getting discouraged!!

I have been on here 3 weeks.
The first week I lost 2 lbs.
Last week I lost 1 lb.
This week I again only lost 1 lb.!!! I was really hoping for at least 2 lbs.

I just don't understand why it is going so slowly! I am working REALLY hard! I exercise 5 times a week, for at least an hour each time. I do several different things. For instance this week. Monday I did 1 hour of yoga; Tuesday I did 40 min. of yoga and 30 min. of pilates; today I walked for 45 min. at 4 miles per hour. Tomorrow I will be doing weight training and yoga, and then Friday I will be walking again. I am staying within my calories, and usually are under my calories. I don't eat all of the calories they say, because I'm not entirely sure of the calories that I am burning.

My goal was to be down 20 pounds by June, at only 1 lb. per week, I won't make my goal!

Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong? Am I just being too hard on myself?

HELP!!! Cheer me up guys!



  • Cherylann402
    I have been on here 3 weeks.
    The first week I lost 2 lbs.
    Last week I lost 1 lb.
    This week I again only lost 1 lb.!!! I was really hoping for at least 2 lbs.

    I just don't understand why it is going so slowly! I am working REALLY hard! I exercise 5 times a week, for at least an hour each time. I do several different things. For instance this week. Monday I did 1 hour of yoga; Tuesday I did 40 min. of yoga and 30 min. of pilates; today I walked for 45 min. at 4 miles per hour. Tomorrow I will be doing weight training and yoga, and then Friday I will be walking again. I am staying within my calories, and usually are under my calories. I don't eat all of the calories they say, because I'm not entirely sure of the calories that I am burning.

    My goal was to be down 20 pounds by June, at only 1 lb. per week, I won't make my goal!

    Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong? Am I just being too hard on myself?

    HELP!!! Cheer me up guys!

  • rem1979
    rem1979 Posts: 344 Member
    Try eating some of those exercise calories for a week and see if that helps. If you are not eating enough calories, you body is not going to burn them off as easier.

    I usually eat my exercise cals or at least most of them and I have lost 11 pounds in the last month, I do though have more to lose than you. I hear it harder the closer you are to your goal weight.

    You are losing though and that's the important thing.
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    Well first of all the less you need to lose the harder it seems. I noticed that your total goal is only around 20 pounds. You may have to give in and not be finished by your goal date. That may just be reality. And I totally agree with rem if you're not eating enough you won't lose. Did you watch Biggest Loser last night? SOme of the girls where cutting WAY back on their calories and they weren't losing weight. Jillian made them EAT this week and they were dropping 10 pounds here and 7 pounds there! It was so exciting!

    Dont' get discouraged, just realize that it won't happen over night. Think more long term, like how happy you will be at the end of the year when it's gone.. Or how exciting it will be this time next year not to have to worry about it.
  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    If you have only been doing this for 3 weeks YES YOU ARE BEING TOO HARD ON YOURSELF!
    The GOOD news is that you are still losing, Grant it not as fast as you would like.
    Right now your body is getting used to the fact that you are INDEED changing.
    When your body gets the idea that you are in this for REAL and not just for a week or two, it will start burning weight better.
    ALSO do not forget that you MAY have added muscle!
    Muscle burns fat weight faster then no muscle, so as you gain pounds of muscle you are only showing a pound of fat weight lost.
    Think of it this way.
    If you took a brick (which will stand for muscle) and lets say that brick weighs 1 pound. and put it on a scale.
    Then took a vat and started filling it with pudding until the vast of pudding weighed 1 pound. You would have a LOT of PUDDING! :noway:
    What we are working on is that brick. Small, compact, sleek. :happy:
    Right now your body is probable getting even Pound for Pound with muscle to fat. But when the muscle out weighs the fat THEN you will start to see the pound FALL off you!
    This can take some time. As long as you are still losing however keep up the good work
  • delightedin
    I agree with Rem, the less you have to lose the harder it is. A suggestion I'm going to try is getting some scales that measure quarters of pounds, so that even though you don't lose whole pounds, you can see the difference on the scale, and that way you can be encouraged that you are always losing SOMETHING. If you are losing, and especially with that amount of exercise, take heart, as muscle weighs more than fat and it's the muscle that you want because it burns calories even when you're not exercising!!! Weight can sometimes be deceptive and discouraging. I'd suggest measuring yourself too, if you haven't already.

    Keep it up and don't give up!!
  • badtzmaru7979
    any week that you lose an entire pound is amazing!!!! your doing a wonderful job and if you keep it up you will reach your goal! dont give up!
  • kris23
    kris23 Posts: 44
    I swear by Get Ripped 1000. You can burn up to 1000 calories each time. The video is an hour and you can do it with 5lbs weights or none at all. I do it monday, wednesday and friday and alternate yoga or pilates. I have lost on average 2inches overall (bust, waist, hips, arms and thighs)and 2-3lbs a week. If you hit a plateau this will definately get you out of it.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Don't get discouraged. I think losing a pound a week is great. You still have a few months before June so that goal is still attainable. Don't give up. Keep us all up to date on your progress, we'll be cheering you on.
  • RiverCameron
    RiverCameron Posts: 56 Member
    Yup, WAY too hard on yourself. It takes a lot of work to lose even one pound of fat. It's possible to quickly lose pounds of water, but who wants that? Go drink a glass or two and you put it right back on. Safe, effective weight loss should be a pound or two a week. If you are close to goal it's more like 1/2 pound to a pound a week.

    Good luck,
  • alaskagal
    At my age (43) it's a tougher battle than when I was younger. They say the best way to lose weight is slowly if you want it to be a permanent weight loss. You are doing great! Be kind to yourself and keep up the good work.

  • Cherylann402
    Thanks! I knew you would help me feel better!
  • serge1111
    i know how you feel i am the same way
    i have been dieting for about 3 week and i have not lost nothing

    hang in there
  • Cowboy
    Cowboy Posts: 369 Member
    Hey all of you!!!
    You are doing this. BE PROUD!
    The weight WILL come off...just keep on keeping on that's all. We're all here for you.
    And...well, think about the alternative....
    If you give up...if you let discouragement take over...well then you'll NEVER get there. Remember the old story about the tortoise & the hare? Well, the thing about those old platitudes is that they got that way by being true.
    You all, every single one of you have a lot to be proud of. I challenge you to make a list of four things you've done really well over the last week. Concentrate on those and pat yourselves on the back.
    We're all on this journey together, and we'll make it if we just hang in there.
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    If you have only been doing this for 3 weeks YES YOU ARE BEING TOO HARD ON YOURSELF!
    The GOOD news is that you are still losing, Grant it not as fast as you would like.
    Right now your body is getting used to the fact that you are INDEED changing.
    When your body gets the idea that you are in this for REAL and not just for a week or two, it will start burning weight better.
    ALSO do not forget that you MAY have added muscle!
    Muscle burns fat weight faster then no muscle, so as you gain pounds of muscle you are only showing a pound of fat weight lost.
    Think of it this way.
    If you took a brick (which will stand for muscle) and lets say that brick weighs 1 pound. and put it on a scale.
    Then took a vat and started filling it with pudding until the vast of pudding weighed 1 pound. You would have a LOT of PUDDING! :noway:
    What we are working on is that brick. Small, compact, sleek. :happy:
    Right now your body is probable getting even Pound for Pound with muscle to fat. But when the muscle out weighs the fat THEN you will start to see the pound FALL off you!
    This can take some time. As long as you are still losing however keep up the good work

    I absolutely :heart: that brick analogy!