My body doesn't like me

Hi everyone, I've been tracking macros for a little over 100 days (I know not very much) but I go through and see all these transformations happening except for me. A little about me, I've lost 12 pounds so far which is awesome I'm very happy about the progress. I've been eating very cleanly and hitting my macros daily. Last week I dropped 1.5 pounds but then I went on a business trip and gained back a pound. Even though I tracked everything I could and tried to over estimate. I exercise daily, lift weights 3 days a week and cardio the other 4. I've been hitting my calorie goals of 2,375 calories, today I switched around my macros a little and eating more carbs and less fats. I also lowered my calorie intake to 2,150. I weigh my food and I mean all of it. I've been making progress in the gym my lifts are getting much higher(doing 5x5 strong lifts). I started at 185 bench and now I'm at 220.

Any thoughts or advice for me? Anything would be appreciated I have pictures on my home computer I can post later


  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    How much do you weigh? 2400 calories seems high for a weight loss target, but it could be reasonable depending on your stats.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    So was your calorie goal of 2375 enough for you loose weight at the 1.5 pounds you lost last week? What calorie deficit to loose the 12 pounds? You also need to work on the business trips away from home better. Your food does not look weighed to me except maybe the meat, i.e. chicken breast.

    Focusing too much on macros and not the the calorie deficit? Have you been up and down in your calorie intake possibly keeping you in and out of the deficit to consistently loose weight.

    Eating clean really does not matter per se. Do you have dual goals in which you want to put on mass and loose fat at the same time?

    edited to add: because you watch macros, why did you go lower fat and higher carbs? I peaked in your diary and I think I understand the fat issue. Your macros have been a little all over the place before today.. today looks like you hit the goals pretty good.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    If you went on a business trip, I'm assuming you ate out. If you did, it's likely sodium causing the gain. Drink water and make sure to give anything time when you change it. Time meaning 6 weeks, not a few days. Daily fluctuations occur in weight loss. You cannot judge anything on a few days or even one or two weeks. You MUST be patient.
  • kearly206
    kearly206 Posts: 63 Member
    Zedeff wrote: »
    How much do you weigh? 2400 calories seems high for a weight loss target, but it could be reasonable depending on your stats.

    I weigh 232.5 about and I'm 6'2".
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    So was your calorie goal of 2375 enough for you loose weight at the 1.5 pounds you lost last week? What calorie deficit to loose the 12 pounds? You also need to work on the business trips away from home better. Your food does not look weighed to me except maybe the meat, i.e. chicken breast.

    Focusing too much on macros and not the the calorie deficit? Have you been up and down in your calorie intake possibly keeping you in and out of the deficit to consistently loose weight.

    Eating clean really does not matter per se. Do you have dual goals in which you want to put on mass and loose fat at the same time?

    edited to add: because you watch macros, why did you go lower fat and higher carbs? I peaked in your diary and I think I understand the fat issue. Your macros have been a little all over the place before today.. today looks like you hit the goals pretty good.

    My weight has been fluctuating all over in the last month and my lowest weight was 229.5. My trouble with last week is I never go on trips like that so I didn't know what to do. As far as previous weeks I thought I hit my macros and colored almost dead on.

    The calorie intake has been rather consistent at 2375, I know I should keep it there but it seems like nothing is happening, or my scale is off. I'm not really sure.

    I do normally hit the goals except last week
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You're doing it very well. Your body thanks you. Comparing my size and calorie targets to yours, I believe that you are meeting your calorie target on the 0.5 lb/week loss plan. This is a 250 calorie/day deficit, and that is a tiny number, very easy to wipe out with the least bit of inaccuracy. In fact, a business trip of one day can easily wipe out all the progress you've made in 2 weeks. You say business trips are rare, so fugedaboutit. Work on understanding where and how you may be inaccurate in your food logging, and devise methods of improving your accuracy.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    You and your body need to get on the same team and start working together.
  • QuHeCTiC24
    QuHeCTiC24 Posts: 32 Member
    Not sure why your calorie goal is so high? I am 241lbs, set to lose 2lbs per week and my goal is currently 1510 calories per day. Started at 278lbs 1600 calories a day 2 months ago
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited July 2016
    OP, the only thing I can think of to do, is rerun your stats and make sure you are in the right deficit. I thought that 2300+ calories sounded high but you said you lost weight and moreover that 1.5 pounds you said. You did loose 12 pounds so how did you do that? You might can go back and look at your data then, and see what calories and deficit you were eating,etc.. You may have lost it very slowly, i.e. the deficit was fairly small, but you did loose weight, albeit slower. Which if you are gaining in the gym this would make a little sense to me.

    Its not at uncommon to underestimate your food intake, its not uncommon to over estimate exercise calorie burns if you eat some of them back, it is not uncommon to forget to readjust calorie goals after loosing 8-10 pounds, is is also very common for the body to retain water weight under many different circumstance thus some weight can be masked on the scale.

    I need to know more before I can give a a better opinion on what I see is going on.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much about hitting macros, focus mainly on hitting your calorie target. Since you workout a lot, try increasing your protein and try to hit that macro. Try adjusting your macros to 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat and see what happens.

    Your business trip probably had a ton of sodium in the food you ate. It usually takes your body 3-4 days to shed to excess water. Make sure you drink plenty of water as that will help to flush out the excess sodium.
  • kearly206
    kearly206 Posts: 63 Member
    RoxieDawn wrote: »
    OP, the only thing I can think of to do, is rerun your stats and make sure you are in the right deficit. I thought that 2300+ calories sounded high but you said you lost weight and moreover that 1.5 pounds you said. You did loose 12 pounds so how did you do that? You might can go back and look at your data then, and see what calories and deficit you were eating,etc.. You may have lost it very slowly, i.e. the deficit was fairly small, but you did loose weight, albeit slower. Which if you are gaining in the gym this would make a little sense to me.

    Its not at uncommon to underestimate your food intake, its not uncommon to over estimate exercise calorie burns if you eat some of them back, it is not uncommon to forget to readjust calorie goals after loosing 8-10 pounds, is is also very common for the body to retain water weight under many different circumstance thus some weight can be masked on the scale.

    I need to know more before I can give a a better opinion on what I see is going on.

    I think the reason I'm at 2300 calories is I e been gaining a lot of muscle from my workouts, having more muscle burns more calories, I may 231 but I just 19% body fat and I started at 23% so I can contribute the calorie thing to that. I was told when I started my TDEE was around 2000 and I'm very active so that's the explanation for the weight drop.

    The thing is I haven't changed what I've been eating so that's why I switched up my macros and lowered my calorie goals. I'm trying to gain muscle during this weight/fat loss that's why I want to hit my macros. I saw someone in the gym I haven't seen in a while and they said I look a lot more muscular. So I realize that's the point of all this dieting and eating for my muscles.

    I don't eat back my calories even when I do a 5 mile run. Or when I lift I don't even track my lifting or anything like that.

    Last week wasn't common for me and I'm sure my sodium and my estimation of calories wasn't right and that may be why.

    The reason for this post is I'm not sure why my progress hasn't gotten me farther. I lost 4% body fat in 3 months which is impressive and I'm proud of that it just seems my progress now is slowing dramatically so despite this last week my food has been fairly consistent can anyone shed any light?