Need motivation or something

Tonight felt like a binge (even though it was probably 1300 cals for the day) and I'm super down on myself about it and unsure of how to get out of the negative mindset.

What works for you to get you back on track after an upset?


  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    The best advice to give is just look at tomorrow as another day and keep on moving forward.

    How many calories do you normally consume if it felt like a binge at 1300 calories? You may be in too deep of a calorie deficit and thus making you feel this way.
  • meggoleggo89
    meggoleggo89 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you @SideSteel it means a lot to me to hear that. I appreciate it a lot. I guess I feel like I hindered my progress in trying to lose, especially since I did better with eating and having less yesterday.

    I plan on making it better tomorrow by having a little less and running. I'm trying to balance it out to keep progress going.
  • meggoleggo89
    meggoleggo89 Posts: 54 Member
    @AnthonyX150X I usually have about 1000 or sometimes less on a normal day. There are rare days where I have up to 1500 but I've lost hunger recently and get too panicked. I will definitely try to look at it as just another day and move forward with goals tomorrow!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Please don't punish yourself by trying to eat less and workout more to "make up for it" - just treat tomorrow as a new day and do whatever you would normally do to meet your regular daily goals.

    I think you'll be fine if you can manage to put it behind you and move on without letting it affect your general outlook on food.

    *hugs* too, just because everyone can use a hug now and then! :)
  • meggoleggo89
    meggoleggo89 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you @SueSueDio I appreciate your response. I will try to move past it and remember it's just another day.

    Hugs back to you! :)
  • cbstig
    cbstig Posts: 17 Member
    What helps me is knowing that gaining weight is just as hard as losing weight. They take about the same amount of time. Having 1 bad day won't negate all the hard work I've been doing. I think about that and get myself back on track!
  • meggoleggo89
    meggoleggo89 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks @cbstig that's a great outlook! I appreciate it!
  • stacylyle13
    stacylyle13 Posts: 14 Member
    A guy I look at as my coach often tells me. "If you fall down so what. Get back up." Don't let one instance turn o to a whole day. Some of have a bad habit of thinking of we slipped on one meal we have blown a whole day. If you feel like you went over, recognize it and get back right back on don't sweat it. Life has to be enjoyable. If we turn this into a struggle we make it harder to stay motivated.
  • meggoleggo89
    meggoleggo89 Posts: 54 Member
    Thank you for that @stacylyle13 ! I appreciate it a lot!! :)
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    A guy I look at as my coach often tells me. "If you fall down so what. Get back up." Don't let one instance turn o to a whole day. Some of have a bad habit of thinking of we slipped on one meal we have blown a whole day. If you feel like you went over, recognize it and get back right back on don't sweat it. Life has to be enjoyable. If we turn this into a struggle we make it harder to stay motivated.

    This is all very true!

    @meggoleggo89 You might like to reflect on how you were feeling at the time and what might have triggered this mini-binge, so you can be aware of those situations in the future and be prepared for how to deal with them? But yeah, life happens and we need to develop strategies for things like special occasions, meals out with friends, emotional ups and downs and so on. The main thing, as @stacylyle13 said, is not to think it's ruined everything and let it cause you to throw in the towel.

    How are you doing today? Feeling like you can get back on track and be positive about your journey this morning?
  • meggoleggo89
    meggoleggo89 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks @SueSueDio ! So far I'm quite a bit under my calories and will probably workout soon as well so I feel better than I did last night. I drank some coffee as well which always makes me feel better :)

    How are you doing?!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    Doing okay, thank you! I had a fun time a couple of days ago where for some reason I was absolutely ravenous and just wanted to eat all the things (not ToM, no idea what caused it), but thankfully I was back to normal the next day! I'm currently taking a short break from reduced calories so I'm glad I had the allowance to eat more. :)
  • meggoleggo89
    meggoleggo89 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm lad you had fun!!! It's needed!