Anyone else have more than 50lbs to lose?



  • MelyCastillo
    MelyCastillo Posts: 18 Member
    I do add me
  • ThatLadyFromMN
    ThatLadyFromMN Posts: 301 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me! :) I'm just pulling myself up by the bootstraps after falling off this last couple weeks.

    SW: 280 lb
    CW: 201 lb
    GW: 140-150 lb (but we'll see when I get down there)
  • Nickstery
    Nickstery Posts: 324 Member
    I too have a lot to lose...

    I'm turning 34 this year and my wife and i are working towards having kids. I don't want to be a side line Dad because of my weight.

    I am starting at 296lbs and would like to get to 200lbs.... I'm 6 foot tall and have a wide frame.

    I was at 220 in my early 20's and it was a good weight for me but I wasn't skinny at that point, i was just average, little bit of chub. lol

    We can definitely journey together, all of us.

    Who ever wants to add me, go ahead and send a request! :)
  • MaGrl523
    MaGrl523 Posts: 101 Member
    50 is a start for me. I am down around 14 right now and have at least 80 more to go.
    SW: 258.8
    CW: 244.4
    UG: 160-ish

    I'm from Massachusetts, USA

    Support and Motivation are Key!!
  • BinaryFu
    BinaryFu Posts: 240 Member
    I started this journey at 398lbs. I dropped to 325lbs and plateaued for years. Then I found MFP in late Feb of this year (2016) and I am currently at 295lbs.

    My goal weight is 200lbs.

    I have a lower back injury that prevents me from exercise right now (We're hoping to fix that as I just got a diagnosis after 28 years) but until then, my focus is CiCo and doing the best I can in these circumstances.

    I also have PTSD. No, I don't talk about it, just understand it's there and it can make me sound like an uncaring jerk at times - but I'm not (At least I hope I'm not, that counts, right?).

    If you're looking for someone who's honest and tries to be helpful from time to time (while being a cheerleader most of the times) feel free to friend me.

    One word of caution though - keep your food diaries open to your friends, otherwise you're hiding what you eat which means you're not ready to be serious about your weight loss, which means I'll eventually unfriend you. Just my opinion and my personal preference.

    I keep my diary open to my friends and blog on a fairly regular basis. If that sounds like fun, friend me. I can always use some more company on this journey.
  • RayaQb
    RayaQb Posts: 51 Member
    Please feel free to add me as I have a long road ahead also.
    Good luck and lets kick this fat to the curb :smile:

    SW: 290
    CW: 273
    GW: 150
  • absinthefaerie
    absinthefaerie Posts: 36 Member
    Feel free to add!
    CW: 190
    Goal weight: 133
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Yep, hoping to hit 210 from 265 right now. Started at 289 earlier this year. I'm also trying to be healthy about it too and not just worry about weight.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Hello ellemybellamy...I started at 298 in late Jan/early Feb, and I have lost 27 lbs so far...currently 271 and my goal is 185, which was my weight at age 86 to go. I have been averaging a little over a pound per week, which is right where I want to be for now. I have some joint issues to resolve, then I will be able to exercise more effectively and the rate of loss should accelerate somewhat. I log every bite, every day. I am active in the forums and actively support my MFP friends. You, and anyone else, are welcome to share my road...add me!
  • Tmr419
    Tmr419 Posts: 12 Member
    My starting weight is 180 and I'm currently at 176.8. I used MFP a few years ago and was able to lose about 20 pounds!! Unfortunately, everything I lost I have put back on, and more! :/ I'm looking to lose about another 50 more, however my goal right now is to just be down another 30 before my wedding. I'm always looking for friends to help motive and to helo keep me in check! :smiley: Good luck with your journey and never ever quit!
  • tamaera
    tamaera Posts: 20 Member
    Hi there, after a very bad start to this year health wise I will be starting a new 12 week challenge journey on August 1st. I use Body Beast workout dvd's for my weight training and 3 days of HIIT training on an indoor incline bike for my cardio. I will usually do a moderate walk a cpl days a week also around the countryside ( we live in the middle of nowhere).
    I started at 270 (my highest ever due to medical stuff going on in my life) but have since gotten down to 259 ish over the last month. Now that hopefully my meds are correct again I can continue to lose weight :) My goal is approx 130 - 140 ish. I will be working out with weights quite a bit so for me its more a size and bmi goal than actual scale weight. :) Hope everyone the best on our goals :)
  • RueJue
    RueJue Posts: 27 Member
    I also have a bit of weight to lose. I have put on 42lbs which ideally I would like to shift. I'm currently at 212lbs which isn't the heaviest I've been but it's nearly there. I'm a female at nearly 5"11. I go to the gym regularly and I watch what I eat most of the time but I think my biggest issue is motivation. I'm happy to join a group of people who would motivate me to keep on going as during the times when it seems nothing is shifting, I just feel like giving up.
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm always looking for more friends to take on this journey. Feel free to add me.

    This will be my third and hopefully last journey to loose 100 lbs. I've lost 17 in the past 5 weeks and have 97 more to go to get to my goal. I'm hoping to make this a life change as I've now been recently diagnosed as prediabetic.
    SW 278.6
    CW 261.6
    GW 165
  • julialavergne
    julialavergne Posts: 36 Member
    I'm 5'6, 5'7ish feet tall. I've recently returned to MFP a month ago and I have lost 9lbs! Awesome huh? Lots of really strong and willing hard workers on MFP! Love it!
  • kennyleanne
    kennyleanne Posts: 4 Member
    I am in the same boat I weigh 235pounds and need to lose 100 to be classed as healthy and fit from my GP I have tried so many diets but they don't seem to help much, I don't shy away from exercise but finding the time with 3 young kids is hard, my bmi is 58% which gets me down as I am the heaviest I have ever been, reaching my goal weight of 125 pounds is all I can think about here's hoping to a healthy future
  • GetZet
    GetZet Posts: 126 Member
    If this offer is still open, may I join, too? I'm looking for fitness buddies/support group. I'll be 42 this year. I spent 20 years trying to be invisible and am only now ready to be seen again. I'm 5'9", around 210 working toward a goal of 145.
  • aidy__b
    aidy__b Posts: 15 Member
    Add me if the offer is still open.
    42 years old and 5'09". I started out at 245 and am down so far to 224 lbs. My target is 182.
    Always looking for friends for inspiration and support
  • malek988
    malek988 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there im in the uk as well NI

    SW 334
    CW 312
    GW around 210

    i have plenty of support from friends now im out of a helpless relationship, lost a lot in 6 weeks so im positive for this time
  • HollyTripp1
    HollyTripp1 Posts: 11 Member
    Please feel free to add me as well. My starting weight was 229 lb's I am at 227 lb's right now I am 5'9. My goal weight is between 147-157 lb's. The last time I did BMI it was 34 way to high should be closer to 21-23. Growing up I was always under weight. When I found out that I was pregnant with my first child I was 22 years old and I weight 97 lb's. I am 53 now and this is the most I have ever weighted. I have high cholesterol I did have high blood presser it is doing better now. My goal is to get to a point where I don't need medication any more. I also want to be able to start enjoying LIFE.
  • dcastelber
    dcastelber Posts: 6 Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi! I would like to join too if it's ok. I need to lose 80 lbs. My daughter is getting married April 1, 2017 and I will be in lots of pics. We also had the idea for me to wear my wedding dress, which could pass for a MOTB dress. I have a ways to go to fit in it.
    I am 49 and weigh 232. I am also T1 diabetic. So that's all kinds of fun. My goal is to look my best in those photos and get healthy for my grandchildren that won't be here for at least 3 years.
    SW 232
    GW 145