Motivation and Support Losing 200lbs



  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @bayareajenn I think I will start doing rewards. I love to read, but haven't bought a book in forever. I just know James Patterson has a few more books out that I want.
    Spa day, yes yes yes. 50lbs down and a spa day. I'm on board.
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @lorrpb I'm looking into those right now :) My mom is a semi health nut. She would enjoy them, too. Thank you.
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @Pheboh My hubby is ALL about the candy, lol. I do the majority of the cooking and he'll eat anything as long as it doesn't have vinegar. He's been trying new foods with me. He's really been enjoying the healthy food lately.
    It's so nice to see people in similar situations with similar goals.
    Welcome aboard!!
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @jackiefrost1013 Time to buy some weights :D
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @ShrinkingMuslimah Thank you for the support <3
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @fattyclatter I <3 your picture. It reminds me of a character that my sister use to draw when we were younger. She named him Thunder Chunky from a part of the graffiti in the beginning of The Fresh Prince of Belair.
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @FindingLiz016 Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • berolcolour
    berolcolour Posts: 140 Member
    nillaskye wrote: »
    Hi everyone!
    What are some of your fravorite healthy meals and go to workouts?
    I'm just getting a start on my grocery shopping and love new meals to try. As for working out, I need to start walking at least twice a week. I was wondering if the local animal shelter would let me borrow a dog from time to time. Definitely need to look into that :)
    Enjoy your Sunday!

    I had the same thing - both wanted to lose weight and neither really doing much about it. This was the first meal I made that was lower calories and we both loved, it's what got him into trying all my future recipes!

    Skinless chicken breast
    Light Philadelphia
    Parma ham (or similar, or thin bacon)
    Potato (we eat it without the potato now!)

    I beat the Philadelphia with the pesto or herbs or spices and cut a pocket in the chicken and stuff it in, then wrap it in one slice of ham and but it on a sheet and bake it in the oven. It doesn't dry out because of the ham and the stuffing, which makes a creamy sauce. I have it with roast peppers, broccoli with a bit of garlic and lemon and steamed/boiled small potatoes. Any veg will work! To make it lighter I've had it without the potato or with sweet potato and just weighed the portion.

    We used to walk together, it's a great chance for a chat with no distractions. But now I run, so we don't do that as often! I started with couch to 5k, but not everyone likes running.
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    nillaskye wrote: »
    @bayareajenn I think I will start doing rewards. I love to read, but haven't bought a book in forever. I just know James Patterson has a few more books out that I want.
    Spa day, yes yes yes. 50lbs down and a spa day. I'm on board.

    Chloe James Patterson is my favorite author!!! I love to read and haven't bought me a book in a long time either. Got to treat myself!! Lol
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @berolcolour That recipe sounds so yummy! And I use to love to run when I was in high school, so I'm going to work up to getting there again. Thank you so much.
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @jackiefrost1013 I'm addicted to his Alex Cross series and The Women's Murder Club.
  • thiosulfate
    thiosulfate Posts: 262 Member
    I've lost almost 20 lbs and still have about 210 lbs to go. Feel free to add me.

    Starting: 350.6 lbs
    Current: 333 lbs
    Goal: 120 lbs
  • druidkat7
    druidkat7 Posts: 691 Member
    Nillaskye, I'm going to add you. I have an ultimate 120-lb loss goal right now. I don't plan on having biological kids (the idea of morning sickness kind of switches me off. I'd rather adopt!), especially as I am in my late 30s, can never have too many support/motivation friends. I've got quite a few books on healthy, organic eating. Your boyfriend and my best guy friend have the same issue with vinegar, BTW.

    I second the notion about lifting weights for tightening loose skin, but it's also good for building muscle. Muscle eats fat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so the more muscle you have, the leaner you will be, even though muscle does technically weigh more than fat.
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    @druidkat7 I just started lifting at 10lbs. I tried other weights and those were very comfortable. I'm excited about building a little muscle, lol.
    Completely unrelated, I once tried to sneak balsamic vinegar in hubby's salad. He took one bite and spit it out. I thought for sure out would be delicious. I ate it for him ;)
  • YAYA_of_2
    YAYA_of_2 Posts: 160 Member
    I love Alex cross and the women club too!!! I have tons of his books !!! I got so OCD about the cross series that I had to read them in order!!! I have fallen way behind tho. How about Janet Evanovich? Have read her books? Another good one.
  • druidkat7
    druidkat7 Posts: 691 Member
    nillaskye wrote: »
    @druidkat7 I just started lifting at 10lbs. I tried other weights and those were very comfortable. I'm excited about building a little muscle, lol.
    Completely unrelated, I once tried to sneak balsamic vinegar in hubby's salad. He took one bite and spit it out. I thought for sure out would be delicious. I ate it for him ;)

    Haha, my friend has a nose like a wolf. He'd be able to smell it before it was set in front of him.

  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    I love Alex cross and the women club too!!! I have tons of his books !!! I got so OCD about the cross series that I had to read them in order!!! I have fallen way behind tho. How about Janet Evanovich? Have read her books? Another good one.

    I haven't, but I'll definitely check her out!!
  • nillaskye
    nillaskye Posts: 23 Member
    Is anyone else taking this weight loss journey with PCOS?
  • syberdyne
    syberdyne Posts: 7 Member
    You can do it! I've lost close to that and still going. Feel free to add me and we'll kick some *kitten*! :)
  • Tretop76
    Tretop76 Posts: 256 Member
    nillaskye wrote: »
    @jackiefrost1013 There's a bike trail through town that I want to walk on. He's willing to walk with me, so that's a plus :) As for eating habits... I will leave that alone, lol.
    Congratulations on your weight lose thus far. That's so exciting! One thing I've been thinking about is loose skin. I know it's different for everyone, but have you experienced that?

    I haven't had that issue. I'm hopeful that I won't. I lift weights to try to prevent the loose skin from developing. I know in certain areas it's bound to happen and I will deal with it when the time comes. My advice is to incorporate lifting as soon as possible. 3 days week is all you need.

    My husband and I are setting up weights in the garage to work out together, how much did you start out for just 3/week? What are your weight lifting works out like?