Week 5 of new program - gaining weight

After days of google searching that brought nothing but contradictions, I'm hoping to get some help from some pros here. I'm currently on week 5 of a new exercise plan (BBG: 3-28min resistance workouts and 3-40mins light cardio on the off days). So far I am really enjoying the program and its the longest I've been able to stick to an exercise routine since high school sports. The bad news is I've noticed I've been gaining weight the past few weeks, which is the polar opposite of what I want. Before starting my weight hovered btw 143 and 148. Now it's between 151-153. And it's not just on the scale, measurements on my thighs and belly have increased, and I can see the difference when looking in the mirror. While my eating isn't perfect, I definitely am not eating more/worse then prior to starting. I'm trying to be better about logging everything here, and when I do, I'm usually just below the 1800 cal goal without really trying. What I don't understand is how I can be gaining weight by adding routine exercise to a previously pretty much sedimentary life style. I've read a lot about water/glycogen retention in early weeks, but it seems like that's supposed to go away by the end of the 2nd week. Should I be eating less?

I don't want to quit because I can definitely tell I'm getting stronger, but I also don't want to continue ballooning up. I saw a picture of myself in a swimsuit from this weekend and it made me so incredibly sad. Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    edited July 2016
    If you're gaining over an appreciable amount of time (say 4-6 weeks) you're eating more than you think. If you're not logging never mind weighing solids and measuring liquids then you really have no idea what your intake is. Very easy to log a day and say, look, I'm really good! But it's human nature to pick a day when your subconscious knows it's going to look better on paper than a day when you were likely over.

    So long story short. Log. Log accurately. Do it for 6-8 weeks before assessing progress.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Are you weighing all solid food with a food scale? will be the first question you're asked.
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    It's not uncommon to be hungrier after adding exercise, and then eating more. That is highly likely to be what's going on.

    I once gained 6 or seven pounds over four months training for a 12 hour bicycle race. I was riding 350-400 miles a week. It was not big deal in the mirror; but did impact the race. I had no idea I was eating more. This sold me on tracking.
  • mckenzie
    mckenzie Posts: 21 Member
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling - and I don't doubt for a minute that this is when my worse eating is. But this really isn't anything new eating wise. I just don't get how eating the same plus adding exercise can equal weight gain :neutral:

    But I'll continue to weigh and log everything and see what happens I guess.

  • ehine1
    ehine1 Posts: 28 Member
    Everyone goes through something like this in their journey to their ideal fitness goals. Keep up the logging, exercise and positive thoughts and you'll get through it and be a stronger person for it.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    mckenzie wrote: »
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling - and I don't doubt for a minute that this is when my worse eating is. But this really isn't anything new eating wise. I just don't get how eating the same plus adding exercise can equal weight gain :neutral:

    But I'll continue to weigh and log everything and see what happens I guess.

    Double check some of your entries. There are a lot of incorrect entries on MFP (including the green checkmark ones). Try not to use any generic entries like "homemade mashed potatoes" or "taco salad" unless you created them. There's no way to tell if the creator used the same ingredients as you or in what amounts.

    I use the recipe builder alot because of this.

    Check your sodium levels as well. It can also cause water retention.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    mckenzie wrote: »
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling - and I don't doubt for a minute that this is when my worse eating is. But this really isn't anything new eating wise. I just don't get how eating the same plus adding exercise can equal weight gain :neutral:

    But I'll continue to weigh and log everything and see what happens I guess.

    But if you don't log consistently and are naturally hungrier from working out, you are probably doing a bit of portion creep without even realising. It's very very common. We think we haven't changed a thing, it's happening completely unwittingly.

    Fact is, aside from a couple of pounds water weight which should be gone by now (unless muscle soreness is still ongoing) then you're eating more than you think. It's the only explanation and the most logically one given you don't accurately know your intake.
  • RobD520
    RobD520 Posts: 420 Member
    mckenzie wrote: »
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling - and I don't doubt for a minute that this is when my worse eating is. But this really isn't anything new eating wise. I just don't get how eating the same plus adding exercise can equal weight gain :neutral:

    But I'll continue to weigh and log everything and see what happens I guess.

    Eating the same and adding exercise cannot, outside of fluctuations in water weight, result in weight gain.....ever.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    If you aren't logging everything with a scale, you are undoubtedly under estimating your food intake. After 5 weeks any gains from a new routine should have dissipated. Start with the basics - logging accurately and consistently. Buy a scale and use it. After a month of doing this Consistently you will notice positive changes.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    1800 to lose weight? What are your stats?
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    1800 to lose weight? What are your stats?

    In addition to the logging issues, yes, this. I still have over 60lbs to lose and I'm down in the 1200's.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    1800 to lose weight? What are your stats?

    In addition to the logging issues, yes, this. I still have over 60lbs to lose and I'm down in the 1200's.

    A lot of people can lose on 1800 if they are active and have a TDEE of 2000-2200. I just thought it'd be nice to have OPs stats.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    MissusMoon wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    1800 to lose weight? What are your stats?

    In addition to the logging issues, yes, this. I still have over 60lbs to lose and I'm down in the 1200's.

    Depends on if gross or net. I eat about 1800 gross. My net is much lower because I earn those foods!
  • mckenzie
    mckenzie Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    Amyrebeccah, I'll try to incorporate some more protein as well!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    Amyrebeccah, I'll try to incorporate some more protein as well!

    That would put you at 2800 calories to maintain which is on the very high side for the average woman. I would focus on tightening up your logging, and I suggest not "eating back" any calories for a couple weeks.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    Amyrebeccah, I'll try to incorporate some more protein as well!

    What did you set your activity level at? Remember that activity level is not including exercise, just your daily activity such as what you do at your job and at home when not working out. I don't see how you lose 1 lb a week at 1,800 and your stats.
  • ammo7
    ammo7 Posts: 188 Member
    edited July 2016
    mckenzie wrote: »
    I do have a scale that I use when logging. I haven't been logging on the weekends because I've been traveling
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    I just wanted to weigh in about not logging on weekends, in case it helps you to be motivated to track your calories consistently even while you're traveling.

    If you're aiming for a 1lb loss per week, then your daily deficit is set up to be 500 calories per day. But if you only stick to this deficit for 5 days out of 7, then you would be on track to lose about 0.7lb per week.

    It's so easy to consume more calories than we expect if you eat out at restaurants - for me, those tasty meals definitely have more calories than my homemade versions! And the bigger portion sizes too! So if you were to stick to your deficit of 500 calories each weekday, but over eat by 500 calories each day of the weekend, then you would only have enough of a deficit for around 0.4lb per week.

    It's so easy for some unplanned meals on the weekend to wipe out the results of our good efforts during the week. But if you stick to your calorie goal every day then you'll see your results happen over time :)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    dmt4641 wrote: »
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    Amyrebeccah, I'll try to incorporate some more protein as well!

    What did you set your activity level at? Remember that activity level is not including exercise, just your daily activity such as what you do at your job and at home when not working out. I don't see how you lose 1 lb a week at 1,800 and your stats.

    Yep, i think she has her activity level set high.

  • errollmaclean
    errollmaclean Posts: 562 Member
    I agree with everyone, it's most likely a logging issue. That and over estimating excersize calories are the 2 most common errors. Losing weight is a math equation, so baring medical issues it's about dialing in the "calories in" vs "calories out". It might take a couple weeks to figure out. Keeping track as accurately as possible can be a pain at first, but it gets easier.
  • mckenzie
    mckenzie Posts: 21 Member
    dmt4641 wrote: »
    mckenzie wrote: »
    Thank you all for the great advice! I will definitely start weighing everything from now on - you may be right that I'm just not noticing an increase in eating.
    As for stats I'm 5'9 and currently 151lb up from 146ish 5 weeks ago. The 1800 is what MFP recommended to lose 1lb/week. I "earn" more through exercise, but I don't usually hit the limit (going off of my logging efforts to date - though like I said, I'll try to tighten this up from here on out).

    Amyrebeccah, I'll try to incorporate some more protein as well!

    What did you set your activity level at? Remember that activity level is not including exercise, just your daily activity such as what you do at your job and at home when not working out. I don't see how you lose 1 lb a week at 1,800 and your stats.

    You are so right! I had it set at active because I thought it included exercise. I'll be dialing that down now and be adjusting my meals to fit the new goal. Thank you!