Anemia and Injury

nickinorthern Posts: 10
edited September 2024 in Food and Nutrition
I was just wondering if anyone can help me out. I have been diagnosed with severe iron deficiency anemia and have been put on a prescription iron supplement tablet. It is suggested that I take the tablet simultaneously with a vitamin C rich source. I normally don't drink a lot of juices, but especially now that I am travelling down the weight loss route. But this morning I sacrificed the calories and had a small glass of orange juice with the tablet.

Question 1: Does anyone have any suggestion for something lower in sugar and calories to ingest but still high in Vit C?

I also have noticed that my right knee is 2Xs its normal size and I can't really walk up the stairs or put any weight on the leg. I don't know what is wrong with it, but it started aching last Wednesday, but I didn't notice swelling until today.

Question 2: Any suggestions for a cardiac exercise that doesn't require us of my legs? As right now, the leg can't handle it.



  • 1. I drink pure, raw tangerine juice. I don't know how its calories compare to what you are doing, but they are less than non-pure, high fructose corn syrup juices.

    2. I also have knee problems. I have been swimming. That way I can control how much work my legs are doing by changing strokes or compensating more with my arms.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Strawberries and kiwis are super rich sources of vitamin c.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I am also on iron supplements, I take them with a huge glass of water then take a vic c tablet. this has been working for me for years and is what my doctor recommended for my friend who has diabetes and cant drink OJ.

    Make sure you have enough water, iron pills really require a lot more water than you think, this might be the cause of the knee swelling too.

    Alternate hot and cold compress for 10 min each a few times a day. if this doesnt work with 2 days go to a doctor, if its fluid they can drain it.
  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    I am also iron deficent and have to take two pills a day. Oranges and strawberries also contain tons of vitamin C. Take the pills with those fruits and it will help your body absorb the iron better.

    As for the swelling....I would go see a doctor. I waited to go get my leg checked out from swelling and come to find out I have a massive blood clot from my groin to my knee. You can never be too safe with stuff like that. Hell that's the reason I'm iron deficent now. Stupid blood clots.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    I think you could take a vit C supplement instead. Look up foods rich in Vit C and you can probably find others. In general getting nutrients from food is much better.

    As for cardio without using your knees - try punching. Can you do a bike? You aren't putting pressure on your knee, but you'd be bending it a lot.
  • For Question #2- Taking a pair of weights and shadow boxing is a great cardio workout that doesn't require much work for the legs (it can if you want it to but we're ignoring that right now). So try and do a small squat and shadow box keeping the arms up and above your heart. By having your arms above your heart you're increasing your heart rate and you're going to get a great shoulder workout too. If you can't do the squat ignore it. Depends on how bad your injury is. Hope this helps a bit and good luck :)
  • Wow!!! Thank you everyone. I very much appreciate the feedback and can try some of the suggestions this evening. Muchas Gracias!!!
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    If you get tired of the OJ or the fruit that's been suggested, I used to take my iron supplement with cereal. Some cereals are a great source of iron, so you'll be able to get even more iron while taking your supplement. That's what my doctor suggested anyway, and I'm not longer having to take a supplement.
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