My Super Obese life at 500lbs - Taking my life back 1 day at a time!



  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @sparklyglitterbomb that's all I can do...I like the addition of hour and minute because sometimes a day can seem overwhelming. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm sure I'm gonna need it when those "Krispy Kreme" days come a callin'

  • Mamawrain
    Mamawrain Posts: 9 Member
    Great job! Not boring at all! I am right there, now. Your story has just made me even more excited to do what I have set out to accomplish. Not to be skinny but rather healthy! Thanks for your honesty and your humor. I, for one, have been touched by your words, your struggle and your determination to do this!! :)
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @mamawrain Thanks for the encouragement! If you ever need a laugh then I'm that guy...well most days I am. I warn you though I can be a bit of a nerd, being in IT and all that I know how the Geek Speak and all that jazz. Each day I wake up I've been practicing on my first thoughts of the day are about how I will succeed. What can I do better today than what I did yesterday. It might be just walking to the mailbox a little quicker, or turning off the boob tube and skipping an episode of "whatever it is I don't think I can live without watching" to do some more reading about being healthy or maybe a new recipe I can try to ruin on the stove. I soooo need to learn following directions in recipes..guess I'm too much of a free thinker to color inside the lines and think hey I be I could replace this with that only to see it flop but well ya gotta learn right? Haha. I'm droning on and on so I'll stop now but thanks again for the friend request and can't wait to hear more about your success!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @OhMsDiva You know I've kind of felt the same way I'm not super nuts about eating tons of food, but I guess as I aged I never stopped eating like I was the chubby kid at 230lbs and 19. Being active in my 20's mostly kept me at my weight but a few changes in life like a terrible unloving marriage I stayed way to long in and a job I hated took it's toll in my early 30's and took me down paths I never should have went down. So I'm here where I am today but I know I can do this. Roller coaster here I come but I'm ready and I'm willing to make the changes it's going to take to GET IT DONE :dizzy:
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    edited July 2016
    Being honest with myself was probably the hardest thing I had to do. Way harder than cutting out calories or carbs. I look at people who really struggle with difficult challenges in life such as cancer, or losing a loved one, or other serious diseases that they can't really control. I thought to myself ..self I said..You are being a coward with the "it's too hard" excuses and I gave myself a bit of tough love and a kick in the shorts 30 days ago. Fighting cancer is hard, losing a spouse or a family member is hard...not having the extra helping of cream cheese on that bagel or heck just skipping that bagel all together isn't really that hard when you think of all those things in a bigger picture kind of way. I just remind myself of that when I push away those Hershey's kisses and say no thanks. I know I'll have lots of those moments because well lets face it I've had them before but I've really started changing the way I think more than anything and that's helped a huge amount. Food can still be enjoyable and healthy and good for me in a positive way I just have to "think" more before I "do".
  • derbycitycat
    derbycitycat Posts: 175 Member
    Welcome! and so glad you are working on making your life better. A great group to join is 100 + pounds and no surgery. The people there are very understanding of your problems and are always willing to give you a hand up if you need it, and congratulate you when you are doing good. The group is very active.
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    @itprofessional Congratulations on making a step in the direction of a healthier and happier new you. I am fairly new to this community (30 days) and have a long ways to go. I have combed these threads numerous times and would just like to set out a few things that I have gained from here.

    -Take pictures Now! Take more picture every 30 days.
    -Take your measurements around key parts of your body, do this every month or so (Whenever you really want to)
    -Know that it is okay to make mistakes. 1 mistake does not make you a failure, refusing to dust yourself off and continuing towards your goals.
    -Set lots of mini-goals for yourself (For right now yours is cutting carbs)
    -Just move, start slow and do what you can. Might just be a trip around the living room a couple of times.
    _There is a lot of support on this board, a lot of interesting, and helpful stuff, and sometimes just some light hearted fun.
    -Little changes over time add up to big changes.
    -read the success stories, the NSV (Non-scale victories) for motivation.

    Best of luck!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @jdelaroy Great information. I have some pictures taken so I can gauge the differences and I don't want to be the take a photo every day person but I think the 30 day thing is a great idea. Also on the measurements I need to get a tape, time to take a trip to Amazon or hey better yet I'll set a goal to get off my butt and pick one up at Hobby Lobby. I gotta start thinking more like that...sometimes ease of use really isn't easier..

    @derbycitycat Yeah I'm a little new to the social aspects of MFP and was just browsing through groups now. Thanks for mentioning that, I'm sure that will be helpful!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    Your story really touched me and your determination to take your life back is inspirational.

    I wish nothing but great success for you and I fervently hope you realize your dream of a healthier and happier you.

    I've completed my journey, hopefully for good, but I'm forever vigilant.

    I'd love to cheer you on everyday and encourage you to keep going. I just know you can be successful!

    There's no shame in the past but lots of happiness in your future.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @luluinica So great to hear you've completed your journey! Being vigilant like you said is key. Thank you for offering to cheer me on. On some days I'm sure I'll need it. It's always good to to have that extra voice to push you to stay strong. Thanks again for the kind words.
  • EDollah
    EDollah Posts: 464 Member
    Good luck my man. I didn't read all the responses but I found your OP very relatable, even if not to the same degree (I started at 340).

    Key words for me are
    Patience - not gonna sugar coat it, you've got a long road ahead. In the posts I did read above, it seems you've acknowledged that. The real test will be in a year, 2 years, 3 years or more when you may think "I've been at this for so long and I'm still a big big dude".

    Consistency - frequently I see a lot of advice to "just treat yourself, one day won't hurt you" and I do agree with that sentiment, but if those "one days" accumulate, progress will stall.

    Forgiveness - but if you do have a string of "one days", even if they become weeks or even months, don't give up, don't give in to self loathing. Start again, it's ok to have experienced some failure. Personally, I went from 340 to 186 (yay) from 2013-14 but found myself a shade under 280 in June (boo!). It sucks, but there was no choice but to restart. Fortunately things are heading in the right direction, but it's going to take patience and consistency to keep going.

    I hope this doesn't seem dour amongst all the "You can do it!" messages. You certainly can do it, my main point is, you will encounter setbacks and how you handle them will perhaps be the greatest indicator of your eventual success. Which will happen (the success part)!!!
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    EDollah wrote: »
    Good luck my man. I didn't read all the responses but I found your OP very relatable, even if not to the same degree (I started at 340).

    Key words for me are
    Patience - not gonna sugar coat it, you've got a long road ahead. In the posts I did read above, it seems you've acknowledged that. The real test will be in a year, 2 years, 3 years or more when you may think "I've been at this for so long and I'm still a big big dude".

    Consistency - frequently I see a lot of advice to "just treat yourself, one day won't hurt you" and I do agree with that sentiment, but if those "one days" accumulate, progress will stall.

    Forgiveness - but if you do have a string of "one days", even if they become weeks or even months, don't give up, don't give in to self loathing. Start again, it's ok to have experienced some failure. Personally, I went from 340 to 186 (yay) from 2013-14 but found myself a shade under 280 in June (boo!). It sucks, but there was no choice but to restart. Fortunately things are heading in the right direction, but it's going to take patience and consistency to keep going.

    I hope this doesn't seem dour amongst all the "You can do it!" messages. You certainly can do it, my main point is, you will encounter setbacks and how you handle them will perhaps be the greatest indicator of your eventual success. Which will happen (the success part)!!!

    Yes, it's a winding and uphill road but there's really no choice but to keep driving. It's not easy, but doable, with the right frame of mind and determination. Basically though, it's a b****!

    MFP has been essential in my success and I needed to lose 60 to 65 lbs which might sound easy to you, but it was hard work for me and took the better part of 2 excuses though!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @Edollah Your message really hits home because I tell myself that stuff now. I've been up and down..never at 500lbs but at 300lbs...I know I'm starting way behind the gate on this one and it will take time, hard work and I'm sure to make mistakes along the way. I'm really strong now and have fought off most cravings over these last 30 days. I've never exceeded the MFP goal and I find it best to plan the day in my thoughts before I act on anything. Thinking about food has never been more tiresome but it's something I've never really done before. Even when losing weight in the past.

    This is something I'm doing different this time. Over the past 10 years it's been from 300 to 400 to 450 to 375, to 406, to 450, to 497 because I wasn't hitting that 500 mark...then I was like screw it I'm going to hit the 500 just so I can say I can do this and then go from there...well I hit the 511 mark and it wasn't pretty nor as easy as I hyped myself up like it would be and I stayed over 500lbs for a good few months and the the "click happened" and here I am today. Fighting to do it right, and fighting to keep it off. I will certainly take everyone's advice who have been where I am...and I know truly only a few have...I mean at 500lbs it's like you are 3 humans, and I hope noone really ever has to experience what I have...but I will prevail...I have to because I can't stand to think of how I could continue living in the hell I've been in so far.

    It's my own fault I am here and I've controlled or not controlled should I say what has gone in my mouth. I never mind tough love and appreciate all the "You can do it's" as much as the "how the hell did you get there" comments or the ones stating the simple facts.

    Thanks gain for the replies. The more I get the better and it just helps cement things that I have to and must continue to change to be a better me.
  • eburns55555
    eburns55555 Posts: 26 Member
    I was in the same boat you were 6 months ago. 511.2 lbs was my starting weight, and have lost 103 lbs over the last 6 months with another 160 to go. Everything you described, I can fully relate, because I experienced those same things. The weight loss can be done. It will take humility, persistence and execution repeated over and over again to get where you want to go. You can do it.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @eburns55555 It most certainly does feel like you are moving a mountain when you are at this size, but what I really can't believe at least for me is cutting those carbs down has helped energy levels so much..I know it's not just the carbs, but the sugars, calories, fat etc...but just with my focus being on carbs it's really done good for me. Thankfully I love vegetables and can tolerate not salting everything to death...I prefer spicy over salty or sweet.

    Great Job on 103lbs! I look at some of my pictures from when I was right at 400lbs and still think...holy cow I was do you stack another 100lbs on top of that....really beat myself up about it and it's a good thing i do because I never want to go back. Losing the 30 I have I can already see body parts shrinking some or being able to scratch that itch you just couldn't get to or putting on a seat belt and thinking can I breathe and drive at the same's a nice feeling and I try to capture those moments and tuck them away so I can remember them later when I feel like I'm stuck or something is impossible...I kind of do a DVR replay of that moment and helps me get through it.

    Thanks for the post and I sent you a friend request too!
  • ThorneDust
    ThorneDust Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I know how hard that must have been, as I too am quite introverted and shy. I salute your commitment to make a change in your life. I'm working on it, too. Sending fr!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    Thanks @ThorneDust I'm really normally not so me 10 years ago and I was the life of the party but now it's a different story where I let my weight trap me and make me into something I really am not. I know I've trapped myself and only I am to blame but I'm starting to change all that now and I'm determined to make this change.
  • TMW45
    TMW45 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks TWM. It's taken me a long time to realize that obvious fact in life...but I'm taking back my life one day at a time.

    You're welcome. You can do this. Keep your head held high.