HCG diet - 500 calories?

Hi all..

So I've been sticking to my diet and exercise (new way of living) mostly since March and have lost 29 pounds. I still have atleast 80 to go and maybe more if I decide to go for it. I have a friend who only has about 25 pounds to lose and just started the HCG diet with 500 calories a day. After two weeks, she's lost 10 pounds, and expects to lose the other 10 pounds in the next two weeks. It's taken me 4 months to lose 29 pounds... so I have a delima here.. do I try the HCG diet as well or stick to what I'm doing? Has anyone tried it? Know much about it? Thanks..


  • lisa_73
    lisa_73 Posts: 43
    I don't know much about the HCG diet, but personally I think you are doing an awesome job, and what you are doing is working! I think that if you stick with the plan you are on, you are more likely to keep it off in the long run. Congrats on your loss so far!
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I'm not too sure about the diet itself, but I can tell you that if you are only consuming 500 calories per day, it's no wonder why she's dropping weight so quickly! That will put your body into starvation mode and she will eventually stop losing the weight because her body will "hoard" the food to make sure it has enough for later. Also, when she stops the diet, she'll gain most of it, if not all of it, back.

    So my suggestion is to take the longer, but better route and stick to what you are doing...
  • christadoud
    christadoud Posts: 41 Member
    I don't know anything about this particular diet, but 500 calories a day sounds dangerous, and not sustainable. She will definetly lose weight, and then I would be willing to bet, gain it all back when she is off the diet. She is not learning anything about healthy eating and exercise. I would stick to MFP if I were you, and you are doing great ! Slow and steady weight loss wins every time over a crash diet.
  • tknuzum
    tknuzum Posts: 52
    I personally think its a hoax. Have had quite a few friends try it and complain of migraines and sick all the time when on it. And personally I don't care what pill or drop you on 500 calories a day is not enough. And I also wonder if they loose it that fast, its bound to come back fast once they go back to maintaining calories. I don't think its works and I would do a lot of research before I tried. But that's just my opinion.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    500 calories is way too low. She will never maintain the weight loss as when she kicks it up to normal calories she will add it all back on. It is not a healthy way to lose the weight! You will be more successful in the long run!
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    The hcg worked for me but it is very hard not to gain the weight back after you lose it, i lost about 22 then gained 7 back and i've relost a couple pounds. It was a great jumpstart for me but i know for many people they feel like they are starving once they stop taking the hcg and they just binge and binge. If you don't have much self control I wouldn't do it, but if you do then it may really help!
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Anyone can lose weight on 500 calories a day. There goes your muscle mass, metabolism, and health. From everything I've read about HCG - the reason it works is the huge calorie deficit. When you go back to eating the weight comes right back on.

    If you are committed to making a healthy lifestyle change - follow your MFP calorie guidelines, move your body, and let the weight come off at a healthy sustainable and maintainable pace. You'll be so much happier in the end!

    Good luck!
    JDRBT Posts: 264 Member
    I am NOT a fan of the HCG diet. I have a friend who lost weight on it too, but very quickly put it all back on and then some.

    Do some more research. I'm in the medical field and feel very strongly that hormones aren't something that should be messed with too much. HCG is the pregnancy hormone. Pregnancy increased metabolism through the roof and that's the skinny of "why' it works. Is it a healthy way to lose weight? I'm sure there are lots of opinions, but mine is DON'T DO IT. (Also, it's pretty darn expensive.)

    BUT every diet plan usually has SOMETHING redeemable about it. The program encourages you to SIT DOWN at a TABLE (not a coffee table w/ the tv on) to eat. It encourages veggies. Both good things - but both things that can be learned in other ways that don't fool w/ your hormones.

    If what you're doing is working - why give it up?
  • Sunshine_Girlie
    Sunshine_Girlie Posts: 618 Member
    Personally, I believe that i you are working hard by eating healthy and exercising, you will know the hard work it takes to get to where you are and want to be. I believe that you will understand the concept that it takes a lot of muscle work and you will want to fight to stay in the right range for you. Knowing what I know about HCG, I'm afraid it will cause defects and a lot more trouble than it's really worth.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    First of all, 29lbs since March is awesome! Great job.

    Anyone is going to lose a lot of weight on only 500 calories a day, HCG drops/shots or not. My sister tried it and did initially lose a lot of weight. Problem with losing quickly (espeically if you've got a lot to lose), is what happens to all that extra skin when you drop the weight? It's just hanging there. I have lost 26lbs on MFP since the end of January. It has been slow and steady, but what was once a large belly with an "apron" has now become a noticably more flattened stomach with ab definition.

    Believe me, I know it sucks to lose slowly, cuz I'm all about the instant gratification. But, I don't have the money for a tummy tuck and, at the rate I'm going, by the time I reach goal I won't need one!

    Just sayin.....
  • tjkemommy
    tjkemommy Posts: 15
    Stick to your plan. I have friend who has been trying it out. It's sound great when you have been working so hard for so long and not seeing big numbers like they are in a short amount of time. But in the long run your way will be best! You are doing great! Keep working at it you will also appreciate the loss more and keep it off!
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    29 lbs since March is a fantastic achievement, good for you ::bigsmile:

    I've always been leery of "quick-fix" diets as, as many people have said, it didn't take mere weeks to put on all the weight, losing it shouldn't take the same. I was chatting about this on Friday night with friends & they were talking about a mutual friend (not present) who has had several bouts of lipo/extreme dieting & each time she puts more back on that she lost because she's not committing to the lifestyle change.

    Personally, I'd rather put in the hard effort and make the change to my overall lifestyle because I know I'll be fitter and healthier in the long-run and I won't be putting my body through extreme shock to do so. I still have about 3 stone to lose and my end goal is to be close to that by the end of this year, but I'm not beating myself up if it doesn't happen - this is a long-term change, not a quick-fix.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want extra support :smile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I think the HCG diet works cuz you are STARVING YOURSELF. It's bad news. Stay away.
  • spareparts79
    spareparts79 Posts: 36 Member
    I know several people (appox. 8) that have tried the HCG diet. Most of them lost weight while on the diet and as of this date exactly none of them have kept the weight off. I was very against it when they tried it and all they accomplished was wasting some of their money and proving me right.

    My advice watch what you eat and workout. If it looks to good to be true it probably is.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Keep up the good work you are doing on your own. You are making a sustainable life change, that is more important that a 500 cal a day "diet".
  • SMK715
    SMK715 Posts: 108
    Yeah I agree with everyone else. That extremely unhealthy and you will gain that weight back in the end. You don't get nearly enough proper nutrition like that. 1200 calories/day is the minimum to avoid starvation. Try eating that instead and up your exercise if you have the time. Or change your routine. If you do the same thing all the time your body adjusts and burns calories more efficiently.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    A 500 calorie diet is not long-term sustainable. How will their bodies react to coming off this diet? Do these people plan on keeping it off long-term or is this another extreme yo-yo type diet where they lose a ton then gain it all back plus some? Not smart. Not healthy.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Rest assured, the turtle will beat the hare. Stick with what you are doing...

    You are getting great results and doing it the healthy way that will be maintainable. Congratulations and keep on going!
  • tuscaroragal
    tuscaroragal Posts: 78 Member
    My workout partner has been on this HCG diet, and has had similiar weight loss success as previous posters...she has lost 12 pounds with aspirations to lose 14 more...Personally, I think it's a quick fix idea and I have NO DOUBT in my mind she will re-gain some of the weight. Being on the 500 calorie diet, you have no ability to workout, except maybe walking...500 calories doesn't fuel any workouts AT ALL. I've lost 37 pounds with hard work in the gym and eating healthy sinice January. I commend you on your weight loss. I wouldn't switch now....It's not worth losing and gaining...it may happen quickly, but the results won't be long lasting...hang in there!
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    I was in the same situation. One of my high school classmates was talking about it everyday on Facebook that diet. she dropped it fast too. i took the high road less traveled and have been eating right, exercising and never looking back. the high road will last a life time and is a HEALTHY way. No magic pills or liquid will be a healthier alternative. Take it from me, i feel more accomplished and proud since i made the choice to avoid fads. You've done amazing so far, keep it up!! :))))))
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