What do you eat??


This is my first post. Just wondering what you all eat during the course of a day?

My current KJ/Calorie allowance is 5021kjs/1200cals and I have been feeling pretty hungry. I usually do 30mins-45mins of physical activity daily during the week, and a bigger exercise on the weekend because I like eating more then! I do eat back the majority of calories I burn, I have been successfully losing weight except for last weigh in I stayed exactly the same for a week.
Examples of your meals would be awesome. Also foods that fill you up for the least amount of energy possible, or how you overcome the hunger!
TIA :)


  • Malaky1990
    Malaky1990 Posts: 3 Member
    A big portion of fibers can really help plus the benifit of partially low calories

    I like to do a salad plate contains like
    Beet roots / carrots / celery / kale / green leaves and mix it with a 1/4 cup of boild quinoa seeds

    Oat meals can be really helpful
    I use this recipe often as a snack or even dinner

    1 cup of a whole grain oats
    Cooked with 2 tbsp of peanut butter powder and 1 tbsp of cocao powder and half cup of low fat milk

    You can always use a portion of protein bars snacks .. I use Combat
    Its delicious and healthy abd I cant even finish half of it
  • Sirick86
    Sirick86 Posts: 23 Member
    My snack is usually liquid egg whites, they're amazing lol
  • 5K85
    5K85 Posts: 98 Member
    salmon cucumbers, blueberries, cheese
  • Luna3828
    Luna3828 Posts: 21 Member
    I love asparagus for breakfast with eggs, for lunch and dinner with chicken or beef. But obviously I have bad eating habits too because I am not loosing weight!
  • st476
    st476 Posts: 357 Member
    edited July 2016
    For breakfast I usually have oatmeal, Greek yogurt, or waffles with PB2 and light cool whip/blueberries, or eggs with turkey bacon, or chocolate Cheetos with almond cashew milk (which I sometimes eat as a snack too lol). For lunch it's a salad with a wrap (I use Tumero's 60 calorie wraps), or lasagna rolls (with turkey pepperoni, mozzarella and light pasta sauce), or chicken and pasta and vegetables, or cauliflower crust pizza, etc. I don't really eat dinner, but around dinner time I have rice cakes with PB2, or one of those single serving mashed potato cups. They're only 150 calories surprisingly. For snacks I have yogurt, fruit, Yasso Greek frozen yogurt bars, popcorn, etc.

    If you want ideas for things to eat then add people who have open diaries! Sometimes that might help. There's also another thread here that's called something like "Show me your meals" or "Show me what you eat" but there's a ton of pictures of what other people eat. :smile:
  • wrharvill
    wrharvill Posts: 60 Member
    edited July 2016
    1200 calories a day here, too. A typical food day for me consists of: Breakfast- Plain greek yogurt with 10g of honey and 1/2 oz walnuts. Lunch- 56g tuna mixed with 7g mayo, 1 oz potato chips (love me some chips!). Snack- 1 7-8g Corn Thins with 15g crunchy peanut butter. Dinner- varies but its usually mostly vegetarian which means lots of beans, lentils etc and veggies and sometimes cheese which comes out to around 400-500 calories or so. If I have a significant amount of calories left over I'll have some fruit or maybe some dark chocolate.

    ** edited to add what fills me up... definitely the Corn Thins with crunchy peanut butter, that's my go to any time of day if I get ravenous which is rare.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    How much weight are you trying to lose? What rate of loss did you select? It's good that you are eating back exercise calories, but if you are still hungry, and it sounds like you are pretty active, then 1200 may be too low of a goal for you to begin with.

    I'm 5'2 and have lost 30 lbs and am currently maintaining. I started at 1200, eating back exercise cals, but was still hungry. I started reading good advice on here that many people can lose weight eating more than 1200. I changed my goal first to 1400, then 1500 and was still eating back exercise and still losing, but I wasn't hungry and I had energy for my workouts. I lost most of my weight eating between 1600-1900 cals and am now in maintenance with a TDEE of 2200.

    My days now are usually something like:
    Breakfast: coffee with flavored creamer, Greek yogurt or a frozen breakfast sandwich (300-400)
    Lunch: Frozen meal with extra protein and salad, turkey sandwich with hummus and snap peas, or leftovers from previous night dinner (500-600)
    Snack: Chobani flip (200)
    Dinner: grilled chicken, pork or salmon, some sort of starch (rice, potato or pasta) and vegetables (500-700)
    After dinner: wine and dessert with any calories I have left (100-300)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited July 2016
    I eat high volume vegetables, high protein, moderate fat, lowish carb. I will literally just whip out a whole cucumber and eat it for a snack, or eat a whole yellow pepper. My salads are huge and only 200-300 calories, using 185 grams of greens, 50 calories worth of tuna, a laughing cow cheese wedge, and usually another 100g of a veg like pepper, red cabbage, or cucumber. I use Cholula hot sauce as a dressing which has about 10 calories. The salad is so big I have to eat it out of a mixing bowl.

    I eat a lot of 0% greek yogurt, shirataki noodles, protein shakes, protein bars, halo top and arctic zero ice creams, diet soda, chicken sausage, ground turkey, shrimp, avocado, black beans, zucchini and yellow squash.

    Minimal fruit, pretty much no bread/pasta/grains. I keep sugar low as well. This is all personal preference and not necessary.

    You have to find what works for you.
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    Couple of pics attached of my last two days - pretty much representative of what I eat. My cals are set at 1370 so slightly more than you, but I haven't worked out today (yet) or yesterday so they might work for you at 1200 + exercise cals. You could also replace some of the things like full fat yogurt with 0%, take out the honey, have a smaller portion of quinoa/feta in a salad etc.

  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    I'm on 1300 unless I eat some exercise calories back. My diary is open so take a look if you'd like some ideas.
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    So just to clarify, the potatoes with the first one I did as baked chips/fries (I'm British!), and I'll be wrapping my cod in ham and baking it in the oven.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    edited July 2016
    What do I eat? The foods I like, which change all the time.

    If you like to cook, try out skinny taste, cooking light or other websites that give nutritional information. I get to eat the foods I love that are made with fewer calories.

    I also like to eat lots of vegetables. You can eat a huge plate of veggies for less than 100 calories. If I were going for 1200 calories, I would be eating a salad with protein for lunch or dinner pretty much everyday.
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    Oh and also - I try to aim for a macro split of 45% carbs, 35% protein, 30% fat. Today's was very close to that (even with a naughty wine)
  • ejbronte
    ejbronte Posts: 867 Member
    Maintaining on between 1200 and 1500 calories per day (5'0", about 104 - 105 pounds). I'm managing to be very satisfied hunger-wise. Typical day:

    Breakfast: Coffee (indispensable) with milk. Home-made oat flour muffin/loaf slice/tortilla/pancake. Banana. Calories anywhere between 330 and 400 calories, depending on weight of banana and oat concoction.

    Lunch: Lean meat in a salad or as a sandwich (I like whole wheat bread). Some fruit. Tea. Calories again anywhere between 300 and 400.

    Dinner: 2 ounces of dry red wine. Maybe some pasta. Maybe a black bean burger with a salad. Maybe grilled cheese. Last night it was pasta with a scattering of asiago, with home-made gazpacho. Calories once again between 300 and 400.

    Snack: Ice cream maybe. Dark chocolate to go with the wine maybe. Some more fruit, perhaps (it goes bad if I don't eat it....). Calories somewhere between 200 and 300.

    I have a desk job and don't really work out at all, but I do like walking and do a fair share of it. Also, I eat relatively slowly, seeing meal time as either relaxing time with a book or as communal time with family; and try to appreciate the taste and event of the meal. I think attitude goes a long way toward affecting anything I try.

    Hope this helps!
  • jpsgirl96
    jpsgirl96 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm also on 1,200 a day and I'm lightly active; I sometimes eat my exercise calories (or some of them). I eat everything (I'm constantly having to look up new foods in the database) though I have greatly reduced my consumption of a lot of "white" carbs (bread, sugar, pasta, rice) and I'm stingy with non-food (e.g. alcohol) calories. I do not generally use no-fat or low-fat substitutes for anything. My macros are typically right on for protein, slightly low for carbs and slightly high for fats versus the "recommended" percentages; I'm all about taste over bulk so salads and such don't help me much, though I do eat them.

    I do have nearly the same breakfast every day, and it does seem to help me not be hungry.
    Fish oil+vit d3, 1 capsule =18 calories
    Bing Cherries, 0.25 cup =19 calories
    Peaches, raw, 0.5 medium (2-2/3" dia) =29 calories
    White nectarine - Nectarine, 0.5 nectarine =35 calories
    Stonyfield Organic - Plain Greek Yogurt, Whole Milk, 0.33 cup (227 g) =63 calories
    Kind oat and honey clusters with coconut, 0.25 cup =110 calories
    Bob's Red Mill - Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal, 1 Tbsp (13g) =30 calories
    Total calories = 304; I vary the fruits and of course it's summer here in the mid-Atlantic so the stone fruit is amazing right now.

    I eat pretty lightly for lunch and snacks - I like to have plenty of calories left for my dinner. I try but don't always succeed in being done with dinner by 8.

    Stats: I'm nearly 60; I have 30 pounds to lose to get into my weight range; I've been tracking for 52 days and I've lost 13 pounds on 1200 a day plus some exercise calories from yoga and walking.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    What do I eat? Whatever I want, just less of it. If you're feeling hungry, carbs and protien are good for helping you stay full for longer. You might also look into splitting up your calories differently so you're eating smaller 'meals', but more of them spread out over the day. For some, that helps a lot.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Anything I want. As long as it fits.

  • AbiiReilly
    AbiiReilly Posts: 14 Member
    Normally I just eat whatever I want as long as I'm staying under my calorie amount per day, the reason I just eat whatever I want is because I go to the gym regularly and spend them 45 minuets working hard and getting my goals at the end of the week
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    I usually have just coffee for breakfast; some version of leftovers from dinner the day before for lunch, or a salad, or a sandwich, but always a yogurt and a piece of fruit; then dinner is usually a recipe I am trying out from my favourite cookbooks - for example, because I read the thread about crockpot recipes on this site a couple of days ago, I had crockpot stew with stewing beef, carrots, tomato sauce, spices, potatoes, black beans and mushrooms for dinner last night which cooked in the crockpot while I had the hectic day at work that I was expecting.

    There is no magical meal for weight loss. There is only The Magical Amount - eat less than you burn.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I always start the day with a good plant based protein shake mixed with pure coconut water. After that I like a couple of hard boiled egg whites for a snack (I like to take out the yolk and replace it with tabouleh or hummus) I don't like the yolks ick! Lunch is usually a giant salad with every fresh vegetable known to man. I like to add chic peas or chicken or avocado, some almonds, a cut up apple or blueberries, etc. I love seasoned rice vinegar as a dressing. Sometimes I just put some tabouleh in my salad and mix it like that - no dressing needed. If I need an afternoon snack I'll go for a pile of raw veggies, sometimes a plain fat-free greek yogurt. Dinner is some form of protein a couple of nights a week with all kinds of raw or half cooked veggies. My husband and I do a lot of meatless Vegan nights so we'll do veggie burgers on the grill, etc. Later evening snack is always something sweet. Either a small piece of dark chocolate or a black bean brownie, dark chocolate zucchini bread or just some fresh fruit cut up and mixed with cinnamon and honey.