2016 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • vczK2t
    vczK2t Posts: 309 Member
    epw2594 wrote: »
    I would love to have a mentor! I'm 5"8, 210 Ibs and looking to make a SERIOUS change. I'm fed up of being depressed over my weight- and want to make 2016 the year I lose it for good!

    i would LOVE to be your mentor. I am shorter than you, but I am very encouraging and will tell you my struggles if they help you.
  • chassp8pooh
    chassp8pooh Posts: 131 Member
    I am looking for a mentor ! I am 23 and weigh 245 lbs, I am disgusted with myself. I have used this site before and lost 35 lbs, but was recently diagnosed with pcos and am having a hard time. Thank you in advance :)

    Check out my post to see if we mesh. I'd love to help another PCOSer.
  • pessxx
    pessxx Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi, I'm Monica, my starting weight is 254 and I would like to reach 165 lbs
    I am positive and struggling just that I don't know to much about MFP , I am willing to learn , keep my counting calories and doing the exercise daily.I already started but don't know if things are done correctly

    I would like to have a mentor because I like cooperating and reaching my goals together with a motivation person , feel that this will motivate me more and that sharing the everyday fight for success will have a positive result for me
    Thanks a lot!!
  • devereueattcddotie
    Hi, I am looking for a mentor. I am seriously dedicated, no fads, want to work hard, train hard and get the nutrition right. Am interested in weights, HIIT etc as I enjoy them. I was incredibly toned but lost definition and gained weight after returning to complete a masters and am finding it difficult to get back on track. Any help would be appreciated- I'm looking for a challenge!
  • albri2sn
    albri2sn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I just signed up today and would like a mentor. I'm 22 years old, 5'3, and 175 lb. I've lost weight before using Weight Watchers but lost all motivation after having a family member pass away and then the holidays were shortly after. This time I am committed to losing weight and becoming healthy but it's hard to start.

    I would like a mentor to help with the process and to keep myself accountable.
  • cmccann4394
    cmccann4394 Posts: 6 Member
    Looking for a mentor if anyone is willing :) Thanks!
  • nitinb7
    nitinb7 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello guys,

    I am a noob based in Singapore and am looking for a mentor. I'm single and cannot cook - so I eat out. My goal is to drop 7 kilograms and become fitter. I realise it is a tall order but I have no problems with eating any food (will eat lettuce for dinner if needed).

    My problems are - finding healthy food that does not add to my pounds, I like variety and curries too. I also wish there is something really easy (5-7 minutes effort) that I can cook up at home. I tend to be hungry a lot and snack unhealthy - so I am trying to discover how to keep those carbs and cholesterol away. I heard regular healthy snacking is good as it increases metabolism and burns food. In parallel I am trying to start my paltry gym schedule.

    I'd love to have a mentor AND also a buddy who is doing this. I'll provide the motivation in return!

    Cheers guys and girls!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I am back in the ring! If you think you might need my support after reading my introduction, please don't hesitate to PM me. :)
  • evivahealth
    evivahealth Posts: 571 Member
    Hello! I'd love to be a mentor/buddy for someone needing a bit of support. I've been using MFP for over 4 years (omgoodness!) so I'd like to think I know the ins and outs pretty well.

    I started out on here at 90kg and am now sitting at about 64kg. Since starting, I've gone through plateaus, gains and loss phases and like to think of the last years as practicing skills that I'll need to enjoy a long and happy maintenance for the rest of my life. I'm looking to get to my goal weight by the end of the year and am currently working on developing a bit more muscle definition and kicking those last 5 kilos.

    I'm not into crazy self-deprivation and wouldn't have gotten as far as I have without practicing a bit of moderation. That being said, when I started out I was desperately unhappy with myself and probably would have tried anything to get rid of the weight fast. I know what it's like to be sad and unhappy but also determined to make a difference - which is maybe how some noobs out there are feeling right now. Power to you noobs and congrats on taking the first step by getting on here!

    Cooking and eating real food
    Getting outside for walks
    People being their own #1 fan!

    Let me know if you would like some support and be a buddy for me too!
  • ChelseaSmile22
    ChelseaSmile22 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey gang. I am looking for a mentor! I am a young professional who had previously been able to lose the weight but had trouble keeping it off. I am looking for new and positive ways to ensure I keep the weight off this time and motivate me to reach my fitness goals. :)
  • meaghan2008
    meaghan2008 Posts: 401 Member
    Hi guys! I would love to have a mentor ! I am 26 from NC. I'm a school teacher and going to graduate school full time. My struggle area is the food part. I need help with getting my meals. I graduate hopefully next summer ( Summer 2017) and Id love to lose some pounds before I walk across that stage. :smiley: So please feel free to add me whoever would be interested in being my Mentor :) Peace.
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    Hey gang. I am looking for a mentor! I am a young professional who had previously been able to lose the weight but had trouble keeping it off. I am looking for new and positive ways to ensure I keep the weight off this time and motivate me to reach my fitness goals. :)
    I can understand your pain! Please see below and let me know if you think we'd get along:
    zcb94 wrote: »
    I'd be honored to help a few young ladies get healthy in 2016. As a mentor, I might not know much about nutrition or fitness, but I can relate to certain experiences and will gladly cheer on/encourage anyone who needs it/be a listening ear when needed, especially from a Christian perspective. I've logged faithfully for quite a while, gained control of diabetes and lost a total of 60 lbs despite having to "do life" from a wheelchair. Before getting a major wound, I loved to ride a horse and use one of those hand-bike machine thingamajigs for exercise (and used to play/love baseball), and I believe that all food is safe for dieters as long as you're not allergic/intolerant to it (I'm looking at you, chocolate and fries!). If you think you might need me, please let me know! :)
  • rmartin1437
    rmartin1437 Posts: 8 Member
    I am a 5'8" 186 lb 29 year old looking for a mentor. I'm not looking for a drill sargent nor do I want my hand held. Just someone to talk to through struggles and victories.
    I started calorie counting and daily exercise June 27th and I have lost 21 lbs. I do not go to the gym nor do I have any equipment. My number one workout is walking. I have recently started doing interval walking/running.
    I haven't had any issue staying within my calorie budget but I want to find more healthy recipes that my whole family can eat (and enjoy). I honestly do not have time to cook an entirely separate meal for just myself when I'm cooking for 5. I have a hard time with vegetables and a lot of the healthy recipes I'm finding due to severe dental problems. I usually end up eating a ton of fruits, Greek yogurt, and oatmeal, but that's not a nutrient fulfilling diet to eat all the time so if someone could help me with that I'd greatly appreciate it.
    Please help!
    Thank you.
  • DeeGrace96
    DeeGrace96 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love somebody to give me some support and advice. I have 10kgs that I need to lose and actually have no idea if I'm even doing this right. :) I wouldn't mind having some people with similar goals to mine in my circle either, I am doing this completely on my own and am really struggling with not having accountability to anybody. :)
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    DeeGrace96 wrote: »
    I would love somebody to give me some support and advice. I have 10kgs that I need to lose and actually have no idea if I'm even doing this right. :) I wouldn't mind having some people with similar goals to mine in my circle either, I am doing this completely on my own and am really struggling with not having accountability to anybody. :)
    Welcome! Please glance at my mentor bio below and let me know if you think we'd get along:
    zcb94 wrote: »
    I'd be honored to help a few young ladies get healthy in 2016. As a mentor, I might not know much about nutrition or fitness, but I can relate to certain experiences and will gladly cheer on/encourage anyone who needs it/be a listening ear when needed, especially from a Christian perspective. I've logged faithfully for quite a while, gained control of diabetes and lost a total of 60 lbs despite having to "do life " from a wheelchair. Before getting a major wound, I loved to ride a horse and use one of those hand-bike machine thingamajigs for exercise (and used to play/love baseball), and I believe that all food is safe for dieters as long as you're not allergic/intolerant to it (I'm looking at you, chocolate and fries!). If you think you might need me, please let me know! :)
  • briandabbs
    briandabbs Posts: 1 Member
    I would love a mentor if any are still available. Im looking to drop a good 50-70 lbs, and honestly need someone to help me stay on track. Im a nursing student, so I generally have a hard time focusing on anything else. However, at 29 and weighing in a 280lbs, something needs to change. I'm just SE of chicago in northwest indiana!
  • melissafougie
    melissafougie Posts: 5 Member
    edited August 2016
    Adopt me! I am 5'9, down to 202. Have lost 18 pounds already and am looking to lose another 50. I have two kids, stay at home mom, working out at the gym a few days a week and fitting in at home workouts, been logging straight time, am honest with my entries and bonus, I'm housebroken!! I still have a lot of work to be done and need an actual regiment laid out but I'm trying. Having someone who knows WTF they're talking about would be the most helpful so adopt me! I don't bite I promise :blush:
  • Khaliae
    Khaliae Posts: 40 Member
    Looking for a mentor :#

    I'm not new, but I don't see any progress and I'd like someone who will advise me and support me ( and tell me what I'm doing wrong!), so I can hopefully reach my goal.

    I'm 28, 5"4 and looking to lose 40lbs

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    edited August 2016
    Adopt me! I am 5'9, down to 202. Have lost 18 pounds already and am looking to lose another 50. I have two kids, stay at home mom, working out at the gym a few days a week and fitting in at home workouts, been logging straight time, am honest with my entries and bonus, I'm housebroken!! I still have a lot of work to be done and need an actual regiment laid out but I'm trying. Having someone who knows WTF they're talking about would be the most helpful so adopt me! I don't bite I promise :blush:
    Khaliae wrote: »
    Looking for a mentor :#

    I'm not new, but I don't see any progress and I'd like someone who will advise me and support me ( and tell me what I'm doing wrong!), so I can hopefully reach my goal.

    I'm 28, 5"4 and looking to lose 40lbs

    I would invite both of you to take a look at my mentor bio and let me know if you believe that we'd get along:
    zcb94 wrote: »
    I'd be honored to help a few young ladies get healthy in 2016. As a mentor, I might not know much about nutrition or fitness, but I can relate to certain experiences and will gladly cheer on/encourage anyone who needs it/be a listening ear when needed, especially from a Christian perspective. I've logged faithfully for quite a while, gained control of diabetes and lost a total of 60 lbs despite having to "do life " from a wheelchair. Before getting a major wound, I loved to ride a horse and use one of those hand-bike machine thingamajigs for exercise (and used to play/love baseball), and I believe that all food is safe for dieters as long as you're not allergic/intolerant to it (I'm looking at you, chocolate and fries!). If you think you might need me, please let me know! :)
  • jonmcooke79
    jonmcooke79 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm looking for help from anyone who has had success on their weight loss journey. I work in IT and with people who fit the bill with IT eating habits - junk food, fast food, and lots of snacking. I'm trying to prevent the adoption of these habits. I tend to eat emotionally out of boredom at work. What do you do to prevent snacking or eating as a result of boredom?
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