Weighing in?

When and how often do you weigh yourself? Just want to get an insight to how others do it.


  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Twice a week, on the same scale at the same time of day and naked.
  • caradack1985
    caradack1985 Posts: 254 Member
    Every morning after I've used the loo. I put the weights in Libra which gives me a tracking line.
  • displaced1
    displaced1 Posts: 73 Member
    Daily. It took a few weeks to stop stressing over fluctuations. For me they are frequent. I use happy scale to look at trends vs my weight loss peaks and valleys.
  • Bxqtie116
    Bxqtie116 Posts: 552 Member
    Daily, and I put it on a chart with a trend line so I can see the overall trend. It stops me stressing over the random fluctuations as I can see the overall downward slope.
    displaced1 wrote: »
    Daily. It took a few weeks to stop stressing over fluctuations. For me they are frequent. I use happy scale to look at trends vs my weight loss peaks and valleys.

    ^ what they said
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Weigh and log it daily, losses and gains.
  • cbstewart88
    cbstewart88 Posts: 453 Member
    Twice a week, on the same scale at the same time of day and naked.

    Same here!!
  • RainaProske
    RainaProske Posts: 636 Member
    Daily, if I think of it. My weight stays basically the same, so I don't know why I bother. But I'm scared to death of getting fat again!
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    Daily. When I first started on MFP, for *kitten* and giggles, I weighed myself every 2 hours for one day. I wanted to see what my weight did over the course of a day and what things affected it.

    The fluctuations don't bother me anymore. Just more data points. I know, for instance, that I'm retaining water from exercise the last few days but it is starting to drop off again as of this morning (went up last 2 days).
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Studies show that those that weigh themselves daily lose the most weight:
  • mysticatgal1
    mysticatgal1 Posts: 106 Member
    Daily. I take an average weekly to log into MyFitnessPal to stay on top of it.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    First thing in the AM. Before eating, after potty time and buck nekkid. I weigh on my Aria scale, then log in to Fitbit (to tell it I'm up), log in to Trendweight (for the graph), and MFP. In that order :)
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    edited July 2016
    I weigh myself every morning when I wake up out of habit - I don't record my weight but once a week... after a night of good sleep, before breakfast, after using the bathroom and while still undressed.
  • lindarpolk
    lindarpolk Posts: 70 Member
    I agree with what everybody else said. A lot of people say once a week, but when I did that I found myself thinking, "I can eat this and enjoy it now, then work out hard later. I have __ days until I weigh in. I can work it all off by then." Of course, that hard workout never happened and I didn't lose much weight. I also was too impatient to wait until my weigh-in day. Weighing every day keeps me more accountable, so I make better choices every day. I know there will be many days when I have a loss instead of a gain, and I'm ok with that. There will always be ups and downs in weight loss. Seeing little losses often is more encouraging and motivating to me because losing inches takes a lot longer to see progress. Not everybody feels the same way. Do whatever you feel comfortable with and whatever works for you.
  • eIIekay
    eIIekay Posts: 164 Member
    new to this - again- and i am constantly weighing (at least once a day). i find the numbers going down really motivating. i know that plateaus will hit as well, but im trying to see what affects them. I only record the lower weights (yes, some are slightly higher). i am excited by the downward trend.
  • jpsgirl96
    jpsgirl96 Posts: 9 Member
    edited July 2016
    Daily but I generally record it once a week on Thursdays - longstanding habit to keep the weekend in check - I find the daily step on the scale keeps me honest, and I don't expect a drop every day.
  • Jelly_Beaner
    Jelly_Beaner Posts: 61 Member
    I used to do it daily..but that's my person downfall, if the number doesn't change the way I want It to I'll get discouraged, so now I do it once every 2 weeks! Every Saturday morning! I do it on Saturday so that I'll be more reluctant to binge out on the weekends!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    3 mornings a week, after my run, right before jumping in the shower. It's probably the lowest weight I'll ever be :)

  • CJsf1t
    CJsf1t Posts: 414 Member
    Daily. I use the Libra app too to plot the trend. I only put in my losses here on mfp.
  • markdolanmoore
    markdolanmoore Posts: 19 Member
    1. Wake up 2. Pee 3. Poo 4. Wipe 5. Strip 6. Weigh 7. Shower 8. Shave 9. Slamdance