My Super Obese life at 500lbs - Taking my life back 1 day at a time!



  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    edited July 2016
    Please accept my friend request ........ I really want you as a friend =)
    to be honest......I jumped outta bed this morning hoping you would have accepted my request........!! =)

    I really enjoy encouraging people and seeing their progress, and my own too =) hopefully this week, ill see a bigger loss, as ill be eating leaner meat, more veg and less fat)
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    .each time I move or do things I'm moving not just a normal person but I'm picking up those 4 bags and walking around with them...and you know what...I AM STRONG. I don't let the mountain stop me...I MOVE MOUNTAINS...and so do all of you when you choose to get up and move and do things a normal person finds easy you are doing it with weights attached all over your body and you CAN still do it.

    This is true. I've noticed that a lot of us fat people have strong legs from carrying our own weight around. The ones that don't seem to give in to that knock-kneed waddle where the lower legs are splayed out like a tripod. Those folks are using their bones instead of muscles to hold themselves up, and doing even more joint damage than just their weight alone would cause.
    But anyway, the point is, most of us probably have a greater than average muscle mass underneath the fat, which is one of the reasons we tend to start off with big losses when we first get going. We are just plain burning more calories than a normal sized person would. The tricky part is maintaining the right amount of protein and activity to hold on to that extra muscle while burning the fat.

  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    I really loved reading your thoughts and your story. You are a thinker and it shows. What great insights, and goals, and realistic reasons you've articulated! I think you are going have great success now that you've made the decision to take your life back! It won't be easy, but it will be worth it. I look forward to seeing you soar!
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    One more thought on the "hard". Choose your hard. Being fat is hard, losing it is hard. Pick one :)
  • letsdoit654
    letsdoit654 Posts: 9 Member
    wow so nice to see such an outpouring of be honest I did not read all the posts but did want to say hang in there...I was obese for a lifetime...was taken to weight watchers for the first time when I was 7 years old...happy to say I had a VSG last year and I am down 128 pounds...still more to go...but at least I am on my way...stay positive ... stay focused...
  • maggiemaetime
    maggiemaetime Posts: 6 Member
    Your awsome keep doing what ur doing
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @kittygonzalez3511 Hey! MFP didn't have a friend request waiting for me so I sent you one. Thanks so much for the great feedback and support. I really hesitated on posting as I've said before I'm not the "social butterfly" but I'm really glad I did. So many here are so supportive and are struggling with the obesity epidemic that plagues the world today. I know that's all types of kind of conspiracy crazy sounding but it really is true. It's true that we control what we put in our mouths but with the cheap, easy and accessible terrible food that is out there that is chock full of nasty processed things that taste super yummy well it's easy to lose that control. Over the past 30 days I've found changing my thinking first...then changing what I eat 2nd, then starting in on cardio..all a plan to get me to where I feel great. I don't want to use the terms like average or normal or any of that because seriously? Who the heck is normal?

    If you look at all the different sites that say what you should weigh or how you should look, or who you should be...I have to ask myself sometimes..."what are these guys smokin?". I'm really losing this twin I carry around with me for how I want to feel. I've taken alot of time destroying my body and it's going to take some time to reverse that. So I'll stop yammering on here and just say I accepted your friend request and thanks again for supporting me and I will help support you too! We are all in this together!
  • mzsierra528
    mzsierra528 Posts: 12 Member
    This made me tear up.. you are such an inspiration. & together im sure we can slay whatever dragon we come in contact with! At my heaviest i was 277lbs. Today I'm 195 & would like to lose 30 more! Food has been my best friend for most of my life. So i know what you mean.
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @solieco1 Thanks for all that great feedback. I'm so ready to do this. I did the diet rollercoasters before and got down to the 300lb area..never under it :neutral: but I felt and thought I looked pretty ok for the way I carried the weight. What am I talking about...thinking how I felt at 500lbs I felt freaking amazing at but I know that I can lose this weight...the thing I'm super focused on this time around..and this time being the last darn it, is that I am changing the way I feel, think, act...I can't do the rollercoaster like I did in my late 20's and in my 30's. I need to realize that this time my decision needs to be a forever change. I don't want to worry about if I make it to 50...I want to worry about doing salsa dancing at 80 :open_mouth:
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @mzsierra528 Wow 195! That is so awesome...30lbs is alot but look how far you've come. That has to feel great knowing you've accomplished so much...

    I use a few things to help keep me motivated...and for me it's been the dog food scale...haha before ppl think I'm crazy I think how big a 50lb bag of dog food is and that's what you are carrying around and to look at that much weight and really Fat is so much less dense than dog food so really the volume is even more than that in what you've lost well..that's a freakin! lot. With others who are losing less because they aren't as big..visual say a bag of kitty litter...those 10lb bags are pretty good think with just your lost that's over EIGHT bags of kitty litter...that's AMAZING!

    It really helps me to not look at a number but to visualize and see what I've put down and taken off my body...numbers just can't really do that and reading the scale feels good to see a 10lb loss but when you can really SEE's such a better feeling. I'm not really sure how I even really came up with that idea...I think I was carrying in one of those bags of dog food and when I sit it down I that was heavy and how much lighter it was putting it down, how much easier I could move, how less out of breath I was...Well so in my weight loss..that's what I'm doing..that's how I know I can feel better once I put that bag down..and it keeps me going...looking at the pet isle at Wal-mart really hasn't been the same since I started thinking this way. Each time I go by now I smile and think...yup....I LOST that! haha..
  • mzsierra528
    mzsierra528 Posts: 12 Member
    @itprofessional Omg! You & i have the same mindset! Only i look at my 7 year old & say.. well if he's 59lbs & i lost 55. Thats close enough to say "Come on Pookie get on my back for a piggy ride!" And thats how much weight i was carrying around! Goodness gracious! Thats a lot for my 5'2" body frame.. so i definitely know what ur saying about the kitty litter & dog food lol its unbelievable :smile:
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @mzsierra528 You got this though. I read your post too and I know where you are at. Don't give up..You have so much to be thankful for and you are strong. Look where you have been and where you are today. You got this!
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    no worries kiddo =) hahah. love that dog food conception, its really true! And yeah......obesity is an epidemic, sick of being one of those numbers, I want out. Healthy food is always more expensive and the crap is always cheap or on sale........and everything today is full of sugar.......and they all wonder why we struggle. But like you said, we gotta control it. So bring it on world!! =D
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @kittygonzalez3511 And the funny thing is healthy doesn't have to be's just that it's a huge social shift that companies would have to make for it to be mass marketable to the consumer. Don't get me started lol, I could go on for days about that kind of stuff.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    I have a giant dog and I use him for comparison! Today I chased a friend up hill all damn day on my bike! I finally asked her what she weighs and realized I was carrying my dog AND the puppy next door more than her! That made me feel al little better LMAO!!!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    @solieco1 You are most certainly strong carrying dogs...heck I just said dog food but you just took it up a notch! Go you!
  • LovelessFool
    LovelessFool Posts: 109 Member
    I've never been super crazy about soda...I found I really only drink the stuff with like Pizza or Mexican food etc...but after logging a Lg. Dr. Pepper 30 days ago...and seeing that 100 carb poison in my list...yeah it really wasn't hard to put it down completely. I didn't replace it with anything diet either...heard my fare share of issue with those drinks...but I did pick up a tea habit. Seems alot of strong black teas are good for you says some is better of course but I like the black better and it's definitely better than the Soda...Krazyness..100 carbs...GET OUTTA HERE.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    I've never been super crazy about soda...I found I really only drink the stuff with like Pizza or Mexican food etc...but after logging a Lg. Dr. Pepper 30 days ago...and seeing that 100 carb poison in my list...yeah it really wasn't hard to put it down completely. I didn't replace it with anything diet either...heard my fare share of issue with those drinks...but I did pick up a tea habit. Seems alot of strong black teas are good for you says some is better of course but I like the black better and it's definitely better than the Soda...Krazyness..100 carbs...GET OUTTA HERE.

    Too many carbs. My family cringes when I drink soda (diet of course) and add half a glass of water to it. I like flavored
  • MarkusDarwath
    MarkusDarwath Posts: 393 Member
    I drink diet soda, by the gallon, pretty much literally. I typically go through 6 to 10 cans per day plus a 44oz fountain drink or two. Been consuming that much for close to 20 years. If all the hype and paranoia were true I should be dead, or at least riddled with cancer by now.
    Mind you, I don't suggest that anyone should follow my example. Sadly, I just can't learn to like plain water.