Scared to eat

Hi..I was just wondering if anyone else who was dieting and exercising was starting to become fearful of picking up food and eating it. I'm assuming its just the dieting and exercising and wanting to see results more quickly. Anyone??


  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Hi..I was just wondering if anyone else who was dieting and exercising was starting to become fearful of picking up food and eating it. I'm assuming its just the dieting and exercising and wanting to see results more quickly. Anyone??
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I don't know about scared to eat.......but I am definately struggling a lot with getting enough calories because I think that I fear that if I eat too much I'll keep eating and eating. I guess I've over eaten for so long to deal with stress, that now that I have a grip on NOT over eating I'm actually UNDER eating.
    I know that isn't good I'm trying every day to do better. I guess I just don't want to sabotage myself in either direction! It can be frustrating.
    We just have to realize that by not eating enough we're actually slowing our metabolisim.....and that isn't going to help us lose weight at all.
    Good luck to you!
  • elsgans
    No I am not scared to eat. I have started to enjoy the exercise and have continued to change what I eat.
    No more white bread or pastas, only low fat or no fat cheese, lite beer, no more fried foods, increased fresh and raw fruits and veggies, smaller protions.

    Why do you feel scared?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It sounds like something you need to come to terms with quickly. It's easy to form a bad relationship with food, especially in our no-fat low-carb 100-calorie-snack society. But it's not evil, and it's not going to sabotage you. It's just potential energy, and you need to get it into your body to keep yourself breathing. There's absolutely no reason to fear any food. Just realize what effect it has on your body (i.e., a spike in blood sugar, refilling glycogen, building muscle, helping vitamin absorption) and use it to your benefit.
  • throughHisstrength
    I understand what you mean. I lost 7 pounds in one week and then 5 the next. Then I only lose two last week and I know that it's good to lose it slower, but I'm having a hard time following that balance. I struggle to eat what I need to most days. Then days like yesterday I blew right by my target and just kept on eating. I've been trying to get my 2-3 servings of fruit and 5-7 serving of vegetables everyday and that has helped A LOT!! Those are what are the hardest thing for me to eat so I know that if I can do that then I should be able to stay within my other limits. Also at meal times especially dinner I try to fix our plates in the kitchen and not bring the food to the table (except for the salad). Then I know that I'll get what I need and I'll be less tempted to have seconds. Good luck and remember that you have to eat in order to lose. Also I try not to think of it as being on a diet, I'm just thinking of it as making healthy habits and breaking unhealthy ones.:happy:
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    I'm still in the mindset that "less has got to be better." If the food we eat makes us gain weight, then not eating (should) will make us lose weight. In my world, that's the way things work. I actually just read an article about being "weight lost challenged" and plan to see a doctor for a check up because it seems hard for me to lose weight at this point. My biggest FEAR is that I will wake up a year from now, after putting in all the hours of walking and lifting weights and passed on all the cookies and ice cream and still weigh the same. I WOULD NOT BE HAPPY.
    I know wat u mean i am going through the same thing.. i feel like if i eat anything extra or like i dunno in front of me i have to think twice cuz i am scared to go back to my old weight.. its weird!! we have to try and work through it tho.. hopefully it will pass
  • beanyspoon
    Yes I understand what you mean. I feel almost repulsed by some foods now. I saw an advert for a Subway breakfast sub with sausage and egg and bacon. Before this I would have gone, 'wow look at that' and when I saw it, I just felt a bit queasy.

    I sometimes have to make myself eat, even if I am hungry I sometimes don't want to. i tell myself I need to eat those 1200 calories or it won't work.

    I think maybe it's a thing that a lot of people need to get over when they first start doing something like this. Especially if they have never tried it before. I'm sure you'll do really well with eating the right amount of the right foods :smile: and everyone on here is so supportive, you've always got someone to speak to about it. :flowerforyou:
  • NurseBarb
    NurseBarb Posts: 183 Member
    Did any of you watch Biggest Loser yesterday? The black team was struggling fiercly with their weightloss and it wasn't until they learned to eat their calories that they won the challenge and lost the weight!!! I know it's very hard for your mind to wrap around but you really do have to eat. And nothing is the enemy..... you need fat, you need carbs and you need protein.

    I'm telling you I've never been happier losing weight than this time. I've decided to be patient and what comes off when it comes off does. I'm eating 30% of my diet in fat (which I would never have done before). I'm trying different foods and recipes and just trying to make it FUN and educational.
    I want so badly to look in the mirror and see change but I have SO MUCH to lose it won't happen quickly. BUT I know that beofre I know it, it will be Christmas season again. For some reason when your a grown up that seems to come so freaking fast, My kids don't think so. And when it does I will have been at this for a year!!! Try looking at yourself in a year even if you only lost 1 pound per week...... 52 pounds is a pretty nice loss! 1 year from now people you hadn't seen in a while would be saying "Oh my Gosh!!! You've lost weight!!" even if you weren't at goal yet it would feel great!

    Just sayin...
  • christahollis
    My biggest FEAR is that I will wake up a year from now, after putting in all the hours of walking and lifting weights and passed on all the cookies and ice cream and still weigh the same. I WOULD NOT BE HAPPY.

    That's EXACTLY what I have been struggling with...after nine long months of hard core exercise and careful food choices... I weigh exactly what I did then!
    Turns out I have a thyroid problem and another separate genetic metabolic disorder! It's good to get yourself checked out, that way you know where you're starting with important numbers that could indicate insulin resistance, cholestrol problems and the like (and catch weird health issues).

    Even so--sometimes it feels like all that time and effort were wasted!
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    My biggest FEAR is that I will wake up a year from now, after putting in all the hours of walking and lifting weights and passed on all the cookies and ice cream and still weigh the same. I WOULD NOT BE HAPPY.

    That's EXACTLY what I have been struggling with...after nine long months of hard core exercise and careful food choices... I weigh exactly what I did then!
    Turns out I have a thyroid problem and another separate genetic metabolic disorder! It's good to get yourself checked out, that way you know where you're starting with important numbers that could indicate insulin resistance, cholestrol problems and the like (and catch weird health issues).

    Even so--sometimes it feels like all that time and effort were wasted!

    I had actually typed in that I had heard of people being weight loss resistance due to medications and medical issues and had decided to get in for a check up. Then I back spaced it out. But I know it is a real issue and I'm ready to go find out.
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    When I was afraid to eat it was when I was in the throes of an eating disorder. I'm not saying that means YOU have an eating disorder, but the purpose of my comment is to advise you not to let the fear run away with you, because in my experience it led to obsessing over everything food, exercise, and body-image related _all the time_. Don't know if this is what you meant, but just ignore me if I got the wrong idea!:blushing: