Stress eating

Anyone else struggle with stress eating? I know it's psychological, and the fact that I'm aware of what I'm doing while it's happening is progress, but I'm looking for more.

How do you handle changing this habit? Instead of reaching for some chocolate, do you do something else that helps?


  • lokimom
    lokimom Posts: 1
    I struggle with this also. I try doing something like a hobbie. I like crocheting and puzzles. I also read a good book. find something you like and try it instead of eating. it works most of the time for me.
  • jewelryholic
    Go for a walk, get yourself something to drink and chew gum.
  • gat4400
    gat4400 Posts: 8 Member
    I am also a stress eater and I would be curious to see the replies you get back, becuase I also need pointers :)
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I journal, play my wii, walk my dog, or bury myself into a movie to distract me from whatever trigger it was that was making me feel compelled to eat. I try to find things I enjoy that will distract me.
  • mcgwnkrista
    I have HUGE emotional eating problems to the point where (a year ago) I was going every other night to Sonic for their M&M Blast with extra m&ms. Now, that I've slowly changed my eating habits, if I'm having a really bad day (it has to be pretty bad) I'll treat myself to something I might not typically have during the week (rent a movie, a new book, ect). That way I can reward myself for getting through a bad day without using food because I've learned if I use food as a reward for myself, I'm more likely to cave and have excessive/unhealthy amounts of food.
  • mamanda12
    mamanda12 Posts: 6 Member
    I also have issues with this. Since I have started counting calories I have been much more aware of it!! I have decided that if I am stressed, and truly looking for food to help reduce the stress, to take a quick walk; Just 5 minutes or so. I am trying to replace the stress eating with a good healthy habit.
    Good luck to you finding what works best for you!! :-)
  • TAWoody
    TAWoody Posts: 261 Member
    Or just munch on stuff that doesn't have a lot of calories so you can't feel bad. Grab some carrot sticks, those things take forever to chew up. Or celery, grapes, a head of lettuce lol. Good luck.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    Stress eating is a big thing for me. I have found that when I am stressed out and want to eat, I tell someone that I am stressed and want to eat. Usually they asked why I am stressed and then we end up talking about it and I feel better (or better enough not to eat). Another thing I often do is look at the food and say, "is it worth letting yourself down today." It never is.
  • fionat29
    fionat29 Posts: 717 Member
    Funnily enough, I find logging on to here or MiniMins can waste hours of time without even trying! Lol! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • myurav
    myurav Posts: 165 Member
    hi there,

    stress eating has always been a big challenge for me, but i've found some good ways to get past it.

    - chewing gum is a great way to keep your mouth busy while keeping the calories at bay. mint flavor has shown to reduce cravings, but there are also some great fruity gums out there if you prefer it
    - drinking water helps fill up your stomach. drink a glass or two and then wait to see if your cravings subside
    - keep healthy snacks on track. mini-tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, etc are great alternatives if you're still hungry. also, dairy suppresses appetite, so some low-fat yogurt, milk or cheese can help curb those cravings
    - relieve the stress - if you're procrastinating on work (as i also do), take 15 minutes and relax, then do some work. i find that once i get started on the task, my anxiety level goes down

    there's one other thing that i've heard of. there's a book about stopping binge eating, and one aspect that they recommend is to think of those cravings as another character, and give it a name. whenever you're feeling those cravings, think that it's not you who wants to eat it, it's someone else. it's important to remember your goals and try to work through it. anyways, i hope this helps!

    keep up the good work!
  • MMGoodSF
    MMGoodSF Posts: 26
    Thanks for all the ideas! Really appreciate the support on MFP.
  • CatharinaC
    CatharinaC Posts: 32
    hi there,

    stress eating has always been a big challenge for me, but i've found some good ways to get past it.

    - chewing gum is a great way to keep your mouth busy while keeping the calories at bay. mint flavor has shown to reduce cravings, but there are also some great fruity gums out there if you prefer it
    - drinking water helps fill up your stomach. drink a glass or two and then wait to see if your cravings subside
    - keep healthy snacks on track. mini-tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, etc are great alternatives if you're still hungry. also, dairy suppresses appetite, so some low-fat yogurt, milk or cheese can help curb those cravings
    - relieve the stress - if you're procrastinating on work (as i also do), take 15 minutes and relax, then do some work. i find that once i get started on the task, my anxiety level goes down

    there's one other thing that i've heard of. there's a book about stopping binge eating, and one aspect that they recommend is to think of those cravings as another character, and give it a name. whenever you're feeling those cravings, think that it's not you who wants to eat it, it's someone else. it's important to remember your goals and try to work through it. anyways, i hope this helps!

    keep up the good work!

    Thanks for posting these tips... I am a stress eater and have been trying to find ways to cut that back. I did start with celery sticks and grape tomatoes. But the best thing for me has been a banana :)

    Thanks all
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Stress eating is a difficult one. It seems you have gotten some good ideas on how to avoid stress eating.. but what about dealing with the stress?

    I found when I had major stress I always gained a load of weight back because I would stress eat and put it aside to deal with it later, but truth be told, dealing with the weight gain afterwards sucks major bum. So, in December I started taking "Stress Ease" which is really just a vitamin b complex. I figured if I kept taking it so a steady amount was constantly in my system, the next time a stressful situation came around, it hopefully at the very least would minimize the impact. I am happy to say, it has helped tremendously. I quit my job 3 weeks ago and with the stress of finances and ofcourse looking for another job and all that, I have actually kept losing. When I quit a different job about 4 years ago, I gained alot, and right away too. The emotional eating was emmediate.
  • sweepeas
    sweepeas Posts: 4 Member
    Whenever I feel like eating out of stress...I get down and do 50 crunches..then make myself a big pot of green tea! Works for me
    = )

    Also, keep those snacks that you are likely to binge on out of the house!