Anyone doing Kayla Itsines BBG?!

set107 Posts: 2 Member
Hello! I am starting up tracking my food again and also starting the BBG. Anyone else in the same boat? Goal is to lose about 30 lbs and get into the best shape of my life! I lost 20 lbs 3 years ago and have kept it off... I have now come back for more! "Friend me" :) I logged all the time and was active with comments last time I did MFP!

Much love, SET107


  • coaktree91
    coaktree91 Posts: 11 Member
    BBG girl here! Doing 2.0
  • kendrickmarisha
    kendrickmarisha Posts: 39 Member
    I just downloaded it won't except my email
    I'll try again tomorrow
    I've never heard of that app
  • mckenzie
    mckenzie Posts: 21 Member
    I'm currently on week 4! This is the first program I've actually enjoyed doing (though I may not be saying that mid-workout...). Feel free to add me :smile:
  • b_dani
    b_dani Posts: 26 Member
    Hi girlies

    I have been thinking about doing BBG for a while but am unsure. Would you mind giving me some info about it? Is it as effective as the before and after fotos suggest? How does it it just a series of excercise videos? What does it cost? Thank you in advance :)
  • Nikoletta1994
    Nikoletta1994 Posts: 39 Member
    Yeaaaah here
  • strob89
    strob89 Posts: 13 Member
    I plan on starting it Monday!
  • george147
    george147 Posts: 6 Member
    I did week 13 legs this morning, the sweat was pouring off me! Great workouts :)
  • allycat2392
    allycat2392 Posts: 8 Member
    I have BBG but I've never successfully made it past week 2 as I'm always either deciding to try something else or just giving up and over the fitness thing. I've gained weight and I'm more ready than ever to kick butt with Kayla again. Add me!
  • mclandry89
    mclandry89 Posts: 19 Member
    Just started BBG yesterday! Feel free to add me!
  • snehad123
    snehad123 Posts: 119 Member
    Hey girls! I am doing BBG as well! Add me :)
  • caitiejayne
    caitiejayne Posts: 2 Member
    Same here!! first beginners week workout today.... :s add away
  • mmk0822
    mmk0822 Posts: 3 Member
    I am starting today! Feel free to add :)
  • Maggie9fc
    Maggie9fc Posts: 25 Member
    I started today, feel free to add me!
  • eb557
    eb557 Posts: 5 Member
    Are you guys starting on week 1 or the 4 weeks of pretraining? I have no muscle in my arms, so am a little worried about jumping right into week 1
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    I've got the ebook. I just need to bite the bullet. Feel free to add me because it may be the push I need! I felt like I needed a gym to do it, so I hesitated to start. Do any of you ladies do it from home.
  • umiquet
    umiquet Posts: 69 Member
    I have looked into this as well! I was more so looking to try to get into a local group doing her program as I really need workout buddies! So far no such luck but I might try her program on my own regardless!
  • fizapirani248
    fizapirani248 Posts: 8 Member
    Week 6 here! My legsssss