tips on lowering cholesterol?

need help on lowering cholesterol?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,047 Member
    Talk to your doctor.

    Exercise is good.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    Eat less than 40g of fat per day. Guaranteed to fix for you as it did for me
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Cutting carbs often does the trick. Carb intake and cholesterol are much more closely linked than the old thinking that cholesterol is related to dietary fat.

    Most who go low carb high fat see triglycerides go down, HDL go up, and LDL convert to larger and less dense particles.

    Read Cholesterol Clarity, or the Great Cholesterol Myth, or almost any other book on cholesterol written in the last 10 years.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    LOL. Well, they'll be conflict with this one. :-) High cholesterol runs strong and deep in my family. My dad died at age 42 from a heart attack partially as a result of it. So I come by high cholesterol/triglycerides naturally. Ten years ago my total cholesterol was 350, HDL 36, LDL 200. I instituted a high fat diet of coconut oil, olive oil and butter being the main fats with bacon or sausage almost daily (saturated fats). When we checked two weeks ago my cholesterol was 206, HDL 56, and LDL 150. My doctor was stunned and thrilled b/c she said people almost never are able to raise their HDL very much let alone more then 10pts. Having my total cholesterol 7 points over is no big deal compared to where it was. I did not start walking for exercise until just the past month and I'm 80#'s heavier then I was 10 years ago. So, my answer? Good fats. Lots and lots of good fats.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    You really need to speak to your doctor. Not to disparage anybody else's comments but unless you're a medical professional with your medical record in front of them they don't know what they're talking about. Also don't listen to dr. Google. dr Google doesn't know what the hell they're talking about either.

    Years ago there was an interesting study in the New England Journal of Medicine. They evaluated a town in New England over a 20-year period. People who ate high cholesterol diets had low cholesterol levels while people who ate low cholesterol healthy diets had high cholesterol. What the scientists determined was that your diet did contribute to cholesterol levels your genetics ultimately had control over the levels.

    Here's something else to ponder. The Canadian eskimos who eat blubber as a major part of their diet had low cholesterol levelsonce. once they started to eat American type food their cholesterol levels increased.
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Cutting carbs often does the trick. Carb intake and cholesterol are much more closely linked than the old thinking that cholesterol is related to dietary fat.

    Most who go low carb high fat see triglycerides go down, HDL go up, and LDL convert to larger and less dense particles.

    Read Cholesterol Clarity, or the Great Cholesterol Myth, or almost any other book on cholesterol written in the last 10 years.

  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member
    LOL. Well, they'll be conflict with this one. :-) High cholesterol runs strong and deep in my family. My dad died at age 42 from a heart attack partially as a result of it. So I come by high cholesterol/triglycerides naturally. Ten years ago my total cholesterol was 350, HDL 36, LDL 200. I instituted a high fat diet of coconut oil, olive oil and butter being the main fats with bacon or sausage almost daily (saturated fats). When we checked two weeks ago my cholesterol was 206, HDL 56, and LDL 150. My doctor was stunned and thrilled b/c she said people almost never are able to raise their HDL very much let alone more then 10pts. Having my total cholesterol 7 points over is no big deal compared to where it was. I did not start walking for exercise until just the past month and I'm 80#'s heavier then I was 10 years ago. So, my answer? Good fats. Lots and lots of good fats.

    Your cholesterol is still high
  • williammuney
    williammuney Posts: 2,895 Member

    Eat 5 fist size servings of leafy greens a day
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    My husband had really high cholesterol when we first started dating five years ago. Since we've been together he eats a lot more fruit and fresh veggies, and also juices every week day morning as a suppliment to breakfast. His numbers are perfect now. I think having less fast food and more whole foods made a significant difference. That being said he still goes to the doctor regularly and gets tested.

    I think you should discuss this with your doctor and discuss possible lifestyle modifications to see what you can do get you bloodwork better. I do know of people who seem to be genetically disposed to have high cholesterol as the live healthy lives (clean eating, exercise, etc) but can't significantly lower their numbers enough to get off the medication so it's best to work with your doctor regardless of lifestyle changes you make.
  • ronjsteele1
    ronjsteele1 Posts: 1,064 Member
    LOL. Well, they'll be conflict with this one. :-) High cholesterol runs strong and deep in my family. My dad died at age 42 from a heart attack partially as a result of it. So I come by high cholesterol/triglycerides naturally. Ten years ago my total cholesterol was 350, HDL 36, LDL 200. I instituted a high fat diet of coconut oil, olive oil and butter being the main fats with bacon or sausage almost daily (saturated fats). When we checked two weeks ago my cholesterol was 206, HDL 56, and LDL 150. My doctor was stunned and thrilled b/c she said people almost never are able to raise their HDL very much let alone more then 10pts. Having my total cholesterol 7 points over is no big deal compared to where it was. I did not start walking for exercise until just the past month and I'm 80#'s heavier then I was 10 years ago. So, my answer? Good fats. Lots and lots of good fats.

    Your cholesterol is still high

    It is *barely* over normal. Given my history, my doctor is thrilled with these numbers. I don't live and die by numbers. I want to be healthy. 7 points over on cholesterol and 4 points over on LDL is not even acknowledged by most doctors b/c it's so close to normal. Additionally, I don't generally care what doctors think, but given that most people here do, I figured I'd give you her okay.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    edited July 2016

    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Cutting carbs often does the trick. Carb intake and cholesterol are much more closely linked than the old thinking that cholesterol is related to dietary fat.

    Most who go low carb high fat see triglycerides go down, HDL go up, and LDL convert to larger and less dense particles.

    Read Cholesterol Clarity, or the Great Cholesterol Myth, or almost any other book on cholesterol written in the last 10 years.


    You have an odd sense of humor. Or you like old theories.
  • Marshachia
    Marshachia Posts: 16 Member
    Black garlic
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    My cholesterol is a little high and considering my family history my doctor advised me to do something NOW. He advised me to do low carb, low fat diet and make sure I have exercise daily.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP, as I hope you can clearly see from this thread, it is a bad idea to ask for medical advice from internet strangers. Everyone thinks they're an expert. If your doctor told you your cholesterol is high, ask for a referral to a registered dietitian to help you work on your diet, get more exercise, and best of luck.
  • jlnolin
    jlnolin Posts: 5 Member
    Fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol. I drink Metamucil every morning and it has lowered mine. I also second the recommendation that carbs and refined sugars are a major cause of high cholesterol.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    My cholesterol went down when I exercised more, cut out a lot of breads, and lost some weight. I cut out breads only because it was the easiest way for me to stay in a deficit. My mom has successfully lowered her cholesterol when following South Beach Diet, which also limits carbs. I know many people associate cholesterol with dietary fat, but I think there is something about sugars that causes problems.