Please post a recent NSV or SV!



  • murphyj3
    murphyj3 Posts: 1
    I never post or comment, but had to say something after reading these. WAY TO GO!!!
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    When I measured myself for a challenge and found out I had lost 8 inches total (arms,thighs,chest,waist,hips) in a week :happy:
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I fit into some trousers my Mum bought me - about 6 weeks ago I couldn't do the zip up and I nearly asked her to take them back, glad I kept them now!

    Last year I bought a fairly expensive sports bra at a running exhibition- the assistant measured my rib cage and was adamant that I bought a bra in a back size two sizes smaller than I actually was. Anyway God knows why- maybe I was feeling the pressure and bought it anyway but I got it home and it was clearly too tight to wear. I dug it out last night and wore it running in the gym and it felt great, no longer too tight at all!
  • Hermia76
    Hermia76 Posts: 34
    Hello You!

    Great NSV. Well done. I posted about mine the other day. I can fit more easily into some clothes that had been too tight. This makes me happy.

    Whilst this being sensible is good for my health, my real motivation is to get back into my clothes and enjoy wearing things again. I realise this is a little shallow my defence...I don't want to be model thin (it won't happen. I am an hourglass), I do like to look nice and well proportioned.

    I think MFP is great and very sensible. I really like MFP members attitudes to weight loss. They are sensible and supportive.

    Keep up the good work everyone. xx
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I swam a mile!!! 64 lengths in under an hour. When I finished I victory punched the air!! It felt amazing
  • Daffydilly
    Daffydilly Posts: 29 Member
    My fingers are slimmer (yes really) and the girls fit a bit better in their bra, no double boob syndrome any more.
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    A massive well done to everyone, this is all amazing stuff!!!

    Yeah I don't have double boobs anymore either!!!

    WTG to us all!!!

  • MsEmmy
    MsEmmy Posts: 254 Member
    Well done everyone:) I don't usually post NSVs but since you asked...

    I am wearing a fitted shirt today that I haven't worn for about 5 years as I had too many spare tyres even when standing up:smile:

    I can now run for two whole minutes on C25K:laugh:

    OH keeps saying how noticeable the weight loss is. I've lost this much before but not with exercise as well - makes such a difference to body tone/ size even with a relatively small weight loss!

    My jeans are hanging off my butt and I've to change to a different belt as there were no holes left on the last one!

    I have LOADS of energy.

    I really don't stress about food. No guilt and no deprivation.

    Even my whippet has got to a proper whippet size as he has been running with me:happy:
  • clarech
    clarech Posts: 157 Member
    At the weekend I fit size 14jeans a size I have never owned in my life.
  • Triceratops88
    NSV- Feeling so athletic that I rarely have negative thoughts about my body. It's not ideal yet, but I'm always checking myself out and looking at my new muscles. I'm also running all the time now, and so confident. After each run, I can feel my obliques working, so I know my body is changing even if the scale isn't. I'm like Scarlet O'Hara which the way I'm measuring my waist so often (weekly) because I know big change is coming!
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member

    I have LOADS of energy.

    I really don't stress about food. No guilt and no deprivation.

    Even my whippet has got to a proper whippet size as he has been running with me:happy:

    Me too with the energy.

    I know it's great!!!


  • michbaden
    michbaden Posts: 31
    Today I am wearing a pair of size 12 trousers and they actually fit! I am so chuffed because I bought these over 3 months ago and was horrifed when I couldn't even get the zip up!

    I haven't lost much weight using MFP but I am losing inches and I am noticing my thighs slowly turning into muscle. I am finding the fact that not only could I really be the size that I want I can be fit too!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • uhoh_billy
    uhoh_billy Posts: 94
    I have a bum!! haha. My whole life I've pretty much had my bum and my thighs as one entity, no distinction between them! But yesterday I caught myself in the mirror at work and noticed that my bum didn't blend into my thighs! I actually had a butt! HAHA. So lame, but I'm excited about it :D
  • girlontheseesaw
    LOL I've had the firm bum compliment from my husband recently, too! :bigsmile:

    Today I'm wearing jeans that are between sizes (12-14 UK). I've been a 14 for so long, and these smaller ones are looking and feeling loose on me - yay!

    I'm also running out of holes on my belt loop!

    Even my boss commented that my new regime was clearly working :happy:

    There, that's the last couple of weeks, filled with NSVs :smile:
  • SuzieR
    SuzieR Posts: 127
    Well the other week I took my work trousers off without undoing them, just because I could :laugh: I had to make three extra holes in my belt on Monday :smile: My hubby keeps telling me how skinny I'm getting :love: (I'm nowhere near skinny!)

    And an odd one .... my dear mother who is always on at me about my weight told me at the weekend 'oh yes, you can definitely see a difference - your ankles are thinner.' Nowhere else, just my ankles :huh:
  • Ilovedrinkingtea
    Ilovedrinkingtea Posts: 597 Member
    Today at my boxing class this lunchtime I had to stand really near the mirror and I swear I looked thinner!!! xx
  • rdunke
    rdunke Posts: 14 Member
    Had to call the Doc yesterday - blood pressure is dropping dangerously low (a positive outcome). Due to exercise and diet one blood pressure medication removed. One to go. Will be great to get off all these medications!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    My victories are..........

    1) My shorts, and capris, are getting baggier. Im constantly pulling them up..I really need a belt! :happy:
    2) I have a pair of capris that I can just slip off w/o having to unsnap.
    3) I crave exercise! It's the first thing I think about before getting out of bed in the mornings. If Im somewhere and can't exercise, it pretty much drives me crazy! I never thought I would see the day where I would look forward to exercising...HUGE victory!!
    4) My face looks thinner (so I've been told).
    5) My calves are taking shape and I think they look hot...can I say that about myself? :blushing:

    ~~~~~Not really a victory, but I have to share this~~~~
    I have MFP set up so it posts my exercise on my FB page. Because of that, I have had at least 5 friends join MFP! Some even saying that Im inspiring them!! Can you believe that?? I was never one to think that I could inspire anyone to do anything like this, but I guess I do. One friend, a marathon runner, who runs race after race said I was an inspiration to her! You could have picked me up off of the floor. Im the one that was always in such awe of her!!! Dang! Makes me all teary eyed! :heart:
  • ifeelsqueaky
    ifeelsqueaky Posts: 193
    I went out on Friday and everyone commented on how lovely I looked in my dress and that you could really tell I'd lost weight :smile:
  • Blackthorne99
    Blackthorne99 Posts: 250 Member
    Had to call the Doc yesterday - blood pressure is dropping dangerously low (a positive outcome). Due to exercise and diet one blood pressure medication removed. One to go. Will be great to get off all these medications!

    That's a fabulous one! While I take a lot more pills these days than I did before weight loss, what I'm taking now are vitamins. Haven't had to take any cholesterol medication since my DS (weight loss surgery) in 2005. My triglycerides in 2002 were 650 (before I had to start taking meds). Today - they are 111 (range 30-150) without meds. (This is an old NSV, but mentioning it because I *know* you can get there - I've done it)

    My recent NSV would be having someone refer to me as "a tiny little thing." Now, I'm short - under 5' tall - but when I was under 5' AND 300 lbs, no one ever referred to me as tiny.
