Keto Help

I have been keeping a good diary over the last 14 days and haven't had more than 30 net carbs in a day during that time. I've had plenty of fat and protein and lots of water (admittedly maybe not as much as I should have).

I had headaches, body aches, and just a general crappy feeling for the first few days. I feel great now but wasn't sure if I was in ketosis, so a friend recommend Ketostix. The reading blew my mind... I am NOT in ketosis. What gives??


  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Would you consider making your diary public?
  • minnesotaimport
    minnesotaimport Posts: 15 Member
    I eat under 20g carbs per day and have done so for about 5 months now. I have found that I am never in ketosis first thing in the morning, but when I test midday or evening I'm always in ketosis. Same with my hubby. Years ago when I did Atkins I was always in ketosis in the morning. I still haven't quite figured out why it doesn't register in the morning!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Your general crappy feeling was probably mostly due to an electrolyte imbalance. Sodium levels get low when water is lost. You'll need 3000-5000mg of sodium per day and you probably need some extra potassium and magnesium now since it lasted a while. If you are keeping yourself very well hydrated that might lave worsened your electrolyte imbalance.

    Also, if you are well hydrated that can dilute the ketones in your urine and make them harder to detect. Ketostix are not the most reliable test for that reason. I usually eat under 30g total carbs per day and my ketones are barely detectable or negative.

    The breath and blood tests are more reliable.
  • Itlnchk
    Itlnchk Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! That is called the Keto Flu, and will pass. Mine was so bad that I stopped KEto and I'm mad at myself for doing that. As crazy as it sounds, I heaping tablespoon of peanut butter helps, or you can also have some bone broth! This time around Im all stocked up on bone broth and ready to go!
  • foxrider2005
    foxrider2005 Posts: 5 Member
    A Keto urine test will not always show on the strips. If your body is using all the ketones there won't be a significant amount in the urine. invest in a blood test kit and use that. Downfall is there a little pricey and the strips can cost up to 5$ each still continue to use the daily urine strips if you want but use the blood strips once per week.