Need motivation for weekends!

Hi everyone,

Maybe someone could help me out with this struggle. I find that i could be very disciplined during the week...including watching my diet and going to the gym BUT once the weekend hits and my routine changes, i start eating out more and socializing with friends..its more difficult to stay on track! Any suggestions on how to keep that motivation consistent into the weekend? Any input would be helpful!

Thank you!


  • SunnyDispo619
    I'm in the same boat. I have decided not to eat dinner out anymore. If I go out with friends to socialize, I will only have a small salad or light appetizer and tea. I wish I had some better advice! If you need some moral support on the weekends, you can friend me...I need it too!
  • Dokks
    Dokks Posts: 16
    I had the same problem, I finally ended up just getting up at about my normal time and following my routine, all except going to work.

    The plus side is that it feels like I have a much longer weekend since I'm not lazing around in bed. :)
  • 3kidsin3years
    3kidsin3years Posts: 116 Member
    I think it's a serious trouble spot for almost all of it. The only thing I have found to be helpful is to stick to my regular routine as much as I possibly can, up at normal time, exercise as normal, meals as normal, etc. If anything, I can exercise a bit more on the weekend, which allows me to splurge just a bit on dinner (the one meal I change up) and have a bit of an extra something. For the most part, it works for me. I still have troubles, but that seems to help me get through. Hope you find a good solution for yourself! =)
  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Weekends are always hard for me as well. We have tons of family get togethers that all seem to revolve around food. This past holiday weekend I did okay. Brought healthy appetizers and skipped the burgers and hot dogs for dinner and went with a salad. If your eating out at sit down restaurants try asking the waiter to box half of your meal before they bring it to you. If it's not on your plate you won't eat it. Opt for a salad with dressing on the side (no cheese). If alcohol is an issue, skip the beer and go for a diet coke with your choice alcohol and sip it slow make it last. Hope this helps... If you need more support add me.
  • zumbamama80
    zumbamama80 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also in the same boat! Busy with work and stay very focused on the week days but come the weekend...I have two little boys and we are out and about and I always end up cheating! Any suggestions would be great!
  • deborahmorris
    deborahmorris Posts: 177 Member
    I am the same...look forward to ideas...
  • rikisue206
    rikisue206 Posts: 99 Member
    I have the same issue too and I have noticed that I want to eat more on the weekends because I am bored. If I find things to occupy my time I don't over indulge. I might not exercise on the weekends, but I make sure I am reading, playing with my kids, or doing something outdoors. This has helped me out a to!
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Weekends are when I hang out with friends so I try to suggest active things - instead of going out for dinner, let's go for a walk through X park. Or if we go to the beach, I get in the water or throw a football around. I try to do this on top of my regular exercise so that if I do eat or drink a little more, I've at least made a dent in it.
  • lmcphear
    lmcphear Posts: 5 Member
    If you go out on weekends at restaurants order half your food to be place in a to go container same with dessert....helps you from binge eating.Also try diet sodas with you alcohol beverages and if its serious switch to wine alot less calories. Its all about making healthy substitutes
  • Ngabay
    Ngabay Posts: 3
    Thanks everyone! I really like the idea of packing half of my meal to go when i go out to eat! I will definitely try that!