July 2016 Weight Loss Challenge



  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Name: Courtney
    Age: 38
    Height: 5'6.5"
    Start Weight (July 1):141.8
    Goal Weight (August 1): 126

    Weigh-ins (week of...):

    July 1: 141.8
    July 8: 138.6
    July 15: 139.8
    July 22: 140.2
    July 29: 139.2
    August 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1
    Weight -/+ this month: -2.6

    Successes/struggles this week: Not thrilled with this.
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Name: Janna
    Age: 41
    Height: 5'5"

    Start Weight (July 1): 179.1 (as of 7/6)
    Goal Weight (August 1): 173.0

    Weigh-ins (week of...):

    July 1: 179.1 (on 7/6 - wasn't near my scale til then)
    July 8: 178.0
    July 15: 176.5
    July 22: 175.1
    July 29: 175.0
    August 1:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.1
    Weight -/+ this month: -4.1

    Successes/struggles this week: I am shocked. I expected a gain. Ate out five nights last week, but I offset it with 6 classes over 5 days. Just... grateful. On to the next week!
  • Toribeth23
    Toribeth23 Posts: 53 Member
    Name: Tori
    Age: 26
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (July 1): 187.8
    Goal Weight (August 1): 185

    Weigh-ins (Sundays):

    July 1: 187.8
    July 10: 187.6
    July 17: 187.0
    July 24: 186.3
    July 31: 186.3
    August 1: 186.0

    Weight -/+ this week: -.3
    Weight -/+ this month: -1.8

    Successes/struggles this week: Lots of things contributed to some water-weight retention this past week. Both good and bad. I walked/jogged my first 5K on Thursday! My time wasn't amazing, but at least now I have a goal time to improve on! So that was great. I also went swimming in a friends pool this week (finally! first time in years!), and that was a lot of fun. But then I also ate a lot of salty food this week, and TOM showed up, so all in all, not a great week for weight loss. But just at the end here, the scale went down 4lbs over Sunday and Monday (I use a trend weight for my weigh-ins though.) So it seems my body finally decided to get rid of all that water! Looking forward to next August's challenge. These are great for keeping me motivated.
  • tuddy315
    tuddy315 Posts: 11,506 Member
    Name: Marilyn
    Age: 63
    Height: 5'2"

    Start Weight (July 1): 208
    Goal Weight (August 1): 200


    July 1: 208
    July 8: 206
    July 15: 204
    July 22: 200.2
    July 29: 199.4
    August 1: 198.6

    Weight -/+ this month: -9.4

    Successes/struggles this week: YEAH!!! I'm finally under 200. Almost to the half way mark. I've never lost this much in my whole life. I'm sooooo proud of myself. I'll be watching for a labor day challenge!! Good luck to everyone out there.
  • SonicKrunch
    SonicKrunch Posts: 192 Member
    Name: John
    Age: 39
    Height: 5'10

    Start Weight (July 1): 188.8
    Goal Weight (August 1): 184

    Weigh-ins (week of...):

    July 1: 188.8
    July 8: 186.6
    July 15: 184.8
    July 22: skipped
    July 29: 184.6
    August 1: 184.6

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.2
    Weight -/+ this month: -4.2

    Successes/struggles this week: Was a weird weekend so just didn't get there. Still pretty happy overall this month with the results. Looking forward to hitting 180 by end of Aug
  • hugheseva
    hugheseva Posts: 227 Member
    Name: Eva
    Age: 63
    Height: 5' 1.5"

    Original starting date: 5/1/2015: 168.5 lbs

    Start Weight (July 1): 146
    Goal Weight (August 1): 140

    July 1: 146
    July 8: 146
    July 15:146
    July 22: 143.5
    July 29: 143
    August 1: 142.5

    Weight -/+ this week: -.5 lbs
    Weight -/+ this month: -3.5 lbs

    Successes/struggles this week: Better than nothing :)
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,986 Member
    Name: tiffanylacourse
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'4"

    Start Weight (July 1): 179.2
    Goal Weight (August 1): 170 or less

    Weigh-ins (week of...):

    July 1: 179.2
    July 8: 177.6
    July 15: 176.8
    July 22: *BYE WEEK*
    July 29: 173.8
    August 1: 173.8

    Weight -/+ this week: - ? lbs
    Weight -/+ this month: - 5.4 lbs
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,074 Member
    For those looking - I'm guessing this is the new thread for August (although there are multiple WLC threads again)...http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10436895/august-2016-weight-loss-challenge
  • hokiemom14
    hokiemom14 Posts: 105 Member
    Name: Jessica
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'6"

    Start Weight (July 1): 128
    Goal Weight (August 1): 125

    Weigh-ins (week of...):

    July 1: 128
    July 8: 128
    July 15: 127.4
    July 16: 126.6
    July 25: 128.4
    July 29: 127.4
    August 1:127.0

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.4
    Weight -/+ this month: -1.0

    Successes/struggles this week: Hoping for a better month in August! I know those last few lbs are always the hardest.
  • hokiemom14
    hokiemom14 Posts: 105 Member
    Is there a thread up for just August Weight Loss? I don't see one just for the month. Thanks.
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    There is this one that B3achy posted...
    b3achy wrote: »
    For those looking - I'm guessing this is the new thread for August (although there are multiple WLC threads again)...http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10436895/august-2016-weight-loss-challenge

    Some people have posted their previous months progress, but I'm sure you can just stick to August. If you decide to start up a different one though, please let us know! :smiley:
  • hokiemom14
    hokiemom14 Posts: 105 Member
    I'll post a new one just for August :)
  • mcginger1
    mcginger1 Posts: 128 Member
    Please post the link when you get it set up! :smile: Thank you!!