New to my fitness pal, looking for friends

Hi my name is mike. I am new here and looking to make some friends and accountability partners. as i am no stranger to diet or body building, i know that we can strengthen each other and help each other to achieve our goals. I just started a keto diet. I know this diet can be very effective with weight loss and body fat reduction. It takes dedication to achieve goals. So i will be logging all my progress on my fitness pals for others to see. Let me give you some stats about myself
5 ft. 10 inches
247 pounds as of 8/4/2016 post piss weight
body fat, stomach 25%, arms 10%, legs 10%
Please feel free to add me as i am looking for friends and accountability. I can also add you if you would like. Hope everyone has a blessed and awesome day. Stay strong and always fight temptation. Remember its only a thought until we act on it!


  • umiquet
    umiquet Posts: 69 Member
    Hey Mike!
    Good luck on your journey! Feel free to add me. I am just starting on my journey ^_^
  • misfit165
    misfit165 Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me too, need the accountability of knowing people are watching me lol
  • stephraph
    stephraph Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am also on a keto diet and would love some support and motivation.
  • TGray7
    TGray7 Posts: 1 Member
    What's up Mike! I'm on a journey to lose 30 more pounds! Let's Get it Mike! Let's encourage each other!
  • Haught2015
    Haught2015 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Mike
    Welcome to MFP :)
    Feel free to add me.
    Hope you have a successful life changing experience