Anyone else following a 'lose 1/2 lb. a week' plan?

UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I joined MFP just a week ago to help me keep track of my food and exercise. I entered my information and chose the option to lose half a pound a week. I've lost weight before, but I've always done it really fast by eating 1000-1200 calories a day - which feels like starvation to me. I always end up gaining most of the weight back. This time, I've decided to try and follow a more relaxed, marathon-rather-than-sprint type of plan. I would like to lose about 45 pounds, in addition to the seven I've already lost. I don't care if it takes me a year or two to do it, if it means I can eat anything I enjoy in moderation.

This time around, I've decided that I'm not going to 'diet'. Instead, I'm going to learn portion control. I'm going to plan my splurges and keep them occasional. I don't ever want to count Baked Lays or measure fat-free salad dressing again. I'm going to eat real food instead of packaged, processed diet food. I'm going to stop eating when I'm full and I'm not going to snack out of boredom.

All of my 'naturally thin' friends seem to eat this way, and it works for them. Hopefully, in time, it will work for me too.

I'd love to meet/friend anyone else who is following a similar strategy. Anyone?


  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Well, I have mine set at 2 lbs/week loss because I have a naturally slow metabolism, so I know this really will be like 1 lb/week instead.
  • hedleyrocks247
    hedleyrocks247 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm not following the .5 lb a week plan (I'm doing a lb a week!) but I just wanted to say - Good for you for knowing your body and being aware enough about yourself to pick a plan that you know you can stick with!!! That's an amazing accomplishment in itself!!! Slow and steady wins the race!!! I'm dong the 1lb a week right now b/c I have a considerable amount of weight to lose but I don't care if it takes me FOREVER b/c this time, I'm doing to do it the right way and it's going to be for life - even if it takes me 10 yrs!!!!! Way to go girl!!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,556 Member
    That is exactly how I did it. If you exercise, you can leave your goal at 2 lbs. a week then eat back your exercise calories. I've generally eaten at least 1600 every day since I started this and I firmly believe in eating real food in moderation. I've gotten some of those 100 calorie packs of things and was unsatisfied. I'd rather get a real cookie at the bakery than a bag of those little cookie crisps. Yuck! You've got the right mindset to make this work so good luck. I'll send you a friend request and you can count on me to kick your butt if I don't like what I see (ask some of my other MFP friends!).
  • greeneyed84
    greeneyed84 Posts: 427 Member
    That is a great mind set! I don't really follow guidlines on here, I set my own calorie goal, sodium goal etc. I also don't like dieting. I still eat a lot even chocolate but smaller portions & more good stuff. I am re-learning how to eat properly & will keep it up even when i'm down to the weight I wanna be. I lost 18lbs in 13 weeks
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I was but I reached my goal and maintaining now. I followed a 1200 calorie a day plan with 45% carb, 25 protein, 30 fat. I lost 30 lbs in 6 months not exercising at all. I made sure the choices I made were healthy. I cut out all junk and most processed foods.
    Cheated only rarely. I love this site. As long as your honest on your food log and stick with it, it is very helpful. It is all about portion control and healthy eating.
  • Suedre
    Suedre Posts: 435 Member
    Yeah, I live mostly like you described. I have a lists I call them safe choices, then moderation choices, then special choices, and finally the no-no list. My safe list has things that I keep stocked and can always eat like fruit, raw veggies, nuts, yogurt, lean meat. Then the moderation list is things I consider ok in moderation like whole wheat bread, eggs, peanut butter. The special list is items I only have during special events or occassional treats. High sugar (my favorites) will fall in here. Maybe a small slice of cake, fresh baked cookie, pasta, rice, or dinner out would all be examples. I try really hard to limit use of the special list to once a week, but I'm not perfect. Then there is the no-no. I simply don't eat highly processed foods (think pop-tarts, dinner in box, canned cheese).

    You mentioned the low fat dressing - I always eat full flavored, just less of it. I literally eat a TBSP of full flavor ranch on my raw veggies salad everyday and wouldn't trade it. I love ranch, dont see any reason to eat a version I dont like just so I can pour more on.

    I think you have a great plan. Just try it out, give it a solid three weeks and make changes when you need to. Good luck!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    Me, me, me. I started in Mar 2010 at that rate and maintained it throughout but actually lost about 1.5 lbs a week for the first couple of months, then 1 lb per week and now that I am within 20-10 pounds of my goal weight I am actually losing the 1/2 lb a week. Looking back, I am SO GLAD I chose this rate. I feel like I am now in control of my diet and exercise and can maintain this level for the rest of my life. Not to judge, but I have noticed that many people who choose the more aggressive rate seem to burn out more easily and become discouraged. I did not want to do that. I, too, want to 'eat like a thin person' and not like a heavy person is who on a deprivation diet who looks forward to eating 'like they want to' once they lose weight.

    The time has gone really fast and I almost can't believe how easy it was to get where I am today. Good Luck, you can do it.
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    This is pretty much what I am doing. I have been up and down the scales so many times in my life. I decided this is not going to be a real diet but truly a life style change. I have done some really serious deprivation style diets in my life. I had good results but then I could not maintain. I have been on MFP for 3 months and only lost 15.4 lbs. I have never once felt deprived. I also eat "real foods". I also feel I can live my life more easily with a slow approach,,,,,,I have had 3 eating out events this week (that is not typical) so this week I have been over on my calories a lot. The truth is though I ate quite moderately, I am enjoying food without feeling that food is controlling me. There wasn't that old feeling of ,,,,, well now I have blown it I may as well really go crazy. I often eat good quality chocolate,,,,,,,mostly daily, but never in the out of control way I used to eat chocolate.

    I read an interesting article and I wish I had book marked it but, the idea was encouraging you to eat as close to your maintenance calories with only a slight deficit for a slow loss. I think this is a good way to make it a permanent weight loss and style of eating for your future. I don't to be on and off a diet.....binge and starving.......just a gradual change and a permanent one. I still have a long way to go but I feel like I can do this.
  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    Wow, everyone's input is really insightful and helpful to me ("me me me") to quote one of us. I think I'll go back and sign up for .5 pound a week. I think your approach is healthy and sensible. I, however, am impatient and want to lose 20 pounds RIGHT NOW!!! It's b/c I see people who have done it on P90X and on Body For Life, so why can't I? But I think the maxim "slow and steady wins the race" is so very true.
  • This is exactly how I have done it.... sometimes I don't even lose 1/2 lb a week but if I lose 1lb a month I am happy...anything else is a bonus! I was 15 stone 9lbs two years ago and I have now got down to 12 stone 13lb so I am living proof that working towards a slow weight loss works.
    I admit that maintaining my weight loss is hard and I joined MFP in Jan to try and keep my motivation up....I need to lose another stone to be classified as 'normal weight' for my height (5ft 10") and to have a normal BMI of 25. ( I've lost 9lbs since I joined MFP and I have picked up many helpful tips from this site....)
    I strive to eat 1700 calories a day and I try to burn 500 calories a day minimum.....the theory being that 3500 calories burned equals 1lb in weight it is swings and roundabouts depending on whether I have good or bad days.
    I find that the tape measure is a more accurate indicator of success than the scales...I was 39" waist 2 years ago and wearing size 20 clothes and I am now a 32" waist and able to wear size 16 which feels great....
    Don't be discouraged or deflated when you keep reading other great success stories on is what works for you and how you feel in yourself. So I am with you on this one...slowly and surely is my motto. Good luck!:smile:
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Thanks for all the great responses!
  • I manually set my calories to a .33lb/week deficit. To me, it makes sense to eat pretty close to maintenance so that my body won't be shocked by the extra calories when I eventually meet my goal. Like others have said, this isn't a diet--it's a lifestyle--so I'm keeping my habits now very close to what they will be once I reach my goal. I eat very few processed foods, and I eat and drink a lot of things that I would never have touched a few years ago when I dieted. Real butter and cheese, chocolate, booze, good bread, 2% milk instead of skim. I eat foods I like--even unhealthy ones--in reasonable portions. And I've lost a little over 7lbs in two months, so it seems to be working just fine! :happy:
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142
  • Shellbun
    Shellbun Posts: 2
    Yep, me! I am a newbie to this, and I am really hoping it's going to work. Even at this slow rate the amount of calories I get to eat seems so little to me, so I honestly don't think I could cope with anything more aggressive! Even now I exercise mainly so that I can have a few more calories to eat :-)
  • seasonalvoodoo
    seasonalvoodoo Posts: 380 Member
    I lowered my goals/upped my cals for .5 week loss a few weeks ago :) Friend me if you like.
  • marber
    marber Posts: 118 Member
    I was at 1lb a week but after being stuck for the last 6 weeks I changed it to 1/2lb. I have lost 200g, not much but it is still going down so I am happy.

    It has taken me 2 1/2 years so far
  • kmanda
    kmanda Posts: 7
    I love your post! I am so sick of feeling disappointed when I do not lose 2 lbs. per week every week. I've also changed my goal to losing 0.5 lbs per week. That way it will take me one year to reach my goal weight, but I am totally fine with that. I didn't gain the excess weight in 2 months and I'm not going to lose it in 2 months! Slow and steady wins the race. :smile:
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I am about to make the switch from "1 lb a week" to "1/2 lb a week" and I try to eat more intuitively, too. I'll be your friend if you want to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    YES! And I wish more people would try it. It's easy. It's a lifestyle NOT a diet.
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    I've got custom goals and I believe it's about .7 pounds a week. I've never dieted and lost over 120 pounds and kept it off by doing it very slowly. "They" say the longer it takes you to lose it, the longer you get to keep it off. I think you've got a great mind set. Sending you a request!
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