This is me now at 24st 1lb I hate myself



  • jrobertson290365
    jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks Guy's, I do have a set of 4 resistance bands but when I asked on the exercise forum about using them I got told not to Until you get approval from a doctor or physiotherapist to do strength exercises as I have mobility issues,
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    painterm81 wrote: »
    Believe me when I say I know how you feel. I from the US so I'm not sure what the stone/pound difference is, but I'm right there with you.

    Last year at the age of 33 I was diagnosed with Hypertension and they discovered I had an aortic aneurysm. I was a 450+ pound heavy smoker and a social drinker. Basically I was a ticking time bomb as my heart surgeon liked to say. I quit drinking and smoking but because of my weight it was a risky surgery. I dropped about 30 pounds and they decided to not wait any longer to do the surgery. So in May of last year I had open heart surgery that they gave me a 50/50 survival chance. They said if I wake up we could consider it successful. I woke up...

    I was married, but my recovery was an inconvenience to her so she kicked me out. The weight I had lost came back from the emotional eating. Not so much from losing my wife, because I wasn't happy for a while, but because she took my home, my dog, and a house I bought as a fixer upper to rent out.

    With the medical issues, and the fact I was on medical leave from my job I had no money, and no where to go so my parents drove two and a half hours to get me. Over the course of the year with all the restrictions my team of doctors put on me I gained a lot of weight.

    Six weeks ago I was basically told to lose weight and get healthy or I won't make it to 40...I'll be lucky to make it another two years. So I got back on MFP at 527 pounds. After five weeks I'm down 45 pounds and feeling pretty decent for the most part. I have a long way to go but the people on MFP are amazing and such a great asset for people who need the support.

    Feel free to add me if you would like some motivational support. Good luck on your journey bud.

    Painter, best wishes to you, as well. One day at a time . . . . you are worth it!
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I'd love to start going to a gym eventually but too frightened to as I'd feel like everyones laughing at me due to my size and weight, My Daughter sent me this photo and it's so true.


    Wow, so true. Hopefully, as you continue to gain confidence about yourself you will not be afraid to join a gym eventually. Hold your head high!
  • JosetteGetsFit
    JosetteGetsFit Posts: 55 Member
    I pushed myself to the limit today by going 2 walks and the funny thing is I actually feel pretty good, just wait until later when the pain sets in it'll be a different story LOL.

    You are a Warrior!! That, to me, right there is inspirational! Keep on digging deep and keep your focus! You can do this!
  • carmkizzle
    carmkizzle Posts: 211 Member
    Hello & welcome, you have come to the right place. There is plenty of support on here for all ages & sizes so please dont hate yourself. Its a change in lifestyle which may take some time to get into, Im 62 and thought I am too old to start dieting again, so I am not!! I am having a change of lifestyle & a healthy eating plan too. I too have lost 7 lbs but I am losing inches too. Take it one day at a time and get yourself a mantra like. ....I am worth it, I am a nice person inside & out...... believe in yourself me duck, you can add me as a friend & we can chivvy each other along. Good luck xx

    A few weeks ago I was eating like a full 6 pack of potato crisps and I could have a full chinese takeaway curry with 2 fried rices and all the extras like pancake rolls etc but I have now cut myself down I had half of a breast of chicken curry and half of a boiled rice as a treat which is only going to be maybe once a month or every other month with no extras and I was totally feeling full even after what I had.

    I have also cut right down with my meals during the week and don't eat sweets or crisps (well maybe 1 pack of 97 cal potato crisps once or twice a week instead of per night

    Keep this up and in two months, you will notice quite the difference in yourself. Nice going!
  • jrobertson290365
    jrobertson290365 Posts: 81 Member
    LOL JosetteandBill,

    I've never been called inspirational before

    Thank you
  • jamsieboi
    jamsieboi Posts: 11 Member
    Looks like you are doing good, we are on a similar journey and we will get there.

    Don't be hating yourself, I don't like the fact I am so heavy but life is precious so enjoy everyday with your family and your granddaughter :)
  • ballyshea
    ballyshea Posts: 187 Member
    Well I know I was moaning earlier about the pain i'm in but felt that I owed it to myself to at least try and do some walking.

    So I actually walked farther than I normally would today but broke it into 2 parts by visiting my daughter Sarah-Anne xf3hv6.jpg

    Once you actually get outside and close the front door you'll be amazed at how good you feel just walking. You'll eventually find yourself going for longer and longer distances and actually looking forward to going out.
  • ballyshea
    ballyshea Posts: 187 Member
    I'd love to start going to a gym eventually but too frightened to as I'd feel like everyones laughing at me due to my size and weight, My Daughter sent me this photo and it's so true.


    There are some walking videos on You Tube you could try.
  • ballyshea
    ballyshea Posts: 187 Member
    samchez0 wrote: »
    7 lbs is a great start but hating yourself does not do you any good. Your body does not define you. Good luck.

    Congrats on the weight lost :) I'm working on being kind to myself as well. I can do it toward others but to myself it's a struggle sometimes. You're worth it, perhaps some positive affirmations written down and taped to a door or mirror, someplace you frequent often?

    A great place for quick and sure inspiration is the Success section... loads of wonderful things going on there! ;)

    Edit: Good job getting your 'before' pic taken!

    I have now lost another 4lb so that's 11lb in 3 weeks, and I'm really happy with that :smiley:

    Keep posting here. We are very interested in following your progress.
  • momma712
    momma712 Posts: 79 Member
    It makes me so sad to read that beacuse one way I totally feel for you and what your going through and the feelings your feeling but the other way noone should hate themselves. I know for me at least food Is basically an addiction so you have to just know where your starting from take the pictures and weigh in and measurements but don't get down on yourself about it that's just the starting point you will never see those numbers again. You have to start somewhere. If you ever need to talk feel free to message or friend request me. I think it may be good for you to participate in the 30 day self love challenge with me
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Don't personalize it. Bad habits caused this, so identify those habits and behaviors and fix them. Don't go overboard and take on too much at once, but identify one bad habit, fix it, and then move on to the next one. Stage yourself for success and set small goals which will have a dramatic impact over time.

    Eat less, move more - it is really that simple. The hard part is identifying a goal to ensure you will keep doing this long term.
  • cmwanwrjw751
    cmwanwrjw751 Posts: 18 Member
    7 pounds is a great weight loss so far. You are moving in the right direction. Try to stay positive it can be hard at times. Be proud of what you have accomplished this far.
  • beachgal0626
    beachgal0626 Posts: 1,912 Member
    ^^^^ Awesome! :)
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    You can do it. Positive thinking and no self-hate. You have a community who are rooting for you.