New and looking for support.

My name is James and I'm looking for some like minded people struggling with weight as much as I am. If there is one thing I know, it's that having encouraging people with similar goals can greatly increase your chance of success. I need to lose 60ish pounds, if anyone out there is in simular situation and wants some support as I do. You can certainly add me. Thank you for your time. ( :


  • lasharp1966
    lasharp1966 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello James, my name is LaMar (female), I too need to lose a little more than you...I have been on the program but only decided to recently really work at it....I told my son ...I've been heavy for most of my adult life it never seemed to hinder me....I have issues health and that still didn't motivate me, I'm aware weight loss would help my health condition but not take it away...I only recently felt trapped in my body ....I used to hear people say that and didn't get it until now. I just came from the gym got my workout on and I'm working on logging my food regularly and not waiting until late in the evening ....because you know then it just didn't happen so I look forward to working with you if you like and let's get thru August together. (consistency is key)
  • Payton_T_Rink_12
    Payton_T_Rink_12 Posts: 5 Member

    I am a veteran who is out on early honorable discharge due to service connected injury. Once upon a time I was a fat little girl over 200lbs in 9th-10th grade... I lost 80lbs to join the coast guard. Then gained 13 back in muscle from preparing physically for Basic. After my accident I became very ill and lost +/- 13lbs back down to 120lbs. I have since gained 20lbs and am now at a stocky 140lbs... Since I am no longer weight training as much it is not as low BF% as I once was, and I would like to get back to the 125-130lbs range. I have been struggling with food and motivation due to depression and PTSD. Anyone in a similar place with re-losing weight...? I am willing to trade phone numbers for support and motivation! I need help and love to help others as well!
  • scscott667
    scscott667 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello James and LaMar. My name is Carrie. I am struggling to lose weight as well. I just started this program last week. I have medical issues as well and I go to my doctor today to weigh in. I am willing to work with you guys to make this work. I do not know how to friend someone.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Hi everyone - I've yoyo'd about in the past, usually getting down to a reasonable weight (though probably a bit heavier than I should be) then forgetting about it and being OK for a bit. Inevitably something happens and I start eating and before I know it all the weight is back again. This time I've decided to join the social side of MFP to help keep it off this time. I'm trying to lose 40lbs by Christmas, though ultimately I will be looking to lose about 70.

    @JGH9TH2016 have added you.
    Others feel free to add me as friend if you wis
    @scscott667 to add someone click their picture/username, then click their username on the box that pops up to bring up their profile. There should be a button to 'Add As Friend'.