1,200 Calorie Diet



  • CaptainJoy
    CaptainJoy Posts: 257 Member
    When I was doing 1200 calories, I ate 5 or 6 times a day. A piece of Nature's Own Whitewheat bread topped with a pouch of Starkist tuna is only 125 calories. That's just an example of one meal. I tried to keep two main meals under 300 calories and the others between 125 and 200 calories. It kept me from getting too hungry and failing. I still like to eat smaller meals but I can splurge more on my walk and swim days. On good exercise days I can eat 2,000 calories and remain in a deficit so don't let anyone tell you that exercise doesn't matter.

    I love my carbs like bread and also my occasional sweets but I am not diabetic. You might consider checking out the LCHF group. A diet low in carbs and high in fats helps a lot of people lose weight while bringing down their A1C numbers.
  • jvhealthy2012
    jvhealthy2012 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh my gosh 1,200 calories seems extremely low. You need to figure your BMR (The amount of calories your body burns just from being alive.) Your BMR should be the MIN amount of daily calories you consume. Going under your BMR repeatedly puts your health at risk & slows your metabolism.

    To calculate BMR for Women
    655 + (4.35 X weight in pounds)
    + (4.7 X height in inches)
    - (4.7 X age)
    = BMR

    Take that total (BMR) and multiply by your activity level
    1.37 lightly active 1-3x's per week exercise
    1.55 moderate active 3-5x's per week exercise

    This will give you total calories to eat per day
  • heyaliwood458
    heyaliwood458 Posts: 75 Member
    Ive been eating around 1200 for awhile now and Ive lost 103 pounds...so it does work :) everyone is different though, every body is different.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    You could literally eat 1200 calories of Twinkies and bacon every day and lose weight. HOWEVER, you will be hungry, tired, and probably cranky, just because you can't get much of them for 1200 calories. If you want to keep your calories that low, you will want to focus on foods that will help you to feel satisfied...generally this will include lean proteins and veggies high in fiber. Please understand, I'm not saying not to eat Twinkies or bacon, though!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    It helps me to eat smaller amounts more often: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/CoachJen71
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member

    Thank you, Ninjachick! I used this and found that according to this site, I had my calories set too low. I believe them. I've been So Hungry! I changed my total calories to 1339.
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    20 pounds in 4 months is only a pound per week...don't go all the way down to 1200 if you don't have to (although 1200 is a pound a week for me, Shorty McShortpants) especially if it is to get pregnant, you want to be as healthy as possible when you do :)
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    To calculate BMR for Women
    655 + (4.35 X weight in pounds)
    + (4.7 X height in inches)
    - (4.7 X age)
    = BMR

    Take that total (BMR) and multiply by your activity level
    1.37 lightly active 1-3x's per week exercise
    1.55 moderate active 3-5x's per week exercise

    This will give you total calories to eat per day

    Using your calculations, I think I can have between 1111 (least) and 1500 calories (most) daily.
  • cgarcia_0914
    cgarcia_0914 Posts: 16 Member
    Oh my gosh 1,200 calories seems extremely low. You need to figure your BMR (The amount of calories your body burns just from being alive.) Your BMR should be the MIN amount of daily calories you consume. Going under your BMR repeatedly puts your health at risk & slows your metabolism.

    To calculate BMR for Women
    655 + (4.35 X weight in pounds)
    + (4.7 X height in inches)
    - (4.7 X age)
    = BMR

    Take that total (BMR) and multiply by your activity level
    1.37 lightly active 1-3x's per week exercise
    1.55 moderate active 3-5x's per week exercise

    This will give you total calories to eat per day

    If I did the calculations right, my cal intake can be 1600/day give or take 5 calories Lol But I feel like that's alot for me right now, I'm gna do 1200/week then 1600/week while still walking an hour day & see how that goes. I'll keep my progress logged. Thank you for your help!
  • cgarcia_0914
    cgarcia_0914 Posts: 16 Member
    edited July 2016
    Soooo, I wonder if I stick to 1,200 cal daily intake...no matter WHAT I eat, if it's still possible to lose weight? I'm so in desperate need to lose 20 lbs in 4 months, but I can't help but LOVE food!! :(

    Hi. Just to put the amount of weight you want to lose in that time frame into perspective for you.

    1lb of fat = 3500 calories

    To lose 1lb of fat a week (approximately as some weight you lose will always be muscle mass as well, however if you exercise and eat a high protein diet while not losing weight too fast you can minimise the fat:muscle weight loss ratio in favour of fat and less muscle loss) you need to eat 500 calories less than your TDEE a day (1lb of fat =3500, 500 X 7 days = 3500 calories) as when you eat less than your TDEE your body turns to energy stores (fat and muscle) for it's energy and burns them up.

    To lose 20 lbs you would need to burn 70,000 calories (3500 X 20lbs). Over 4 months (wit averaging of 30 days per month) that is a deficit needed (eating under your TDEE) of 583 calories per day (70,000 divided by 120 days). Depending on what your TDEE 1200 calories a day may very well get you to your goal in time.

    To work out your TDEE use this:

    Be very honest about your activity level when inputting your stats to get as accurate a TDEE as possible.

    The problem here is motivation and sticking to your calorie goals. When it comes to weight loss you have to stop making excuses, yes you may love food. But you won't reach your goal unless you make sacrifices. That does not however mean you need to eat a miserable diet that you hate. just try to find low calorie foods you like.

    Good luck.

    Thanks. My TDEE is 1858, but I feel like that's too much for me right now. Someone else had mentioned calculating my BMR? So I did that and got 1608 cal/daily, even that seems like too much for me. But I'm all new to this so I'm gna do 1200/day for 1 week, then 1600/day the next week, all while still walking for an hour a day and 60 squats, see how that goes. I'll keep my progress logged & hopefully I'll see results! Thank you again for your help!