30 Day Shred - Knee Pain

I'm currently on Day 6 of Level 2 of 30 Day Shred. Ever since I started this level I have been getting severe knee pain. Tonight I was only able to last 10 minutes before I couldn't take it anymore! It usually hits with the first set of jumping jacks. I know it's not muscle pain, it's like a severe, sharp pain that sometimes within a few hours runs down my calves. I also have been walking about 3 miles a day roughly 4-5 days a week. Could this be to blame? I don't want to stop the Shred, but I don't know how much longer I can deal! I don't want to do more harm than good. Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)


  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I've never done the shred, but I seem to be seeing a lot of people complaining of knee pain while doing it. Please, be careful. Knee pain is nothing to ignore.
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    me too!
  • dawniee
    dawniee Posts: 143 Member
    Sounds like your out of alignment.....do you have a chiro? Im a just about finished with the shred and a lot of times with all the jumping and running what have you, you may be out....i just got an adjustment because i was having hip and knee pain, it's completely gone literally as soon as he adjusted me....my neck was out in two places and my lower back was out! Give it a try!! I Love my chiropractor
  • foreverloved
    foreverloved Posts: 220 Member
    Perhaps you need to focus on landing softer on your feet not so much your knees?
  • nikkialexander828
    nikkialexander828 Posts: 17 Member
    i did fine all the way through level one, but the first day of level 2 my knees were killing me! and it started with the first set of jumping jacks. im ashamed to say, i kinda sorta gave up on it after the second day of level 2. i keep telling myself ill pick it back up, but i havent yet.

    oh and i have NEVER had knee pain before, not even 40 pounds ago!
  • sarah120906
    sarah120906 Posts: 69 Member
    I also had knee pain, but it was because I was working out barefoot:( I know...real dumb, huh? Once I started wearing my shoes it went away.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Mine hurt in the beginning. But it didn't last.

    At first a lot of it was form. And the other was, well, I was out of shape. Once I got better at my form and gained strength. They didn't bother me as much.

    Also, my doc told me that my knee pain was because of something I can't explain let alone spell, but the basic was, my outer thigh was stronger than my inner thigh. It's as if the knee pulls toward the stronger muscle, causing pain of course. He said it would get better as I got both stronger. It did. I apologize for my lack of detailed answer and I'm probably not explaining it well, but it was the jist of it. I'm a banker not a medical tech.

    Level 2 my back ached horribly. I worked through it the best I could and modified it here and there. By the end of Level 2 and into Level 3, I didn't have it anymore.

    If you think about how much you are asking your body to do, its not wonder that it will fight you a bit. Your pushing it to change. Then after it learns you aren't giving in, it adapts. I guess my knees were kinda like my kids in that regard.
  • ZumbaQueenKelly
    Sounds like your out of alignment.....do you have a chiro? Im a just about finished with the shred and a lot of times with all the jumping and running what have you, you may be out....i just got an adjustment because i was having hip and knee pain, it's completely gone literally as soon as he adjusted me....my neck was out in two places and my lower back was out! Give it a try!! I Love my chiropractor

    I've never been to one, but it probably wouldn't hurt to try one out! Thanks! Thank you all for your help.
  • jessiejes
    jessiejes Posts: 19 Member
    i am experiencing this too! hate doing the knee circles thing at the beginning cause the friction hurts, but i don't want to not do it because i still want to loosen up those joints. i do smaller circles.
    i've noticed that the first set is a killer on my knees but if i push on, the pain seems to go away on the second and third set. then comes back again when i'm finished.
  • gd50cent
    gd50cent Posts: 233 Member
    yeah i had knee pain around day 6 too although i felt it going when i was doing 30 mins extra cardio straight after a go on level 1 30DS. was fine a day or too later. have felt pains in my back throughout level 1 too - especially when doing 'proper' pushups but as someone else said we're putting stress on our bodies so its maybe just adjusting.

    keep at it!!
  • cottagegal1
    cottagegal1 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi there, I too experienced knee pain in the week I did shred, it was so bad that at night there was not any comfortable position to put my legs, so I stopped shred and it went away, the pain I believe was caused by jumping jacks etc I am sure the additional weight I carry does not help, but I also don't want to injure anything in this process, walking is fine. it is a good cardio workout and I still continue to do the weights/squats (which don't bother my knees) so I listened to my body and quit that portion of the shred......
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Be sure your knees are not going beyond your toes. I started level 3 last night adn have yet to get any knee pain. As someone else suggested, land softly, don't jar your whole body when you land, be sure your butt goes out back when you do squats. Don't go straight down with your body, as that will make you knees go too far forward over your toes. Stick your butt out like you are going to sit in a chair. Also, go with the lower impact version, its till a great workout! Don't bend as deep jsut focus on using the leg muscles and resistance.
    Years ago, I had gotten severe knee pain while doing karate. I needed a chiropractor, as someone suggested, and found out it was because I had hip issues that my knee was bothering me. When one joint can't take it anymore it sends the pressure down to the next joint. Talk to a doctor about it.
    Level 3 is tough as it is a lot of jumping, plyometrics. UGH!!!!!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Check your form. If you aren't landing correctly your knees will be affected. Also make sure you don't need new shoes. Athletic shoes can break down pretty fast with strenuous workouts. So if you don't have the support you need during those spring action jumps your knees will suffer.

    I have to purchase new shoes now because yesterday I did my HIIT exercise that has a lot of tuck jumps and today my knees feel horrible.
  • ZumbaQueenKelly
    Thanks for all of your suggestions. When I woke up my knees were STILL in pain from last night. I'm going to look into a chiropractor. As for form, I always check my position and correct any mistakes. I also follow the easier routine (except with crunches). I think I may stop the Shred and look for something a little easier on the joints. I don't want anybody thinking I'm lazy, because that's not the case at all! If I could I would keep pushing through it but I don't want to mess with knee pain.