Time to start again

I used my fitness pal and lost just over 2.5 stone however life seems to have swallowed me up and I've ended up putting back all of the weight I lost. I'm a junk food lover and need some tips on how to stay on track this time.


  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome back! I like junk food too but have a saying that's helped me make healthier choices. Instead of, "I want it, I can't have it." Say, "I can have it, do I want it?"

    Mentally, it helps me to have open access to the foods I want. Once I label those foods "off limits" my cravings for them go crazy. That said, don't fill your house with tons of junk food. Maybe keep one or two treats on hand and let yourself indulge however often your calorie count allows.

    1.Be strict about logging your foods.
    2.Don't use a slip up as an excuse to go crazy. 3.Along that line, forgive yourself and move on. Don't give today to yesterday (author unknown to me).
    4.Keep and guard a sleep schedule. People underestimate how important adequate sleep is for weight loss/maintenance.
    5.Look for support, either here, another site (Reddit has a r/loseit group that's very helpful) or in person.
    6.Surround yourself with healthy people. Join a Meetup group for hikes or nature walks. Hang out at the UK version of Whole Foods (snobby grocery store with organic stuff). Just being around that healthy stuff helps me. Get a coffee and sit there people watching.

    Good luck! You did it before, you'll do it again!!