Your favorite healthy food/meal

Frumpy2Fit Posts: 137 Member
Hi everyone! I am trying to revamp my diet and find foods with a little less carbs, a little more protein, and a lot less sugar. I thought maybe if I can get some of you to share your favorite healthy food, meals, recipes, etc. then it may get me moving in the right direction. Thanks!!!


  • Solat37_Neil
    Solat37_Neil Posts: 379 Member
    Chicken breast and tons of veggies in a stir-fry. Massive portions and really good for ya.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    bump, I am looking for suggestions, my diary is open if you would like to look as well. I shoot for 150 grams of carbs and do okay, i am almost always under protein
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Being a single mom on a tight budget I can't usually afford to stock up on and keep fresh veggies when I want a variety. I love the frozen steamer veggies(i won't ever do canned), my favorite being Picksweet Spring Blend. It has carrots, asparagus, yellow squash, onions, zucchini and red peppers. I put it with a piece of bakedc or grilled meat for a dinner. 30 calories for 3/4 a cup.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    Grassfed steak
  • catecn
    catecn Posts: 84
    try boca burgers! they have many different kinds, the vegan boca burgers are 80 cals and 10g of protien! the others are all under 160cals and have 8-15g of protien. they dont take to long to cook and arent that bad. i also like the lite n fit dannon yogurt. if you like jerky, try health stores for a variety of them. some of the flavored ones taste really good and come in soy, turkey, etc in a variety of flavors.
    for meals, stir frys are great! lots of veggies and then chicken or tofu. What i do is cook the mushrooms first. when they are cooked in the pan they release a ton of water and then i dont have to add oil! just a light coating of pam before i put in the mushrooms. If you add lite sodium soy sauce and use spices there is no need for oil :)
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    Got this one from a chef friend, recently:

    8 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast (or whatever size you want - I've gone up to 12 oz. when REALLY hungry)
    1 oz. roasted almonds (smashed with the flat side of a large knife)
    lemon juice
    cajun spices
    minced garlic
    freshly-cracked black pepper

    Cook the chicken on medium-low heat in a non-stick skillet, squeezing in lemon juice as it cooks, flipping every few minutes. Keep covered while cooking. About halfway through cooking, add the almonds, garlic and spices.

    That's it! I add nonfat greek yogurt and reduced fat cheddar (cut into little chunks). You can serve it with some lentils or something if you want a more substantial meal. Just over 500 calories for all of it.
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    My go-to meal is a curry. I have this amazing curry powder that goes with everything.
    I always include onions, garlic, chilli and ginger, but the rest is whatever I feel like. I usually throw in a whole bunch of veggies (whatever I need to eat before it goes off) and often some lentils or chickpeas to bulk it out, though not always. Meat if I feel like it, maybe some tinned tomatoes or tomato puree and coconut milk if I want it saucy. A squirt of lemon juice, some coriander maybe. Peanuts or cashews.
    I rarely accompany it with rice, but I do if I have company.
    Its great. Completely from scratch, no recipe to follow, absolutely foolproof and tastes different (and delicious) every time.
    Plus there is ALWAYS leftovers.

    My friend also introduced me to a greek-inspired dish her mum taught her, which is basically sliced onions, boiled potatoes, turkey, green olives and lemon juice shoved in a casserole dish, baked, then some feta cheese crumbled over and put back in the oven until brown. I no longer eat potatoes, so i tried it the other day swapping potatoes for slices of green pepper and tomato, and it was DELICIOUS!!!
  • duke520
    duke520 Posts: 30
    This is what I've been eating:
    Breakfast: Fiber One Yogurt (5g of sugar vs 20+ grams in yoplait fat free), Banna or Apple
    Snack: Raw Almonds
    Lunch: Lean Cuisine/WW Smart Ones, Protein Shake
    Snack: Fiber Plus Chocolatey Peanut Butter Bar (Fiber to satiate the mid-afternoon hunger pang)
    Proteins: Skinless Chicken Breast, Lean Pork, Baked Salmon.
    Vegetables: Peppers, Onions, Asparagus, Garlic.
    Try using spices and such to liven up the proteins. Montreal rub, Chipotle chili powder, Green Chili, etc.

    I'm a creature of habit so, the same thing everyday does work for me but, need to liven it up every now and then.

    Also, don't be afraid of carbs. Those are your energy. Just don't go eating pizza for breakfast, pasta for lunch and then a baked potato for dinner! :)

    Do work!!
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Fish.....Lemon Butter Tilapia Baked with 80 Cal Mashed potatoes and Veggies! Yum Yum
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    Never underestimate the Bumblebee premium light tuna in water pouches for an additional protein source during lunch (or a snack, I don't judge! hehe). One pouch is only 60-70 calories (I forget off the top of my head) with lots of protein, Omega 3, B vitamins, etc. And no carbohydrates.
  • nicolerah
    nicolerah Posts: 440 Member
    I made me a wrap last night that consisted of the following:

    1 Whole Wheat Tortilla
    2 Cups of Fresh veges (lettuce, purple cabbage, cucumbers, green bell peppers)
    1 cup of boiled beetroot cubed
    2 slices of Turkey Ham
    1 slice of cheddar cheese

    I assembled my wrap and placed into the Toaster Oven for a couple minutes.... got the wrap slightly crispy and melted the cheese in there.


    Of course, you can substitute any of the ingredients to incorporate things you like!

  • SarahLovesCheesecake
  • criscros08
    criscros08 Posts: 35
  • Catnyc123
    Catnyc123 Posts: 22 Member
    bump for so many good ideas!
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    Favorite breakfast:
    yogurt with: 2 oz. raspberries, 1 oz. blueberries, 1 Tbl. pecans and 1/4 cup Go Lean cereal.

    Favorite dinner, homemade split pea soup, just four ingredients: split peas, ham, onion and carrot.
  • MichelleF81
    MichelleF81 Posts: 98 Member
    Stir fry's are great cos you can add loads of veggies and healthy proteins such as prawns, salmon, chicken,'s easy enough to make your own sauce with a bit of soy sauce, lemon juice, peanut butter, ginger, garlic and chilli (add or leave out according to your tastes) and it tastes delicious! Omelette/s and frittata's are also easy to pack full of protein and veggies and take no time to cook.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Omlettes are good... i have onion, mushrooms, 2 eggs, a splash of milk & ham. Lots of protien & very tasty.