Ladies with 10 lbs to lose, can we be friends? Need accountability!



  • leedssophie819
    leedssophie819 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me! I'd like to lose another 10-12!
  • verymacha
    verymacha Posts: 1 Member
    Gained 10 this year and I want it off :(
    It's all about brownies for me, haha
  • AlysonLarkin
    AlysonLarkin Posts: 2 Member
    10 for me! we can do it girls! :)
  • sgirl115
    sgirl115 Posts: 53 Member
    Feel free to add me! ❤
  • Amandajeffcoat3
    Amandajeffcoat3 Posts: 23 Member
    Ive lost 20lbs so far 10 more to go. Let's drop this last 10 together. Add me
  • KiraCharman
    KiraCharman Posts: 90 Member
    Add me if you like :)
  • jhmomofmany
    jhmomofmany Posts: 571 Member
    Hey y'all! I'd like to lose about ten more pounds but I don't have a time frame. Everyone, feel free to add me- I'm a long time user, here every day!
  • gwynethsomeday
    gwynethsomeday Posts: 31 Member
    How do fitnesspal friends help? What does that do? Fill your feed with their results? Post your results to their feed?

    ************Not being a jerk. Honestly don't know***************
  • rpottr
    rpottr Posts: 11 Member
    I'm there as well! Keep going up and down the same 10lbs .. Off for good this time!
  • calynnkelly
    calynnkelly Posts: 5 Member
    12 lb to go... Need all these support i can get. Feel free to add me!
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    There is a group on here for LNS..."Say no to Late Night Snacking" they start over every month.. It's great for accountability
  • DawnSober
    DawnSober Posts: 17 Member
    All can add me. 10 pounds to go!
  • ridiculous59
    ridiculous59 Posts: 2,867 Member
    How do fitnesspal friends help? What does that do? Fill your feed with their results? Post your results to their feed?

    ************Not being a jerk. Honestly don't know***************

    I've lost 80 pounds and have between 5-10 left to shed. I couldn't have done it without my "group" on mfp. I've tried before on my own and it just hasn't happened. If you have a spouse or friend who's supportive, perhaps you don't feel the need to share on here. But for me, my spouse is not my support. My mfp buddies check in every day. We encourage each other on the bad days and celebrate the good days. We are each other's cheerleaders. Some people don't need that. Some people do. That's all :)
  • Michie112g
    Michie112g Posts: 49 Member
    I have about 30 to lose but only focus on 10 at a time helps me stay motivated!! If anyone would like to add me I would love to keep each other motivated
  • DEemilyFOR
    DEemilyFOR Posts: 4 Member
    I have finally made an open group for all who want to join! Click the link to join!