Could someone explain TDEE to me?

LAMCDylan Posts: 1,214 Member
In the past I calculated my BMR, ate at a deficit, exercised, etc and lost a good amount of weight. I never took into account other calories I burned through activity and rarely ate back exercise calories. I got a fitbit a few months back and synced it with MyFitnessPal. I still confuses me a little bit but I guess it works sort of like TDEE. Over the months I have been stressed, schedule changes a bit, I get busy with activities, projects, etc. I managed to stay active when I can and get a workout in most days a week. My diet has been semi-consistent. I have not really lost or gained much. This is fine with me. I figure when under stress it is better to maintain.

Well, now I want to get back into focusing more on my weight. But I am using the Fitbit/MFP combo and I am not too comfortable with it. I am never sure if I am eating too much or too little. Because I just don't understand it. Anyway, could someone explain how TDEE works and how to calculate it? It's either this or I am going to go back to my old school way. One reason why I think I need a better method is I feel much more hungrier these days. I mean like, I feel like I am starving sometimes. I also have had a few days where I binge ate.


  • xvolution
    xvolution Posts: 721 Member
    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure. It's basically the total amount of calories you burn both from BMR [what your body burns a day just to keep running] and any activity you do.
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,214 Member
    What I did in the past was BMR, then added calculated calories burned through exercise (using a HRM), and stayed under BMR. It worked well for me. Probably could have ate a little more calories. Other than this no idea how to calculate or even guess other calories burned through activity.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Sedentary activity is estimated at a 20% increase on your BMR, then your exercise calories would come on top.

    The estimators just get you to a start point, comparing what you eat with your weight trend is the best guide to where you're at.