Lose 20lbs in 30 days ( July 23-Aug 23)

determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
edited July 2016 in Challenges
I created this challenge to make losing weight fun also to support each other and hold each other accountable :) if you would like to join me so we can keep each other motivated you can respond to the text and post your progress on the dates listed below in your response for weigh in days! Good luck everyone!!

July 31:
Aug 7:
Aug 14:
Aug 23 last weigh in:


  • Mombasababe
    Mombasababe Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in.
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    edited July 2016
    @awasunna great! Copy n paste the weigh in dates from my post then list your weigh ins every week until Aug 23
  • SailorStevieMoon
    SailorStevieMoon Posts: 3 Member
    We can do this! :)

    July 31:
    Aug 7:
    Aug 14:
    Aug 23 last weigh in:
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    @Sailor_Moon86 welcome! And yes we can! Glad you decided to join the challenge
  • biimfan106
    biimfan106 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in! :)

    July 31:
    Aug 7:
    Aug 14:
    Aug 23 last weigh in:
  • Sara_louise88
    Sara_louise88 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to try and do this :)

    July 31:
    Aug 7:
    Aug 14:
    Aug 23 last weigh in:
  • kmr0293
    kmr0293 Posts: 50 Member
    I like this. I'm in.
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    @Sara_louise88 awesome! Welcome glad your joining us!
  • kmr0293
    kmr0293 Posts: 50 Member
    Current weight 243
    Goal weight. 223
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    @biimfan106 great! Glad you are joining us!
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    edited July 2016
    Because this is a challenge and I want us all to succeed im holding everyone accountable to weigh in on dates provided if you fall to weigh in you will be excluded from continuing the challenge.. Thanks All and good luck to each one of you we can do this!! :)
  • MissGeorgie04
    MissGeorgie04 Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hey!! I'm Aria, lovely to meet you
    I'm about a day later but, better late than never, right? :smiley:
    I've joined something similar recently and I think it's a wonderful idea.
    July 31:
    Aug 7:
    Aug 14:
    Aug 23 last weigh in:

    I look forward to doing the challenge with everyone!! :)

  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    @MissGeorgie04 are you joining the challenge? ☺
  • MissGeorgie04
    MissGeorgie04 Posts: 7 Member
    @determinedn513 Yeahh :smiley: I initally typed up the whole introduction bit on my phone but only the hey came out :lol: I've edited it now.
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    @MissGeorgie04 ok awesome! Dont forget to post your weights on weigh in days! Good luck to you
  • jodieallot
    jodieallot Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in
    July 31:
    Aug 7:
    Aug 14:
    Aug 23 last weigh in:
  • Busyonkwe
    Busyonkwe Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, really glad you came up with this challenge. Just saw it today and joining asap even though I'm a day behind.

    July 31:
    Aug 7:
    Aug 14:
    Aug 23 last weigh in:
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    @jodieallot great! Glad you joined us!
  • determinedn513
    determinedn513 Posts: 48 Member
    @Busyonkwe welcome! Thanks for joining us! Good luck!
  • shakemypeachtree
    shakemypeachtree Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a day late, too, but I want to join. I went from a job where I walked and moved ALL the time to a pretty sedentary job. It is hard to get moving again - I could use the motivation! Stay positive, everyone! We got this!

    CW: 205
    GW: 185
    July 31:
    Aug 7:
    Aug 14:
    Aug 23 last weigh in:
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