may have to post here every day to keep myself on track. Replace a bad habit for a good one! Good luck to us all!
  • amybnash
    amybnash Posts: 10 Member
    Day 3- Success! I still crave it, but today I took cottage cheese and pineapple and cheese and crackers to eat on the road. It was very hard to pass Bojangles this morning...damn that chicken biscuit was calling out to me! How is everyone else doing?
  • amybnash
    amybnash Posts: 10 Member
    Forgot to post yesterday...but see I'm the only one posting, so maybe I'm in this alone? Yesterday I ate out twice, not no fast food! Yay! I even opted for unsweetened tea. Sushi for lunch and BBQ for dinner. Dinner could have been healthier, but at least it wasn't processed. Hope to hear from you all soon!
  • hilliesmom46
    hilliesmom46 Posts: 18 Member
    Way to go
  • topia125
    topia125 Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in... I'm so happy to stumble upon your challenge. I've been eating way to much fast food lately... working as a nurse aide doesn't help.... added stress means added fat...
  • topia125
    topia125 Posts: 9 Member
    So far I've ate oatmeal from McDonald's. I was starting my life style change but took a dive left when I ate 8 pieces of bite size mr. Good bar's. ...
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    Hey everybody, sorry I haven't been on here I didn't see any of the notifications so I just assumed I had no replies. Yes I am in with all of you. It's not a set up challenge just post on here how ever often you would like. We can keep each other accountable. I myself ate pizza yesterday. I really need to work on having good healthy foods readily available so I don't stray. Lol I get so hungry and get it in my head that something would be so good and it's always some sort of unhealthy food.
    @topia125 I am also a nurse aide. I wonder how much sugar is in their oatmeal?
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    I am in an amazing race challenge called summer heat, we may have a few slots open soon with only 1 person on the waiting list. If anyone is interested, it's a very good challenge and fun. The person that is running it is very organized and dedicated to the challenge. Just thought I would let you all know about it.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    edited July 2016
    https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/114462-amazing-race-summer-heat here is the link to the challenge. If you are interested click on the wait list discussion and tell them you are interested in joining. And @MissionEnforcer will add you to the wait list spreadsheet. @hawkins410 is the creator of the challenge.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    edited July 2016
    Ok so to catch up with everyone:
    Wed, Thurs, and Fri I had fast food and soda. I have not had a good week. I sometimes ruin my healthy diet but I never let that get me down, I just start fresh the next day. I usually do good all day but at supper time I get weak and fast food has always been my go to. You can't eat that without a large surgery soda to go with it! So today I start anew!

    @amybnash I know how you feel. No, you are not alone. I've been busy with work and school but I will check in here daily from now on. Good job on resisting the fast food.

    @topia125 don't let 1 bad choice lead you stray, pick yourself up and start fresh with the next meal.

    To everyone else, I know we can beat this addiction, we just have to want it. We can do it! One day at a time! Im so happy to know that I'm not alone in this battle.

  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    This is a spreadsheet I have created to help us with accountability and to keep track. Let me know if you have problems with it this is the first time i have done anything like this.
  • 20KimmieKim16
    20KimmieKim16 Posts: 640 Member
    edited July 2016
    ok I have created a group if anyone is interested in joining here is the link. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/115204-30-day-challenge-no-fast-food
  • topia125
    topia125 Posts: 9 Member
    @shockvalue07 you totally must understand those cravings that come after a few hours of work... but I'm sorry you had a bad week. But I believe that there is always room for mess up and keep moving. Just don't beat your self up.
  • amybnash
    amybnash Posts: 10 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA! I was locked out of my account. So happy to have support! I've gone 6 days without fast food and soda. I grocery shopping on Saturday and usually stop for a chicken biscuit from Bojangles. Didn't even think about it today. It gets easier! Tonight I made homemade pizza! A little reward for my successful efforts! See y'all at the challenge!