
Well HI THERE!!!

Name's Shannon and I'm a 40 something chick from Detroit. I'm TRYING to do this whole consistent log in/track/lose weight thing, and, the good news?

I haven't gained back anything I've lost!

The bad news?

I'm getting bored.

A bit about me: I'm in love with Warcraft as a past time, which, as you can imagine, doesn't involve a lot of moving. However, I do love going to the gym, but in this heat it takes all my will power to move let alone hit a treadmill.

When I'm at the gym, the treadmill is my worst enemy - let me at the weights! I love strength training and my body responds favorably to it when I'm consistent.

I also love to cook, and yes, eat, and I refuse, absolutely refuse to use cauliflower as a rice substitute. If I want rice, I want rice, if I want cauliflower, I want cauliflower.

The only way I've been able to keep what I've lost at bay has been to avoid 'restricting' foods. If I crave pizza, I will literally eat all the things until I get pizza. SO, I'd rather have a couple slices with a salad than everything else in my fridge.

Surprisingly, the summer is the hardest time for me to lose weight because I do not do well in heat. Like, seriously, if it's over 85 degrees, I'm dying and complaining about it. Loudly.

SO! Feel free to message me, add me, point me to some good resources, whateves.

...I have no idea what else to say!
