Juice Cleanses



  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    kimmie2128 wrote: »
    I did a Dandelion Root Tea Detox before that I thought worked well. It's one tea bag, 1 Tbsp cranberry juice (sugar free), 1 lemon (just the juice). You need 8 cups of water and are to drink it every day for 7 days. So that's 8 cups/day. I feel like I'm not explaining it well, so if you want me to go more in depth I can :)

    Also, remember detoxing isn't something that should be done all the time. Once every few months is ok, but don't do one every month or week or anything.

    That's the Jillian Michaels "detox drink", it supposedly helps you lose water weight.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I tried a strawberry juice cleanse once. The house smelled great, but everything was sticky. Plus it didn't really clean anything.
  • Sloth2016
    Sloth2016 Posts: 846 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    How do you clean juice? :o

  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    Aren't juice "cleanses" simply a bad case of the squits?
  • ouryve
    ouryve Posts: 572 Member
    kimmie2128 wrote: »
    I did a Dandelion Root Tea Detox before that I thought worked well. It's one tea bag, 1 Tbsp cranberry juice (sugar free), 1 lemon (just the juice). You need 8 cups of water and are to drink it every day for 7 days. So that's 8 cups/day. I feel like I'm not explaining it well, so if you want me to go more in depth I can :)

    Also, remember detoxing isn't something that should be done all the time. Once every few months is ok, but don't do one every month or week or anything.

    So you lived on slightly sugary water for a week?
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    ouryve wrote: »
    kimmie2128 wrote: »
    I did a Dandelion Root Tea Detox before that I thought worked well. It's one tea bag, 1 Tbsp cranberry juice (sugar free), 1 lemon (just the juice). You need 8 cups of water and are to drink it every day for 7 days. So that's 8 cups/day. I feel like I'm not explaining it well, so if you want me to go more in depth I can :)

    Also, remember detoxing isn't something that should be done all the time. Once every few months is ok, but don't do one every month or week or anything.

    So you lived on slightly sugary water for a week?

    You still eat food whilst drinking this. The drink is incorporated into your existing diet.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    Thinking of starting one for 1-3 days.
    Any success stories? What did you gain/lose from this? Where did you get your juice from?How often do you do this cleanse?
    Feel free to add any advice, suggestions! I'd love to hear from you guys.

    The first question to ask yourself is, "What am I cleansing myself of?"
  • kkowalske17
    kkowalske17 Posts: 3 Member
    My boyfriend and I just completed our first 3 day juice cleanse last week. We used the Jus By Julie brand. You drink 6 juices daily for 3 days. The juices are blended, not cold-pressed, so they are thick and include the fiber. I decided to do the cleanse out of curiosity, mostly, and because I heard it helped with food cravings. I am a bit skeptical and wasn't convinced that I could last 3 days or if it would have a significant effect on my health. Here is an overview of what happened during the cleanse:

    Day 1 - I was tired and crabby (most likely due to caffeine withdrawal). I felt hungry mid-day and really wanted to chew something. I was unable to drink the all of the juices because I got a bad headache and felt nauseous in the afternoon. I took a nap hoping I would feel better, but it didn't work. I finally took some Excedrin. After taking the Excedrin, I felt great but had no appetite at all and no desire to drink my remaining juices. In fact, I went for a 3 mile walk that evening. My boyfriend was hungry on the first day, but he didn't have any of the other issues I had.

    Day 2 - I felt much better and was able to drink 4 of the 6 juices. I tried to stay busy so I wouldn't think about eating. Again, I took a 3 mile walk in the afternoon. I felt less hungry on day 2 and no headache :-)

    Day 3 - I woke up with great energy and in a good mood. I had no cravings at all. My boyfriend noticed the same thing. We felt unexpectedly good! We both felt that we could have continued the juice cleanse another few days.

    Over the 3 days, I lost 2.5 pounds and my BF lost 3. We assumed that it was mostly water and we would regain the weight as soon as normal eating resumed. But, that didn't happen. Our eating habits have changed since the juice cleanse and that, I'm sure, has a lot do with it, but I have kept off the weight and lost another 1/2 pound. It's been 8 days since the cleanse.

    The most noticeable change is my cravings for junk food (simple carbs, sweets, etc) is reduced. I am currently maintaining my calorie goal and have not had wheat products or diet soda (my weaknesses) in over a week. Overall, I'm happy with my decision to do the juice cleanse and really like the Jus by Julie juices (Groupon offers some good deals on the juices).

    I didn't go into the juice cleanse with high expectations that I would drop 10 pounds, detox my liver, or rid my body of years worth of sludge from my colon. Lol. So, I was satisfied with the results. I highly recommend it. Especially for someone who is making changes to the diet (like going gluten-free, etc) and wants a kick-start. It really eliminated my cravings and feel that I have much better control now.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have other questions about my experience. Good luck!