PLEASE HELP! BMR/cals/fitbit

87sid Posts: 67 Member
Info- CW:178 GW:135 5'6, 29, female .

I was previously eating just under 1300 cals a day, doing kind of low carb (30-50 net carbs a day) for about 2 mo. I just changed it to between 1600-1700 (I was at 176, then started this 2 days ago). 1 lb a wk from mfp set me at 1670 cals.
The reason I changed my cals is because once I did my bmr, I was concerned about being below it.
I used the must read post to determine my bmr and tdee. My HB bmr is 1598, my km bmr is 1391(the one they say is more accurate) . My TDEE at sedentary is 1918, and lightly active is 2197. I get about 6000 steps on a normal day with no exercise. My fitbit charge hr says I burn about 2300-2470 cals on a normal day with no exercise. I'm currently painting my house from top to bottom, so I do sweat and get arm movement and bend a lot, but not many steps.

-When entering my info into mfp to lose 1.5 or 2 lbs a wk, it'll take me below my km bmr. Can I not safely lose that much anymore? (I've lost about 57 lbs so far at 10 lbs a month, 35 or so of that was last year)
-When eating 1300 cals, I wasn't hungry usually, now I go to bed with my stomach growling. Is that cause of increased calories after being so low?
-I did the negative calorie adjustment thing for fitbit on here, and today it took my cals from 1670 to 1518. But on my fitbit yesterday I was under on my cals(ate 1625 burned 2470. Fitbit is set at 750 deficit). Also, i had about 7000 steps. Why did mfp lower my cals if I was where or below where i was supposed to be yesterday?
-I'm having a hard time eating 1670 cals, I feel like I'm shoving my face all day. I don't think i like it. Do you know any healthy calorie dense foods that are not crazy on the carbs? I'd like to stay lower on the carbs (125 per day, not net carbs) , higher on fat. I think fat keeps me satisfied.
-Should I choose lightly active or sedentary?
-I know you don't know exactly, but do you have an idea of how much longer I'll be gaining until my body figures out the new calorie thing? I'll take your best guesses or just what you've seen with others.

I'd like to start exercising but I don't know how many calories I should be eating. Its really stressing me out. Any other info you want to throw in, I'll take!
Thanks for your help, I GREATLY appreciate it.


  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    87sid wrote: »
    -When entering my info into mfp to lose 1.5 or 2 lbs a wk, it'll take me below my km bmr. Can I not safely lose that much anymore? (I've lost about 57 lbs so far at 10 lbs a month, 35 or so of that was last year)

    It's commonly regurgitated advice on the boards to not go below BMR. Nobody has ever provided a compelling explanation for why this is.
    -When eating 1300 cals, I wasn't hungry usually, now I go to bed with my stomach growling. Is that cause of increased calories after being so low?

    Maybe? Hunger is subjective. Did you change what you're eating to allow more calories - for example, more simple sugars which you are digesting faster and not keeping you sated?
    -I did the negative calorie adjustment thing for fitbit on here, and today it took my cals from 1670 to 1518. But on my fitbit yesterday I was under on my cals(ate 1625 burned 2470. Fitbit is set at 750 deficit). Also, i had about 7000 steps. Why did mfp lower my cals if I was where or below where i was supposed to be yesterday?

    MFP lowers calories when you lose weight. Did you log a weight loss recently?
    -I'm having a hard time eating 1670 cals, I feel like I'm shoving my face all day. I don't think i like it. Do you know any healthy calorie dense foods that are not crazy on the carbs? I'd like to stay lower on the carbs (125 per day, not net carbs) , higher on fat. I think fat keeps me satisfied.

    There is absolutely no reason to force feed yourself. If you are sated at less than your goal calories and not hungry, then eating additional high-calorie foods to hit some magic number is crazy. However I don't understand how this could be true - you're struggling to eat 1670, but going to bed hungry?
    -Should I choose lightly active or sedentary?

    If you are using an activity monitor like a Fitbit, you MUST choose sedentary or else your exercise calories will be double-counted.
    -I know you don't know exactly, but do you have an idea of how much longer I'll be gaining until my body figures out the new calorie thing? I'll take your best guesses or just what you've seen with others.

    If your TDEE is truly 2100 and you're eating 1600, then you won't be gaining mass. Extra food means more gross carbs and salt though, so extra body water is a reasonable expectation which should stabilize in 1-2 weeks.
    I'd like to start exercising but I don't know how many calories I should be eating.

    These are two unrelated issues which you are confounding. You can exercise without a calorie deficit, you can calorie deficit without exercise. If you want to start exercising, then do it! The diet has nothing to do with that.[/quote]

  • Pennyacress4
    Pennyacress4 Posts: 2 Member
    You have to watch your fitbit it gives you steps for painting because you used your arms a lot problem is they are not steps. I have the same problem when I work I fold clothes, I get lots of steps for standing.. urgh I also track my steps with my phone, problem is I am not always carrying my phone. So I average the steps.
    Also if you are doing weight or other training and your heart rate doesn't climb (your not sweating) you may not want to eat all the extra exercise calories.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    With the Fitbit being wrist worn, it will add 'steps' when you're moving your arms. To offset this, ignore 100-200 calories of the Fitbit adjustment.

    If you have your Fitbit & MFP synced, it does not matter what activity level you choose. Its kind of like saying 1700 + 600 = 2000 + 300. Choose a higher activity level and you'll see a higher initial calorie goal but lower adjustment. Or a lower activity level for a lower initial goal and higher adjustment. Same end result.

    What calorie range to aim for depends on you. First of all, if you're not weighing your food meticulously when you're aiming for 1300, it may have been more like 1500-1600. If you have been steadily losing weight, feeling energetic and such at that level: don't change just because some pseudo science has you worried. If you want to add in exercise: do so. Then understand its ok to eat a little additional to fuel the exercise, if you feel you need it.

    Judge by how you feel & the results you're achieving.
  • joannemonette1
    joannemonette1 Posts: 99 Member
    edited July 2016
    I'm losing weight at about the same weight and had the same concerns - I've lost 47 lbs so far (20 more to go). I changed my BMR a few times - which is why I finally got a fitbit, to figure out EXACTLY where my activity level is. I've been losing 2 lbs wk/10 lbs/mo, also -- and I was concerned about the stomach growling issue.

    Basically, I've learned that the stomach growling is your body burning off the fat -- You should have a big glass a milk or water - or something to keep things going.

    It's a delicate balance - Losing at a max rate while trying NOT to starve. Have a lite snack, but not anything heavy or dense. That's been working for me.

    (My BMR is 1380 -- Taking in about 1200-1300, burning about 2000 cals)

    All movement - not just steps - burns calories. Moving your arms is essential - just like taking steps. Weight training is an extremely way to burn calories - and it is long-lasting - Your body continues to burn calories after you're done with the weight training. This is very efficient - and something that you should continue after you've hit your goal weight.
  • 87sid
    87sid Posts: 67 Member
    Zedeff- yes, im struggling to eat 1670 but going to bed hungry feeling. I did not understand it either. The hunger pangs at night dont bother me, Im not starving. But I have grumbles. It didn't make sense. I think the high fat of my previous diet kept me sated. My sugars now are like 56 compared to 15 previously. Im eating fruits and yogurt now when i wasn't.

    Penny- Yea, I took it off yesterday when i realized it was giving me a ton of steps every time i unrolled the duct tape. Yesterday, I assumed of the 7300 steps, probably 500 weren't mine.

    StaciMarie- I am weighing my food. But i do think i have a little bit more energy now than I did previously. Maybe.

    Joanne- Thanks for the info on the stomach growling. I will look into weight training.

    Thank You all for the advice. I truly appreciate it.