Stay-At-Home Moms 1/19-1/25



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    *hugs* supermom. I hope you can get some answers. Maybe you could call Fort Hood to get things straightened out?
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    Good Wednesday Morning Ladies!!!!

    ((((((((HUGS)))))))) Supermom - I hope things work out for you guys

    ~I can't remember who wrote about being a 19yr old college kid with a kid of thier own, but do not ever feel like a failure, because YOU ARE NOT you are going to college and raising your own kid! That is a big task and not many people can do be proud of yourself! I know lots of moms that had kids why they were in college and they quit - so you are a very strong woman to be raising your child and going to school at the same time!!!

    I hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Mornin ladies...Thanks to all who have posted about finding medical coverage..I'm lookin into HIP Healthy Indiana Plan..Just mailed my app back in today...Also been callin our congress man in Indiana, Brad Ellsworth and writing Mitch Daniels and who ever else I can think of..I've filed for Indiana Medicaid and have been denied everytime..Not sure why but I have a lawyer from my divorce that was Leagal Aid and as soon as I get the next t denial letter shes jumping on it and appeling it..The reason I'm calling all these big ppl cuz there are ppl here in my area that I know are on Indiana Medicaid n can have them pay for her to get on fertility drugs and have twins even though she already had 4 kids that have been yanked from her many times...But thats here nor there...It just ercks my nerves...:mad: :mad: :mad:
    Oh well I'm done ranting...I'm need to workout n get some more of this weight off to help my body get better..If that makes any sense...Hope everyone is having a good day..:flowerforyou:
  • jackobean29
    jackobean29 Posts: 28 Member
    I feel for everyone that struggles financially in the US, I live in Canada so we don't have this added stress. I will say some prayers for you and your family, I also went through a period of time when i was pissed at god for my situation. He loves all and supports all even though sometimes we feel all alone. Hopefully Obama can bring in a Universal Health Care System. I have felt this exact same way, that God wanted to commit me to the nearest nut house because I can't take any more, but somehow we deal and get through even though it doesn't feel like we will. Here's to a better day tomorrow and for the rest of the year.

    Well ladies..I've taken in alot of food in that I'm not supposed to..Lots of mcdonalds this week..I'm soooooo upset tonight:mad: I got some very bad news in my opinon this morning...I was told I have a 90% chance of having cervical cancer:brokenheart: ...I cant go get the rest of the test I need cuz I have no insurance and the drs want half down to get in the door to see them...I'm a single mom of 3 kids on disablity and for some unknown reason I cant get Indiana medicaid...I'm looking down other avenues...It just is scarey whats goin on and I cant do anything about it..And everyone I've told my news to is like ohhh its no big deal alot of women have gone through this dont be so upset..Well I'm sorry I'm scared maybe I shouldnt be but I am..I cant get nething fixed cuz of no insurance I want to be healthy and around many more years to see my kids grow up...:cry: All I can do is sit here n cry n pray to God that some answer comes to me...You know I thought my bad year was behind me...The last year of my life has been hell..Lost my house,my dad, got divorced and here I am again gettin bad news again...I thought 2009 was gonna be better...You know its true what they say Krama does come back n bite u in the *kitten*..I've asked for forgiveness from the Lord for everything I've done..No I'm not perfect but what does God want to do?? Lose my freakin mind well thats where I'm headed...Ladies please say a pray for me and thank you all for lettin me vent..
  • mommachag
    mommachag Posts: 318
    Quick question! I am going grocery shopping and I need to find some snack foods for Alex. I need some ideas. He can not have wheat or dairy, so it makes it a little more difficult. I usually get him gfcf cookies and some fruit snacks but some times I end up eating them. :blushing: Last week I bought him some rice crackers, but they were nasty. (Tasted like corn nuts and I can't stand those things.) I want to change things up a bit. Any ideas?

    Flat Earth makes veggie chips...I don't *think* there is any wheat in there. Sweet potatoes, rice, potatoes. My kids love them & they end up counting towards veggies for the day, too. That's a hard one, MM!
    enjoy life coco loco bars!
    glutino blueberry bars
    knickknick toaster pies
    mary' seed crackers
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    I'm confused...I think I need to go read more of what happened yesterday....I just scanned earlier.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Sara you lost 2 more lbs!!! WAHOO FOR YOU!!!! I've been secretly wishing you would hit a nasty P word so I could catch up to you :laugh: But you just keep on takin it off. Inspirational!

    Dana and supermom I hope you both get your health care stuff worked out. It's so stressful to not have the medical attention you need, I've been there.

    MM-good luck finding new treats for your little man. I don't have any suggestions, I'm unfamiliar with "restricted" diets

    Hubby finally went to work today THANK GOODNESS. I love the man but dang he's been home in the days for over a week now (he was working night last week) and was on the verge of driving me crazy. Part of it was because he didn't feel well and I have a hard time dealing with sick adults. I RARELY get sick so I don't understand the "I'm so sick and can't do anything but sleep" mentality, so I dont sympathize very well. So I'm glad he's feeling better and went to hopefully he will put in a full day and not come home early.
    We have been doing the pushup challenge and I'm now on week 3. Hubby started on week 3 but did it twice and has now moved to week 4. I'm seeing a difference in my arms but I definately feel stronger. Before I couldn't even do a push up...I think I could do like 3 girly ones and now I'm up to almost 20 girly push ups.
    I need to go get my workout in...I can't believe it's 10 already UGH!! Where has the morning gone.
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Good Morning Mommies,

    Don't have a lot of time right now to type much but wanted to check in. I seem soooo lost cause I haven't been on since yesterday morning:ohwell: I am down 2.2lbs this morning from last week:drinker: (water) Well the dentist went ok, out of 6 of us 2 have cavities and 1 has to go back and have selants (sp?) put on. The oldest who is 14 got his butt chewed by the dr. cause he has a crooked tooth and he wants to put braces on him but he won't take care of brushing his teeth good enough so he won't fix it until he gets his butt in gear and brushes on a regular basis.:grumble: He is old enough to be responsible for that but he doesn't:grumble: .. I just finished a 3 mile workout with Leslie and now need to go jump in the shower cause hubby will be back soon and we are going to town to pay some bills and get some groceries.

    Hope everyone has a great day:flowerforyou: HUGS to all that are struggling with what life is dealing with. If god brings you too it he believes you can get through it.:flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Well I'm trying to get some serious workouts in today but DD is resisting nap time so I thought I would jump on while I get her to sleep. But I see there's not much going on...
    Abetterme-Glad the dentist went well. I haven't been to a dentist FOREVER. I would hate to hear what he would have to say to me. I would think that your 14 year old will start taking better care of his teeth as soon as he finds girls interesting :love: It's amazing how they go from not caring about hygiene to caring too much.
  • supermom1114
    Good Wednesday Morning Ladies!!!!

    ((((((((HUGS)))))))) Supermom - I hope things work out for you guys

    ~I can't remember who wrote about being a 19yr old college kid with a kid of thier own, but do not ever feel like a failure, because YOU ARE NOT you are going to college and raising your own kid! That is a big task and not many people can do be proud of yourself! I know lots of moms that had kids why they were in college and they quit - so you are a very strong woman to be raising your child and going to school at the same time!!!

    I hope everyone has a great day!!!

    lol I'm the 19yr old college student, the bookstore was awful.. kept running in to everything and everyone but there was this one jerk who was blocking like half an aisle with his huge back pack n I said excuse me and he didnt even look just scooted up an inch n I tried to go by n ended up snagging his ginormous backpack, n he turned around n gave me the rudest look even after he saw that I had a baby with me, I just turned to him n said "Maybe you dont understand how huge your back pack is but have a little courtesy when someone says excuse me to actually look n see how much you should move up, the world doesnt revolve around you" ugh maybe I was too mean?? Thats just me I dont take peoples *kitten*... oh well lol
  • supermom1114
    Oh but I do have to say PRAISE GOD!!! The orders have been changed to Title 32 again so we have healthcare as of Friday!! The Indiana units personnel called my hubbys unit n reamed the readiness NCO. Yay! I still dont know when he'll be paid, we may have to wait til March, but I got my finacial aid refund in the bank today, over a grand, once again PRAISE GOD, we'll be able to make!! Thank you for all your hugs n prayers!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Supermom...wonderful news!!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Options thoughts and prayers are with you! ((((hugs))))
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    :frown: Well you guys have been busy since Tuesday Morning. Sorry I can't respong to everyone. I haven't worked out in 2 days due to a nasty bug I have. I just wanted to let everyone know I am still hear. lol . Not sure if anyone knew I was gone, but oh well.

    Well nausea is coming again, talk to you later.:frown:
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    :frown: Well you guys have been busy since Tuesday Morning. Sorry I can't respong to everyone. I haven't worked out in 2 days due to a nasty bug I have. I just wanted to let everyone know I am still hear. lol . Not sure if anyone knew I was gone, but oh well.

    Well nausea is coming again, talk to you later.:frown:

    Welcome back :wink:
    Hope your feeling better!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ive lost another 1/2 pound, which puts me at 235.6
    I started out exactly 2 weeks ago at 240 so Im really pretty happy with the 4.5 loss :)

    I had an appointment for a free fitness anaylsis and personal training session at the gym today. My god, those guys are THE WORST salesmen Ive ever had the experience of dealing with. After working my *kitten* to exhaustion for a good 1/2 hour doing lunges, squats, weights and running stairs.. I got to hear this---

    "If you dont have a personal trainer, you wont meet your goal to lose weight" oh and they also tried the "You will lose your motivation if you dont pay the $40 a month for 1/2 hour to meet with us 1x a month"

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :angry: :laugh: :angry: :grumble: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    All I said was..

    "Really?? Cuz I AM the reason my happy *kitten* is at the gym 5 days a week and I REALLY dont see how me meeting with you 1x A MONTH is gonna get me motivated to come here 5 days a week like I should..." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I just thought Id throw that out there. MAN these guys are PUSHY!!! ..... Cute... but PUSHY!!!
  • Audry
    Audry Posts: 70 Member
    rofl....supermom - I thought you were the 19 yr old but I wasn't sure and when I went back to find the post I couldn't find kid at the bookstore sounds like a jerk....he should have just moved....what a A** - I hope your studies go well! Just remember your an amazing mom and woman! Oh yeah - that is great about getting the coverage!!!! I bet your really relieved about that!!!

    LosingIt4good - congrats on the 4.5 loss in 2 weeks!!!! :drinker: Don't let those trainers get to you, they are just out there to make a buck and seriously if you only get to meet with them once a month what good are they to you anyways...I mean hello people in our situations (trying to loose wiehgt) have to work out almost everyday to see results and one workout a month with a trainer is NOT going to help with anything but draining the pocketbook!

    Mrsbuzz - I hope you get to feeling better

    (((HUGS))) to all!!!

    Today it was almost 70 degrees!!!!! and for January in Kansas - that is REALLY NICE!!!!! So I took my girls outside for an hour and we played - why my dd (2yrs - K) was swinging & my other dd (7 1/2 mos - D) was sitting in her stroller, I jumped rope for about 10 mins, then jogged across our yard for about 10 mins, then walked to cool down about 5 mins...also chased the dogs around the yard - played frisbee with one of the dogs and did pushups on the stroller to make D laugh!!! lol I'm sure the nieghbors that were driving by thought I was crazy but I was having a blast and so were the kids and dogs so that is all that matters!!!

    I hope everyone elses Wednesday was as great as mine!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey everyone-- so many new mommies here I haven't met-- hello to one and all.

    Crazy week here-- tummy bug going around, seemingly in two waves. Josh started it last week with diarrhea then began puking two days later-- one by one they've all followed the same pattern. Only my 15yo daughter and myself have avoided it, but she's like me-- she never gets sick. Hubby and 17yo daughter were traveling and got back yesterday morning, so we'll see how they do. My eldest just got it today--

    One daughter, natch, puked in the middle of the night, all over the bed and carpet. I do believe it's written somewhere in the kid handbook that puking MUST occur in the middle of the night. Josh was sleeping with me when I heard him cough, I woke up and grabbed him to run for the bathroom-- but he still got it on me, my bed, his jammies. He managed to hold most of it though, bless his heart.

    So, friends, crazy, week-- blech. Nowhere to go but up, right? Flippin' plateau is giving me fits. Hormonal gain of 1.5 pounds this week-- :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Here I am measuring my blinkin' food, counting my stinkin' calories, avoiding my beloved peanuts, drinking my blasted water, exercising, doing everything "right" and what have I to show for it. Bupkus. Maddening.

    Oh well-- whaddyagonnado??/

    Heading to work-- later!!
  • abetterme
    abetterme Posts: 393
    Hey everyone-- so many new mommies here I haven't met-- hello to one and all.

    Crazy week here-- tummy bug going around, seemingly in two waves. Josh started it last week with diarrhea then began puking two days later-- one by one they've all followed the same pattern. Only my 15yo daughter and myself have avoided it, but she's like me-- she never gets sick. Hubby and 17yo daughter were traveling and got back yesterday morning, so we'll see how they do. My eldest just got it today--

    One daughter, natch, puked in the middle of the night, all over the bed and carpet. I do believe it's written somewhere in the kid handbook that puking MUST occur in the middle of the night. Josh was sleeping with me when I heard him cough, I woke up and grabbed him to run for the bathroom-- but he still got it on me, my bed, his jammies. He managed to hold most of it though, bless his heart.

    So, friends, crazy, week-- blech. Nowhere to go but up, right? Flippin' plateau is giving me fits. Hormonal gain of 1.5 pounds this week-- :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Here I am measuring my blinkin' food, counting my stinkin' calories, avoiding my beloved peanuts, drinking my blasted water, exercising, doing everything "right" and what have I to show for it. Bupkus. Maddening.

    Oh well-- whaddyagonnado??/

    Heading to work-- later!!

    Marla... I wondered where you had gone too. I feel your pain with all the sick kids. Thankfully right now none of that has gone through our house (knocking on wood). I agree with you on the puking in the middle of the night it must of came in the kids' manual cause it always seems to happen then:grumble: Hope things get better in your house, pull out the bleach water and disenffect everything.

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Marla I dont know how you maintain your sanity. Sorry that your kids are sick, hope it leaves your home before you get it.

    Supermom-I'm happy that you will get the insurance you need and that your financial aid came in. sorry about the kid at the bookstore...some people really do think the world revolves around them....You weren't wrong for saying something...I would have too :wink:

    Went to the in laws for dinner tonight, probably ate too much but it was good. I had over 1300 calories to eat and I doubt I ate them all. I "earned" almost 1000 calories working out today, don't know what got into me but I know I'm gonna feel it tomorrow.
    Hubby actually worked a full day today and it sounds like he might actually work a full day tomorrow too, yippee!!

    Time for bed. See you all tomorrow.